New Haunted Mansion Queue -Pics post 25 and complete description post 26

Subbing to hear more reports about how the loading will go :goodvibes
In one side and out the other of the stretching room (they widened the "Servants Entrance" I heard), and then in the exit if you can't transfer sounds like it might work.
I just came back last night from a trip to WDW. We did the Haunted Mansion with a scooter and a stroller/wheelchair. All scooters and wheelchairs were being routed through the exit. We did not do the stretching room. We did have a Guest Assistance Pass and showed it to the CM. I, personally, was glad to go through the exit and not do the stretching room. This is not my favorite ride but my 5 year old wanted to try it. She did not like it (a little scary for her) so I was glad to pass on the stretching room for her benefit.
Okay, we went through it today and it was similar to what was described above. Ironically, the new interactive part wasn't open, but the queue itself will work the same I would imagine.

The walkways are pretty wide, as shown here (DD is in her traveling chair, which is a pretty "standard" size adult chair). DD did not like the cobblestone walkways.


There are no more turnstiles! However, it's a tight fit to get into the door.


Also, the CM tells you to stay all the way to the right in the first entryway...the problem is that it is super dark inside and hard to see until your eyes adjust. DD almost banged her right hand trying to stay against the right wall. I could see someone in a power chair hitting their joystick.

We were the last ones out of the first room, into the stretching room where we stayed all the way to the left (there are CMs to give instructions). Then, as posted above, if you can stand/walk for 2-3 minutes you join the regular line. If not, you go down a short hallway to the exit and board there (that's where you pick up the transfer car).

Anyway, we were bummed we didn't get to see the new interactive features but all in all I'm impressed with the improvements. Especially since riding Space Mountain continues to be a death defying feat even after the refurb there.

I was at Haunted Mansion today and rode twice.

The biggest thing is they have done away with use of the Servant's Quarters for people with disabilities.

I was in my ECV and went through the regular line. I was given a choice to see the Graveyard or not; I choose one time with and the other without.

They have added some interactive features within the queue; these are all accessible to a person in a chair/ECV. As this is currently in a "soft opening" situation people can go either way. Eventually everyone will be routed that way. After the Graveyard, the two lines merge. I was told to stay to the far right after the merge.

People in chairs (and their groups) are held to be the last to enter the stretching room. This is for safety reasons. I almost did not see my headlight on the floor as the carpeting is so dark.

After exiting the stretching room I was asked if I could transfer, walk for five minutes, and do a moving walkway. After I said yes, I was asked to take my key and follow the queue into a Doom Buggy, and my ECV magically appeared outside the Exit.

I stopped for a couple of minutes and talked to the Host before I got out of my ECV. I asked the procedure if I could not walk for a few minutes.

A person who cannot walk is directed through a doorway at that point which takes them to the exit area. The moving belt and attraction can be stopped so they can safely board. There is one Doom Buggy that is transfer accessible, so someone like Bill would be able to transfer from his wheelchair to/from the accessible Buggy.

Unfortunately, due to hills, there is no way that a person in a chair who cannot transfer may ride.

Note I did see some people with GACs being directed to the Exit and skipping the queue entirely.

And, as a side note, the hitchhiking ghosts are currently not joining the Guests in their Doom Buggies, but the will again soon in the future.
Thanks for the info!

I think this will actually be an improvement overall for me. I really like seeing the stretching room so that'a big plus. This will be another, go through the regular line then wait in a second line, type of thing for those who can't walk far. But at least it should make that second line shorter than the old HC line was. The old line would get backed up but the new second line will have fewer people because some will choose the option to board at the regular boarding area.
Yep, it worked great from us and I posted a couple pics in the other HM thread. The only thing DD didn't like was when you entered the first room it is much darker and harder to see as your eyes adjust to the light. She came very close to bumping her right hand because she was trying to stay all the way to the right wall like they told her to. Still, a big improvement and the whole queue is flat, so no awkward stops on ramps.

I am curious if my husband would be allowed to carry our son to the Doom Buggy. Can it be slowed long enough to do this? Brian is rather awkward to carry. Karen
I am curious if my husband would be allowed to carry our son to the Doom Buggy. Can it be slowed long enough to do this? Brian is rather awkward to carry. Karen

Karen, it can be stopped. It gets stopped for my girls to transfer from their chairs and back to them.

Karen, it can be stopped. It gets stopped for my girls to transfer from their chairs and back to them.

Yes, it was always able to be stopped.
The moving walkway can be stopped at the exit as Cheshire Figment mentioned. Guests who can’t do the moving walkway will need to board there.
I'm so glad to hear they can stop the walkway from moving. DH is still new to having a prosthetic leg and will have his scooter (or wheelchair); he can transfer but walking on the moving walkway would probably not be a good thing.

I'm so glad to hear they can stop the walkway from moving. DH is still new to having a prosthetic leg and will have his scooter (or wheelchair); he can transfer but walking on the moving walkway would probably not be a good thing.


Even before the recent renovation, they were able to slow or stop the moving walkway. They typically slow it if you board at the exit with a wheelchair or ECV. For many people, that is all they need. Don't be shy about asking for a full stop if that's what he needs. My DD can't walk at all, so we do ask for a stop and we bring her wheelchair right ip on the walkway.


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