Rudest Thing You've seen at WDW


Earning My Ears
Sep 9, 2014
I've got two. Once while waiting in line for a bus at our resort, a girl about 6 who was in her own powerchair got stuck on the bus lift. It wouldn't go all the way down. There was a family in front of us waiting and a family behind us. The dad in front of us got so angry about this he was yelling and cursing and punched the pole at the bus stop. The dad behind us and my DH got her chair off the lift and the man in front of us stormed off to another bus. When we got on our bus the dad was like yeah that's no how I want my kids to learn to behave.
2nd was at MK. We were going around the circle in the bus stop and we got held up. There was an ambulance stopped there and a man on a stretcher who looked very unwell. A woman on the bus was getting so mad screaming and carrying on about how she was going to be late to her dinner ressie and making fun of the looks of the medical staff helping the man. :crazy2:


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