Rain? How bad

Elaine Guidi

Mar 1, 2002
I have been checking the weather and must say it isn't looking good, the first 4 days are showing Light Rain 60 % precipitation and variety of Showers 30%/40% precipitation. How bad could this be, are we talking whole day of light rain, odd showers, or worst case scenario, absolutely pouring with rain all day, meaning we get completely soaked and that going to the parks will be a bad idea? Help, feel quite depressed now.
Don't fret too much. Look at it this way, if there's a 30/40% chance of rain, there's a 60/70% chance of no rain. Also it seems like the forecasts for Flordia weather are constantly changing.

As for what to do if it rains, there is so much you can do in the parks while it's raining that it doesn't have to ruin your trip. Sure, if it's raining there will be attractions closed such as test track. Try to hit the outdoor attractions during periods of good weather in case you don't have an opportunity later on. Pack an extra pair of shoes so that if you do get soaked, you can let them dry out the next day. When going to the parks, bring a poncho and a pair of extra socks.

The way I look at it is I'd rather be walking in the rain at WDW than sitting at work looking out the window at sun. Have fun!!
Cheer up, Elaine! Remember, you're going to be at DISNEY WORLD!!!:p :p :p

When we went in December two years ago, it rained on and off for two days. To top that off, temps were in the 30s! It wasn't that bad, though. We just put our ponchos on and toughed it out. Most line areas are covered, and many attractions are inside. This is especially true of Epcot, so if it's an especially soggy day, you might be better off there.

BTW, get your ponchos before you leave--anything but yellow. You would not believe the sea of yellow ponchos at the MK on a rainy day! :eek:
I was starting to feel upset for the same reason (we leave on Tuesday), but you guys have cheered me up. Thank you.

I'm going to DISNEYWORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Pinkbounc :smooth:
I live in St. Petersburg and it's an El Nino year, so it may rain more than usual. But, Disney is perfectly great in the rain. MGM is a great park during the rain because most of the attractions are indoors, with the exception of Fantasmic. However, 30-40% chance usually ends up just a little rain here and there, not lasting very long.
We were in the World 12/8-12/14 and it rained every day! :rolleyes: It rained all day a couple of days (which the CM's kept telling us NEVER happens in Florida ;) ) Y'know what...the trip was still AWESOME!! :wave:

We have a lot of great pictures of us in yellow ponchos, but we went every day and did whatever we had planned. The worst day was at AK...and a wonderful (and still smiling) CM told us that AK was the 'worst' park to do in the rain. We had a great time :D

The weather does affect some things. No Illuminations or fireworks if there is lightning or heavy rain. The parades are called if it is raining too hard (one day they delayed the afternoon parade at MK, but it ended up happening a little bit late) and they couldn't do the bird show at AK (we went back another day for that...and it was sooooo worth the second trip).

Chin up...it might be sunny (the weather men/ladies try, but it's not an exact science ;) ) And...even if it does rain...you will have a great time. I know from some soggy experience!
we are arriving next Saturday and I just pulled out our Goretex pants to pack, can't wait to be there!
We were also there 12/6 thru 12/14! Rain? Yes, but we had a great DISNEY time anyway. The forcasted temps look like about the same as we had. I wore teva sandals and they were perfect. DH wore sneakers and he wished he would have taken sandals. We took a couple pairs of 99-cent ponchos, then tossed them before leaving for home. But we bought a disney poncho anyway for a souvenier! We even took (and used) our cameras - there are lots of spots under cover.
I have to say that we had a great time at Epcot on the worst all-day-of-rain. It was pouring heavily in the evening...but one of the most memorable parts of that week was talking to the CMs in the UK that night. They seem to be the most friendly people. We were so sure they would cancel Illuminations, but the show went on! We had so much fun sitting in the outside cafe area at the PUB - they had a clear canvas up all around the cafe with heaters to keep it warm. We ate dinner out there, too. Mos of the time we were the only ones out there, and we felt like we got special DISNEY treatment.
We saw everything and did everything we wanted to do.:p
The forecast changes all the time, so don't worry .... you will have a wonderful time!:bounce:
Disney World is beautiful in any weather!
I would like to add a bit of advice...

First of all...bring an extra pair of shoes. It's good to start off the day in dry shoes. Second of all...carry extra socks with you in your fanny pack/backpack/purse (especially for any kids). It rained so hard we one day that we had to run back to AKL and change (only 30 minutes round trip...yeah WDW busses :D ) , but once we headed back just to get dry socks. I saw the post about sandals. Depending on temps...that might be a great idea. It was a little cool for sandals when we were there. If you are staying offsite...I would bring a change of dry clothes and leave them in the lockers. Hate to waste too much time if you get too wet :)

Again...it will be magic...even if you are wet...I promise :)


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