Solo Tips?


Studios Superman
Mar 8, 2002
I'm going on my first solo trip(i've been to WDW maaaaany time before this trip) and would like to know any good tips for folks going solo....such as pitfalls to avoid, things to do, etc. Thanks in advance :)
The biggest solo tip I can think of regards solo sit-down dining. For my first 4 trips, I just couldn't be comfortable with sit-down dining. Then I tried bringing a little notebook and pen with me, and using the time to jot notes to myself on where I'd been, impressions, what I'd eaten, where I wanted to go, etc. As a little side note: it was funny one time at Norway-I guess the server thought I was an undercover reviewer working for Disney, making notes on everything. So I got excellent service!
The other tip I can think of offhand is "if you see a chair and want to sit, go for it! Want to ride that train just pulling into the station? Go ahead!" I remember one night walking along the Boardwalk and the Friendship boat came along. I suddenly realized "Hey, I've never ridden the boat at night", so over to the dock I went. What was funny was that the CM was going down the line to see where everyone was going, so he'd know where to stop. When he got to me "Where are you going?" "For a ride on the boat!" Everyone laughed-you don't always have to plan in Disney.
I agree with Simba's Mom.. dining and your comfort need to be thought about. I was ok with standard sitdown, but decide I was uncomfortable with the "group dining" in Germany, I also came to the conclusion, if I didn't like something move on, nobody else to tell me I'm not following the plan.

My other tip, since I am usually the one making it magical for everyone else, enjoy watching the magic, and make it magical for yourself. What I mean by that is I spent 1/2 an hour one day just watching Wes Palm in AK he was great! I also was trying to photograph hidden mickeys. Since I was alone, I could wait and do what I want. I would ask CM's "is it possible to sit in the front of the boat/car for picture taking" (I was prepared for a no) I was always told sure, it will be just a minute. They would skip me and put me in the front of the next boat/car.

Going solo was magical. I was a little hesitant at first about being in such a fmily place without my family but I loved it and can't wait to go again.!

Having just finished a fourth solo trip (with a 5th planned for this November), hopefully I can throw some good advice your way. Now, don't get me wrong, I love going with family, but it's also a blast going solo too. This may sound selfish, but you get to do what you want when you want, go where you want, when you want, see what you want to see, dine where you want to dine, do an attraction 10 times if you want or skip it all together. Some of the things I get the opportunity to do is to experience some of the best sit-down restaurants at WDW. Another plus is that, since I'm an early riser anyway, I can hit the parks on MH days, do what I want to do, then either grab a meal in that park or head back to my resort or to another resort, have lunch, relax by the pool, then head over to a different park later in the day. I've seen all the afternoon parades, so I typically don't bother seeing them again (although I did watch the Share parade one day on my last trip). I like getting a good seat for Spectro, Wishes, Fantasmic or Illuminations, so to sit for an hour or hour & half to wait in a good spot is no problem for me.

Solo Tips:
1. If you are not a big breakfast eater, bring it with you (such as NutraGrain bars, PopTarts, etc.). Also, bring some snacks with you and make sure to throw some in your bag as you head out. I found myself eating a Nutra bar at like 6am, then by 10am grab a snack out of my bag. This also comes in handy waiting for evening shows/parades to start & saves $$.
2. Spilt your days up between parks. I found myself hitting a MH park each day, then leaving in the early PM, relax at the resort, then head to another park later in the day. I found that by splitting up the day, I did not feel like I was trying to do too much of the first park in a day.
3. Make sure to take a break during the day. You are going to do a ton of walking, and your tootsies will thank you for the break. Take a dip in the pool, soak in the hot tub, relax in your room, or give a watermouse a try (MK area is great for this).
4. Dine where you want to. Who cares if it's a character meal? You're there to be a big kid like everyone else, so enjoy!!! I did the Crystal Palace twice on my last visit (once for lunch & once for dinner) and had a great time. Another fabulous place to dine is the California Grill. This is great!! Try to get a 7:30pm (if the show is at 9pm) PS at the Rose & Crown. When you check in (do it a little earlier) make sure to request a patio table and mention that you don't mind waiting a little for one. I had dinner here both on my first & last nights at WDW and it was wonderful. Thie first night, I was just too tired to wait for Illuminations, but I did get to view it from there on my last night. This is a great place to have a good meal, then relax, sit back, enjoy dessert and view Illuminations from the comfort of your table. Another great place to dine is Cindy's.
5. Bring a book with you. I'm a big reader anyway, so bringing a few books with me on vacation is no problem. I found myself throwing one in my bag each morning, then pulling it out to pass the time while dining or waiting for a show to start. I also found that this took the awkwardness away from being there solo.
6. Take tons of pictures! You're there on vacation, so enjoy yourself. See a character? Go ahead and get your picture with them. I did this on my last trip and I think I got like 15 or 20?
7. Safety!! Make sure you keep yourself safe. Double lock the door when you're in your room, even if you will only be a few minutes. Never prop open your door to run & get ice or whatever. Don't take a lot of credit cards with you into the parks. Lock your walet, id's, plane ticket, etc. in the room safe. Don't take alot of valuables with you. Be aware of your surroundings & be safe.
8. Take the time to stroll quietly around the parks and really take in the architecture and little things each of the parks have to offer. Stroll down Main Street and look at the windows on the second & third floors. Walk around Future World after it's closed and listen to the music. Take time to walk all the way around the Tree of Life. Find a quiet place to sit and just soak everything up!!!

Finally, relax & enjoy yourself!!!
:hyper: :smooth: :wave2:
I've gone solo twice before and I echo the tip to get a small notebook journal and take with you.

Some of my tips are:
Be bold enough to be at the front of the line for park entry before it opens. You can meet some of the greatest people at Disneyworld. I always started the park early then around 2ish went back and swam or napped. Then I returned to a park for the evening.

Smile alot - a smile goes a long way and helps with the jitters.

Try some of the more different things like renting a water mice, watching fireworks from the Polynesia beach, etc. It gives you a total different perspective.

Allow yourself to be lonely but then follow it up with doing something fun like riding Rock N Rollercoaster or seeing Honey I Shrunk the Audience.

It truly is special going solo and I've enjoyed everytime I went. You're free to do whatever YOU want to DO. That's wonderful!!

Enjoy your trip and be sure to let us know how it went!!
Hi there!

I agree with everything that's been stated above, and wanted to add 1 thing......I take a book (paperback) and just relax somewhere and read - whether it's at my resort (I sat out by the Food Court at AS Mu at tables/chairs for a while), at another resort, or at a meal (depending where I eat - I love to people watch too!)

Hope you have a great time!
All the stuff above are great ideas. Another one some of us do is take a behind the scene tour. This is another expense and not always doable. I for one is an early riser. I do the EMH and then leave that park around lunch time. One reason it is getting alot more crowded by then. I go take a break and then go to another park. I have not ever had any problems dinning solo. I love doing caracter meals. I usually have an autograph book and get autographs and also a pic with the caracters. I have found the caracters will interact with you depending on how you react to them. If you don't want too much they just move on. I also enjoy watching little ones interact with caracters at meals and in the parks. My DW and I can spend alot of time just watching kids get autographs and pics with caracters all over.
I had my 5th solo trip in December and already have my plans for my 6th solo visit. It's great to go solo !

1) I also bring a little notebook with me. I won't bring a regular book because it gets to be too much to carry. During my meal I alternate between people watching, looking at my park map, and taking notes. I've also written some free verse while I am at dining at WDW.

2) If you are dining solo, I feel that it is NOT a good idea to leave your table in the middle of the meal to visit the rest room unless it is absolutely necessary. I always make sure to visit the rest room just before I get my table.

3) I, myself, prefer to vacation in December. I have only recently found out that it really helps to go back to my room right at dusk, get rid of my sunglasses and sun visor, and then get my sweatshirt. As long as I am in my room, I might stay about an hour to rest my feet and back. Then I am refreshed for the evening's activities.
Thanks to everyone for their tips...they really helped, especially the notebook idea. Thanks again!


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