San Francisco to Ponder Marijuana Cultivation


<font color=green>Emerald Angel<br><font color=mag
May 12, 2001
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - San Francisco officials want their city to go to pot -- literally.
The leaders of this liberal West Coast bastion are proposing that the city get into the marijuana growing business -- and use the program as agricultural job training for the unemployed.
Under a measure approved by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Monday, voters will be asked in November whether the city should look into ways to begin growing medical marijuana for sick people -- in direct defiance of federal laws banning the drug.
"If the federal government insists on standing in our way locally, we must take matters into our own hands and protect the lives of our community members and protect their right to access life-saving medicine," said city Supervisor Mark Leno, who sponsored the measure approved by city leaders Monday.
Under Leno's proposal, voters will be offered a November ballot measure which would direct the municipal government to study how to grow and supply pot for patients who qualify to use it under California's landmark medicinal marijuana law of 1996.
That law -- which led to "medical marijuana clubs" being established across the state -- has been repeatedly challenged in court by federal officials, who say flatly that marijuana remains illegal.
Many of California's marijuana clubs have shut down voluntarily, while others have been closed by federal raids. Leno said getting the city government involved could help to take the pressure off local suppliers.
"I think the federal government and the Bush Administration has bigger fish to fry right now than continuing to bust local clubs," Leno said.
He said San Francisco has plenty of places where it could grow marijuana, and could even use the program as agricultural job training for the unemployed.
"We have a lot of land. That's not going to be a problem," Leno told the San Francisco Chronicle.
But federal officials cautioned that San Francisco would be picking a serious legal fight if it sought to turn its vacant lots into pot farms.
"Cultivation, possession and distribution of marijuana is illegal under the Controlled Substances Act -- federal law," Richard Meyer, spokesman for the DEA's regional office in San Francisco, told the newspaper.
"Unless Congress changes the law and makes marijuana a legal substance, then we have to do our job and enforce the law, whether or not it's popular," Meyer said.
Sounds like the Board of Supervisors have been smoking their own proposed crop. I'm actually for legalization, but the city has no business intentionally passing a law in direct conflict federal law.
Marijuana being illegal is totally ridiculous. Alcohol should be made illegal first. My 25 year old nephew is about to undergo chemotherapy. It should be a simple matter for him, or anyone else, to obtain smokable marijuana to help him through. So many people could benefit from the medicinal properties of this plant that nature provides!
d.kurz - I agree. I'm curious, do you think San Francisco's proposed action is a good idea? I not looking for a debate, I would just like to hear your opinion.
WDWhound: I would hope that this situation might force an INTELLIGENT discussion of this issue. As opposed to a discussion fraught with fear and ignorance of this horrible substance :rolleyes:.

Yes, I think the idea is good. But I'd never encourage anyone to break the law. :D :D

BTW...I am convinced that the legalization of marijuana is many, many years away.
Fear? Ignorance? I must have missed that part. ;)

Thanks for the feedback. I agree with you that legalization is a long way away, but I hope that at least medical usage can be approved by the federal government more quickly. Sadly, I think the actions like the one San Francisco is taking will only put the government on a defensive, thus further postponing legalization on a federal level.

Thanks again.
LOL Jason.

I agree with WDWHound, this is a matter for the federal government and not a city. I know with our fed government, we have a facility set up to grow pot for medicinal purposes. Not sure how that is panning out though.
Legal marijuana??

*clutches pearls* won't somebody please think of the children??
@bcla lives in San Francisco he might know of any recent developments.

You would have got 10/10 for troll if gumbo didn't bump his own zombie thread.
@bcla lives in San Francisco he might know of any recent developments.

Actually in a suburb near San Francisco. Closer to Berkeley. San Francisco itself is relatively small. I personally have never smoked anything nor want to smoke, but I certainly don't care if someone chooses to do so in a setting where nobody has to deal with secondhand smoke.

I don't know if it went anywhere, but the principal is no longer in the employ of the City and County of San Francisco. He's a state assemblyman now.

San Francisco really hasn't taken the lead with marijuana in the area. The city of Oakland is the undisputed leader. There's a section of downtown nicknamed "Oaksterdam" where there are multiple medical marijuana dispensaries, as well as Oaksterdam University.

We just passed a recreational marijuana legalization voter initiative in California, so a lot of this may be moot anyways.

For the most part, local law enforcement has been pretty understanding of pot farms around the primary growing regions in Humboldt, Mendocino, and Del Norte Counties. They can't stop the federal government from doing their own enforcement actions though.

The bigger issue may be with illegal grows on government property than on private land. It's cheaper when they don't actually have to buy or lease land, and there's little worry about despoiling the environment. Mexican cartels are apparently the largest group doing this. Hikers have come across illegal grows in national parks and national forests. Often they're guarded by heavily armed security. They'll do things like trailblaze roads, divert streams for irrigation, poison animals that might damage the plants, and use large amounts of pesticides.
Real talk though

I didn't like pot when I was in my misspent youth, don't like the smoke and it just made me paranoid.

That said, I'm increasingly seeing these television characters with vape pens or edibles and supposedly it can help with anxiety if you get the right strain? Or something? So I kind of wish I was in one of these more progressive states, as I'd rather not take benzos for my occasional panic attacks.

I was going to say "anyone have experience with this?" but I'm guessing no one's going to admit it on this particular site. :)
I am in the construction business and there are a whole bunch of Growing facilities going in. Cities make a lot of money off them. Working on two brand new buildings right now, 100,000 sq ft.


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