Seeking point use advice


Earning My Ears
Mar 3, 2005
DW and I bought 350 SSR point right before the price increase last summer. Being stationed overseas, we haven't used them yet. Our use year is September. Though I'm dying to go "home", I prefer not to go to WDW in the hot, crowded summer when we are due to rotate from here. My thoughts were to bank our as yet unused 2005 points to 2006 and double up the points for a bigger, longer trip in fall 2006 when we get to go home for a short time to the US. We haven't received our info packets as yet from DVC who sent them to DM (we bought while overseas and all info was sent there) so I'm plotting my course from info on these boards.
Flaw#1. We get posted to another place in the world's boonies and its not feasible to get to WDW from there. (We have bid on South and Central America but Uncle Sam doesn't always cooperate). If I bank in February 2006 (to bank 100%) and get posted to God Knows Where (GKW), after Feb, and want to hit WDW this summer anyway, can I borrow 2006 points, even though I banked 2005 points?
(correct me if I'm misunderstanding, but I believe once you bank points from say 2005, you can't use them in 2005?)
Anyone have ideas on how to "strategerize" the use of my points.
In sum: We will (hopefully) know in December-January where we get assigned next. I would prefer to go in Fall, but if its summer or nothing, we'll go in summer (if it was a scenario where going to WDW in 2006 was unlikely, due to onward assignment, I'd try and double up my points in 2005 and get a trip in before getting shipped off again). Use year is September, so February is deadline to bank. I'm curious if I'm limiting my options.
Any thoughts, ideas, input welcome.
Well, you could bank the current 350 points for use in fall 2006. At that point, you couldn't book a ressie using those 350 points until Sept 1, 2006 or after (up until those points expire on Aug 31, 2007).

However, if you ended up taking a vacation sooner than Sep 1, 2006, you would still have the option to borrow points from your 2006 allocation. When you borrow those points from the '06 UY they have to be used by Aug 31, 2006. Once borrowed they can't be returned (ie can't be banked).

If you will likely know your next destination by December or January, I would definitely wait until then to decide on banking or not. Because points that are banked can't be used in the 2005 use year, you will want to be sure you aren't useing them before you decide to bank them. You COULD borrow from the '06 use year if you did bank them and then decide to go in summer. Once you know your destination for the service, I would make your WDW plans ASAP so you can get the resort and size unit you want. If you are thinking October/November, those ressies are going to fill up fast in another month, because that is the F&W festival and very popular with DVC owners.


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