Quick Service Food & Beverage


College Program CM 2006
Oct 1, 2005
Hey everyone!!!! I got accepted into the WDWCP and I am so excited! The only thing is, is that I am kind of bummed I didn't get my first choices. :sad:
I got QSF&B and I almost wanted to cry because I heard that it was such a bad job to get. But I am still happy that I got accepted for Spring Advantage '06!

Did anyone else get QSF&B? I would love to chat with people who have had the job or were also assigned it.
I'm worried people with "better" jobs will look down on me. I know, I'm kind of paranoid :rolleyes:
I just want to have a fun time with people that will like me for who I am and etc.... I look forward to seeing you all down there! :teeth:

AIM or Msn me anytime! I'd love to chat!
AIM = puretragedy112
MSN = puretragedy112 (at) hotmail (dot com)
I don't think people will look down on you. Especially if you're selling them ice cream or frozen bananas.
Don't worry. I am a housekeeping CP. People always give me sad looks like "oh, poor you" and say things like "how does that make you feel?" and "that must be really tough on you". I think a lot of people must realize that I'm from a financially comfortable family and think that I think I am working so below me. I get a lot of comments about being a 21 yr old housekeeper climbing out of a Volvo. Whoops. Not my fault. I love housekeeping. It is humbling, but really a lot of fun.

Anyway, they don't look down on you. There are a lot of people in QSFB, and CPs work in all roles. The "good" roles are scarse so few people have them. All the roles end up having perks. And they all have down sides.

Who cares what they think anyway?
I met a guy at Animal Kingdom selling water at the Tarzan show and let me tell you, he was having the time of his life! He really is what I remember about that vacation. He was so friendly and was dancing and even sat down right next to us and started talking with us. He made our week! I think what people say is true...you make your own fun and I know you will- it's WDW!
I am so happy you made in into the program! No matter what, you're gonna have a great time ::MickeyMo
I didn't get my first choice when I applied for the College Program and I also didn't get my first choice when I went out for a Professional Internship, but it has worked out well for me. I love what I do here at Disney and you need to just have pride in whatever you are doing. This company is amazing and the opportunities here are endless. So, just remember that no matter what your role ends up being while down here you are still an important part of a huge company that makes magic for thousands of people every single day. Each and every role is important, so it doesn't really make a big difference which specific role you're assigned. You will still be there for the guests and helping create sparks of magic! :wizard:
Aww thank you guys sooooo much for your input!!! I feel very lucky to be going and I absolutely cannot wait to go work and play at Disney!!!! :teeth:
Hey Jenny! I got QSF&B too. I was kinda bummed, but we're going! And I was accepted for Sping Advantage too!! Maybe we'll end up working togthere! :) When's your arrival date? Mine is Jan. 25th!!! i'm so excited!!!! :Pinkbounc
Im in the program right now, doing quick service food and beverage at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. It hasnt been all its cracked up to be but its not that bad. You get paid 50 cents more which is a plus. if you have any questions about QSF&B or about the program just ask or feel free to IM me (CNickGrL)

Paradise_disney, I heard you get free drinks while you're working... is that just a rumor? I'm trying not to expect that much because then I won't be disappointed, lol. I do expect it to be like, regular hard work but I'm hoping I'll still have lotsa fun around the parks :)
I haven't been to WDW in five years and it was the best time I had in my entire life, so I just can't wait to go back and be reminded of those times!
Yea you do get free drinks while you are working. Are you planning on driving or flying out to FL? I drove with a friend out here we both thought sharing a car wouldnt be hard, well needless to say i ended up flying back home and driving my car back out here to use. The buses are ok but nothing beats having a car. You do have alot of fun at the parks but ive been here since aug 22nd and i think ive gone to the parks maybe 6 times, and even then it was towards the end of the night so i didnt get to do much, but it is so much fun when you are there. the fireworks are amazing! we go mostly to see them. :) Do you have any idea where you want to work? a resort or a park?
I live in Califorina so I have to fly out. And I am hoping to work in Epcot or one of the parks... but I guess it doesn't really matter....
I was also accepted for spring 2006 quick service food and beverage (checking in Jan. 6).. it wasn't my first choice either but from what I can tell.. there really is no BAD jobs there. My good friend is my campus rep. and three of her roomates last spring were in qsfb adn everyone loved it! Plus.. we get paid $.50 more than everyone else :sunny:
All of us QSF&B people should get together for dinner one night! We can have like our own club or something... lol.


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