Question about water in our camper

Colleen A.

<font color=green>Disney Planning Maniac!<br><font
Sep 23, 1999
We just got back from camping at a state park. Usually, we can hook up directly to the water supply, but since it was a state park, we had to fill our tank when we got there. We had a really odd taste in the water. At first I thought it was just the water there, but when I tasted it a the water fountain, it was fine. Also, when you turned on the faucet and filled the glass, there were bubbles on the top (?!!) We went out and bought bottled water for the kids to drink instead. Any ideas what could of caused this to happen? We drained the tanks before we left and I hope whatever was in there is now gone.
Thanks for any help you can offer.

you most likely have winterizing chemicals or residue on your water lines that got into your fresh water, while usually harmless the taste can be bad, i would suggest you flush the water system with fresh water, you can also purchase water purifiers that can be added to the fresh water tank, a bleach mixture can also do the job.

We usually only drink bottled water and have a filter that we use for cooking water.
I agree with 'Disney Campers' . It sounds exactly like Winterizing Chemicals. It won't harm you, but it does suds up, and tastes poorly.
We have used the camper recently (in the driveway!) when out of state relatives were visiting (not enough room in the house for my family and their family of 6 plus my father) and were hooked up directy to the hose from the house. There wasn't any problem then. Is the same tank used when you have a direct hook up or fill your tank and use your pump? We're still pretty new at rv-ing.
Typically, no, the fresh water tank is not used when you hook up to city water. We always flush out the fresh water tank before each trip, and still take bottled water for drinking. When we hook up to city water we have a filter that hooks up to the hose, and that seems to help with the taste.

Hope this helps!

Try a bleach and water mixture to flush out the holding tank. You can also buy a chemical at a local camper, or marine store. If it isn't winterizing chemicals, then it could be an algae bloom starting. CAMPINGCORGI is right, a direct hookup DOES NOT flush the holding tank, it bypasses it, and goes direstly to the fresh water lines. Typically the hot water heater continues to use the holding tank, so be carefull not to run the holding tank dry, and burn out your hot water heater element. We always run our unit off the holding tank to keep the water 'turning over' to hekp pervent stale water, or an algae bloom.

When you are done flushing the system with the beach, and water, make sure you flush again several times using just water. Further, I would advise against using a regular garden hose with your camper. That type of hose will allow algae to form inside, and pass the algae in to your camper's system. A special white hose sold at Walmart or any camper store, is made of a special plastic for boats and campers that inhibits the growth of algae and mildew.

Good luck
One added thing, another reason why you should NOT use the direct hook up to the water supply, is water preasure. Many campsites and marinas typically have their preasure as high as 110 lbs PSI to accomodate peak water usage. Your camper or boat is tested only to 70 lbs. PSI. Thus, using a direct hookup without a preasure regulator can burst your fresh water lines ! Especially when you are not there attending to your camper. I have witnessed several boats 'sinking' in their slips, while the owners are away, do to this problem. You can buy a preasure regulator for as little as $25, which could eliminate this hazard.
I know this probably was not your problem, since you were using your freshwater tank. I just wanted to remind campers about airing our your hoses...sometimes mold can build up in your hose..we had that happen to us after about 3 years..and it clogged our screen filter..and tasted horrible. We also just thought it was bad water...but when we went to the next campground and it was tasting funny(we had been to FW before and never had water taste problems) WE knew it was our hose....and it really was...jsut a thought...
Thanks for all your help and advice!
I'll be sure to have DH flush out the tank this weekend. While we're at it, we'll pick up the proper hose! We have a really long garden hose and have been using that. I never thought about the difference is water pressure before. I would not want to flood out the camper that's for sure. We do have a filter on the kitchen sink which helps with the different tasting water but nothing would help that water!! Oh yeah, one final question....what is the bleach to water ratio for cleaning out the system?

I would use 1 oz of liquid chlorine bleach for every 30 gals. I would put the bleach in first, then top off the holding tank, let it sit for hour or two, drain by running every faucet and shower head to run the soultion through the pipes. I would then fill up the holding tank with just water, using a new, clean hose, and drain in the same manner as before. I would repeat this process several times to assure complete removal of the bleach. The hose should be the white (sanitized type) commonly found in camper, or marine stores. I know that Walmart carries these in their camper aisle located in their automotive section.

Make sure your water heater is OFF, so that you do not burn out the element. During this proceedure.

If I am wrong about the bleach to water ratio, would someone please correct me here !!! But, 1 oz. per 30 gals. sounds about right to me.
The right proportions of chlorine to water should be in the book that came with the camper. To get rid of the chlorine taste, rinse it with a solution of vinegar and water. Vinegar is an acid, and bleach is a base, so they cancel each other out.
Just to add to all the information already given.

According to my instructions from my trailer, the following is how to sanitize your potable water (I was looking something else up and remembered your question):

1. Multiple “gallons of tank capacity” by 0.13; the result is the ounces of bleach needed to sanitize the tank (approx 5 ounces for 40 gal).
2. Mix into solution the proper amount of bleach within a container of water.
3. Pour the solution (water/bleach) into the tank and fill the tank with potable water.
4. Open ALL faucets (hot/cold) allowing the water to run until the distinct odor of chlorine is detected.
5. Standard solution must have 4 hrs of contact time to disinfect completely. Doubling the solution concentration allows for contact time of 1 hr.
6. When contact time is complete, drain the tank. Refill with potable water and purge the plumbing of all sanitizing solution.

** In conformance with the approved procedures of RVIA ANSI A119.2 and the US Public Health Service.

It recommends sanitizing prior to storing and before using the water system after a period of storage.

I noticed something in the water heater information about “rotten egg-sulfur” smell as well and how to clean it.

Do you have manuals? We always take water from home as well.

Kermit: I liked the idea of using the vinegar to get rid of the chlorine smell as well!
Thanks so much! You guys are a great help! I showed DH all the wonderful response and he loved it. He said next time he has a camping question, he's going to have me ask you guys! You get better information faster than you would calling an rv store (who would naturally try to get you to buy something while you were there) I know what DH will be doing this weekend!:bounce:

Your welcome! That's why I love these boards. Gotta question?? Someone has the answer!

We're going camping this w/e so I'm going to clean our water tank as well. Now, I gotta get bleach, a funnel, etc....

We had a problem yesterday with the lights on the camper. The hazards, turn signals, tail lights worked, but the brake lights and side lights didn't (that's why I had my trailer manual out and thought of your question as well). DH found a wire under the van had rusted off. Everything's fine now, thankfully!

Happy camping!


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