Pending charge on cc?


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 2011
Anyone else have a pending charge from RunDisney for a race you didn't successfully register for?

I converted 2 of the pending charges to USD (as my statement is in CDN) and they match with the 10K and the CC Challenge.

BUT there is a 3rd charge....which the only other race I tried to get was 2 registrations for the 5K....but it was FULL by the time I hit "pay" button. But the amount is what the 5K would have cost....

Am I right to assume this charge will disappear? Or do I have to make a call?
That happened to me last year.

I contacted them via the runDisney website ("Contact Us" at the bottom of the webpage). They resolved it pretty quickly.

I selected the Marathon Weekend from the pull-down list. I selected Registration" as the topic.

My description was brief and I included the confirmation numbers for the successful registrations.

"Registered July27, CC statement showing double the cost/charges. Conf No.s are as follows: XXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX, & XXXXXXXXXX".

The responded to my request in under a week .

I will be doing the same again this year, but this time it is because the charge to my CC is not showing up anymore. I guess they want me to run for free!
A LOT of people got pending charges on Tuesday who didn't get registered. According the the massive FB group I'm in, it should fall off/be credited back to you within a couple days as they process all of them.


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