son has joined

sunshine heaven

Earning My Ears
Jan 3, 2007
my 16 year old son goes into the army on jan 7th 12007 he has joined the royal signals and goes to harrogate foundation college for his 1st year so i will be using this sect of the board a fair bit i think
sapper cadman 22456322
god bless all service men home or abroad
I believe she is in the UK.
they have different rules for military service over there
yes im in the uk and you may be suprised to know when he goes on sun he will be the youngest soldier in the uk army but if you would have taken time to read the thread right [capecodtenor] it says he goes to the foundation college which is what it says a college and please dont reply to my threads ao tho ive told a lie and made it up you should be nice and polite to ppl on here thank you
Best Wishes sunshine heaven for your son and of course you and your family too! :)

Keep us posted ok?? :)
You must be so proud of him. We'll keep him inour prayers.
I am sure your are very proud of your son. My son joined the U.S. Army as soon as he turned 18. Although I was devestated at the time I now know it was the best thing for him. He has served 2 tours in Iraq and now has a great duty station.
God Bless your son! You should be proud that you have a young man with convictions at 16!

I will keep him in my prayers. Note:Psalm 91 = "Soldier's Prayer". It gave me alot of peace when my unit deployed to Iraq.


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