OT Update added!!Help Please difficult Systems!


Pixie Dust or Bust!!
Aug 25, 2000
went to the hospital with bad headache and scrabbled speech,At first DR. thought it was a stroke. I stayed overnight in the hospital went home next afternoon but went to hospital the next day and they didn't think it was a stoke now they are stumped!! then I starting having these wierd systems

my right hand starts to tingle then

the right side of face starts to tingle

then it starts to tighten up. my mouth and my eye try to get the corners to meet.

then my breathing gets fasters

my hand slowly draws up toward my chest then

Everything tightens up more till it,s done. Then

when it's over it is a big relief

I talk better after and between attacts

All this seems like a seizure sort of

Has anyone had anything this??? Any idea??? TIA!!
i don't have any ideas, just sedning Pixie Dust and prayers for you.
Good luck on whatever it is.
1. they dx a stroke 2. not a stroke 3. wierd form of bell pasly
4. panick attacts

new drugs given gemfibrozil 600mg 2xaday, Aggrenox 200 2xaday, Lisinopril 5 mg 1xaday

Then this dr I saw yesterday decides I'm to worried about all the strange things happening with my body so he gives me 2 worry free drugs Prosac and one that starts A

My speech is till slightly confused.
what would do think??
I don't know.
It sounds like the puzzle pieces they have don't come together to suggest any pictures (actual diagnosis), so until they get more puzzle pieces, they are just trying whatever seems to fit.
Just stopping by here too, Tink, to wish you well tomorrow, my prayers and best wishes are with you.

Originally posted by tink2dw

my right hand starts to tingle then

the right side of face starts to tingle

then it starts to tighten up. my mouth and my eye try to get the corners to meet.

then my breathing gets fasters

my hand slowly draws up toward my chest then

Everything tightens up more till it,s done. Then

I talk better after and between attacts

All this seems like a seizure sort of

Has anyone had anything this??? Any idea??? TIA!!

This sounds like a particular type of seizure called a "partial seizure" or "focal seizures."

From emedicine.com
Versive-smooth or jerky, tonic contractions of head and eye muscles, usually on the side contralateral to the discharge...

Symptoms ...include tingling, numbness, pain, heat, cold, agnosia, phantom sensations, or sensations of movement.

Vestibular symptoms include vertigo, a tilting sensation, and vague dizziness.

The most common cardiac manifestation of any seizure is sinus tachycardia with arrhythmias[fast, irregular heartbeat]
Some patients have chest pain or a sensation of palpitation that mimics cardiac disease.

Pupillary symptoms [such as] unilateral pupillary dilatation.

Also check out:


From the above link:
The person may feel their head drawn to one side. Sometimes their arm or hand becomes stiff and is drawn upwards. Some people then experience some jerking movements in that limb.

You can find more info with a google search.

I know a couple of people who have these seizures. They are still able to drive and everything, because they do not lose consiousness.

Good luck and lots of PD.
April- you are right that is what they finally Dx them as. As a sign that there is something wrong in my brain. 5% Infection or 95% a tumor. I go in tomorrow for a brain biopsy to see which it is. If it is the tumor then I'll have to have radition as it is right in my speech and motor centers. So it is unoperational.

I won't know anything for a few days!!
I missed your update.
Good luck on treatment.
Pixie dust, prayers and {{{hugs}}} sent your way.
More prayers and hugs here!:wave2:


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