Stitch's Girl's Trip Report 21-26th Sep- Day 1

Stitch's Girl

Disney Addict
Jun 28, 2008
Hey Guys,

I must admit first of all that I wrote my trip report for the magicforum mainly as I am a more frequent visitor there but I do come on here now and then mainly to read up on things and read all the wonderful trip reports!popcorn::
I know some people on here also are members of both forums but for those who aren't I thought I would share my trip report if thats ok? I will also add reviews of the hotel and the restraunts I ate in as soon as possible :wizard: I am also good friends with Poppyolivia (waves out to you:thumbsup2)


For those of you who don't know me my name is Aveen, I am 22 and from N.Ireland. On this trip there was myself and my mum.

I have been home just over a week now and I really do miss DLP already and am itching to get back! Although I don't think my feet are as 5/6 days of walking really do kill them! I was starting to get jealous of Peter and wendy telling us they could fly during Mickey's magical party!! I thought they were trying to rub my nose in it hehe!


Most people's trip reports start with, the alarm went off at 3:30am... but actually I can't say that, as I never went to bed! .We left the house around 2:30am and the excitement was really kicking in as we packed our suitcases into the car and headed to dublin airport! After checking-in ourselves, dropping off our cases and througgh security it was off for breakfast, a quick look around the few expensive shops and then to the gate to wait on boarding!

There was 2 little boys playing with buzz and woody toys at our gate waiting area, woody was getting a bashing as the little boy was crashing him into the wall! I was imagining woody coming to life later and badly needing morphene! lol

Anyway the flight was very smooth to Charles De Gaul - apart from the landing where the pilot seemed to smack the plane off the runway, where it almost seemed to bounce and as I was kind of asleep this woke me with a fright, not to mention when i looked out the window all I seen was white, so I assumed we were still in the air and this scared the life outta me ...thankfully mum quickly calmed me down saying "it's just the runway, we are landing"...the whiteness was heavy mist...phew!!!!!! :scared1::laughing:

So we walked the long journery as always to collect our bags and headed off to wait on the VEA shuttle buses! The first takes you to the VEA terminal and then you get another bus to Disney. We stood for ages waiting on the VEA buses, it's always stressful now and not a good system but after we got on the bus I knew the next stop was Disney and I was so excited!

As always I keep my eyes peeled for the first sights of the Tower of Terror or the balloon from the distance and when I spotted them I just felt so great!! I hadn't been to DLP in 10 months and that was a long break for me and I was so happy to be back I could have cried!!

The VEA buses went around the hotels and we were the last and only people getting off at Hotel New york!:thumbsup2 This was my first stay here!


When entering the lobby one thing that really surprised me was how small and dark it was! I mean it was lovely, yeah but I had just expected somethng much grander for the second most expensive hotel, the shop was also tiny, smaller than the santa fe (unfortunately i didn't take a photo of it).

The camera on my battery was running out and I forgot to take some pictures of the check-in desks with the nice "big apples" on the walls. Check in went quite quickly, although I had hoped our room would be ready which it wasn't, so we were told to leave our bags at the baggage dept in reception and to come back after 3.00pm and that our bags would be delivered to our room after we got our room be honest I just see this as a way for the workers to make a tip... I would have happily wheeled my own luggage to my room instead of having to tip...maybe I am just a cheapo hehe!

So we left HNY and decided to have a stroll around the villiage until our room was ready! We decided to relax and take things easy and went into Starbucks...
(photo taken at different time..sorry only photo I took of it)...

I have to say this is a welcome addition to the villiage and I wish I had of been able to go there more than just once! Mum had a cappachino and I had the Caramel frappichino (sorry wrong spellings) and they were both gorgeous and it was a really relaxing atmosphere! :cloud9:

We then strolled back to HNY to get our room and luggage sorted...the temp was very warm and as I was wearing a hoody, I was dying to get changed! At check-in I asked if it was possible to get a room near the lift and the girl seemed a bit fussed up about it but it seemed she had given it to us as she seemed to do something at the computer...
however, I am not sure if we actually got that or not because the lift was still a bit of a walk from our room....
(lift at the end of this corridor)

lets just say there was only like 3 other room doors before the corridor ended, mum had a great time joking that she wouldn't like to see a room that was "far from the lift" hehe!

Anyway it was great to get our room and as I seen what side of the corridor the room was on I knew our room wasn't lake side but i was curious what the view would be although I wasn't expecting this.......

I was a little disappointed but I was too exhausted to ask if we could be moved and didn't want to start my holiday off complaining, plus I know how little time I spend in the room so I just forgot about it!

After getting freshened up and a bit of a rest we were off again...
me outside the room..ready for action hehe..

This was my first trip doing pin trading in DLP, hence the lanyard!:rolleyes:

First stop was Annette's...our fav restraunt in DLP!..

we both had the Be-bop burger, with fries and coca cola light and mum had a chocolate 50's classic sundaey ( i can't spell sunday hehe) all was gorgeous as always and I also bought a little annettes pin each for mum and I (3 euro each).

It was already past 5pm by the time we left annettes and with the parks closing at 7pm we knew we wouldn't get much done and decided not to rush about and instead just take tonight easy as then we would be better rested for a full day tomorrow...however I couldn't be in DLP on my first day and not see the castle and main street so we headed to the park to have a stroll about passing the beautiful Disneyland hotel on the way...

After looking around a few shops I noticed something on central plaza stage...

yep it was mickey's magical party time! We stood from a distance (hench the bad picture) and watched the last part of it and I have to say from that moment i knew I would like it! I didn't think I was going to but I really did and we knew we would have to catch the full thing another day!

Shortly after this I did my first pin trade with a cast member at the pin trading stall across from Gibson Girl I was nervous as first but it got easier as the trip went on!:thumbsup2

It was near 7pm and we decided to start walking back down main street to exit the park! as we passed the kodak store on the corner I looked over to the gates beside the entrance to Discovery arcade and seen Aladdin And Jasmine walking out! I had decided on this trip that I wasn't going to be running after characters as the scrums really do stress me out far too much and upset my trip so I just watched them thinking they were probably heading to central plaza or somewhere ( I wasn't sure), then they suddenly stopped between the entrance to discovery arcade and the kodak shop. There was hardly anyone around and after a little hesitation I walked over and asked for a photo.....

It was probably one of the easiest character photos I have experienced and on this trip my moto was if it wasn't easy or there was no queuing system then It wasn't worth the hastle!

Whilst walking out of the park, Disney studios looked so beautiful. It was closed of course but I decided to take some photos of it without the crowds...

we then headed through the disney villiage where I spotted a rather famous mouse doing what looked like abseiling hehe...

I have to say I loved that mickey, I want one on the side of my house, which by the way is a bungalow

We did some shopping in the villiage and I admired the beautiful window displays...

and alice

The crowds in the villiage were overwhelming, like something you would see in the summer months and every restraunt had a massive queue waiting...

There was a Ben and Jerrys Ice-cream stall across from Cafe Mickey so I decided to have a treat- I went for the strawberry cheese cake flavour and oh my god it was gorgeous!...

It was then back to the hotel for a relaxing evening waiting for our first full proper day in the magic tomorrow...but not before a pic with my latest purchase... I love these hats, sadly I seen hardly anyone wearing them and I wasn't brave enough to try and start the trend by myself hehe...

Day 2 coming asap


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