*** Sunshine Rewards **** NOT providing credit -- compliant???


DIS Veteran
Mar 9, 2002
Anyone else have problems getting credit from Sunshine Rewards?

I have requested credit for 2 orders totalling approx $700 before taxes.

They allegedly contacted the merchant & are 'waiting on a response.' However, my trouble ticket is marked "No" -- no follow-up is needed. HUH??

So I try to resend and only receive this message "You can only submit a trouble ticket for a sale for purchases made more than 7 days or less than 90 days ago. I am totally 100% within these parameters.

I've learned that some internet reward companies blatantly disregard consumer law and are definitely liable..... Is Sunshine one of them?

Why can I not get my credit??? It is totally 100% compliant with ALL parameters.

Why will the site not accept my continuing complaint? Any ideas how to reach them since their system will not accept my complaint? Do I need to seek outside help.....??

TIA for any ideas. I am not a happy consumer.....

Anyone else have problems getting credit from Sunshine Rewards?

I have requested credit for 2 orders totalling approx $700 before taxes.

They allegedly contacted the merchant & are 'waiting on a response.' However, my trouble ticket is marked "No" -- no follow-up is needed. HUH??

So I try to resend and only receive this message "You can only submit a trouble ticket for a sale for purchases made more than 7 days or less than 90 days ago. I am totally 100% within these parameters.

I've learned that some internet reward companies blatantly disregard consumer law and are definitely liable..... Is Sunshine one of them?

Why can I not get my credit??? It is totally 100% compliant with ALL parameters.

Why will the site not accept my continuing complaint? Any ideas how to reach them since their system will not accept my complaint? Do I need to seek outside help.....??

TIA for any ideas. I am not a happy consumer.....


There are many circumstances that could cause problems, like not clearing cookies before you went through the link, maybe a toolbar that you have installed on your PC is blocking a cookie from going through. All you can do is submit a trouble ticket and then they contact the merchant which can sometimes take a month or more to get a response from them. Once a ticket is submitted it is out of their hands and there is nothing they can do, if they don't get paid from the merchant, you in turn don't get the credit...it happens to all of us at some point, most people are getting their credits 99% of the time, including me. You could open up another trouble ticket under Account Questions if you need additional information and they will respond to you. Sunshine Rewards is the BEST site out there, no questions about it and 100% above board! :thumbsup2
SR will do everything they can to follow-up with the merchant and get you credit. Remember that if you don't get credit it means that they didn't get credit.

The No just means that they don't need any further info from you. You likely have aleady given them your confirmation emails with headers and that is what they use to talk to the merchant. They will get back to you as soon as they hear from the merchant (and some of them only respond on a monthly basis so we all have to exercise patience).

As the PP stated if you have trouble getting shopping credits it is often a problem with your computer. The cookie settings aren't right or you have a toolbar or other download that is masking your SR routing so that they don't get credit for the referral.
Anyone else have problems getting credit from Sunshine Rewards?

I have requested credit for 2 orders totalling approx $700 before taxes.

They allegedly contacted the merchant & are 'waiting on a response.' However, my trouble ticket is marked "No" -- no follow-up is needed. HUH??

So I try to resend and only receive this message "You can only submit a trouble ticket for a sale for purchases made more than 7 days or less than 90 days ago. I am totally 100% within these parameters.

I've learned that some internet reward companies blatantly disregard consumer law and are definitely liable..... Is Sunshine one of them?

Why can I not get my credit??? It is totally 100% compliant with ALL parameters.

Why will the site not accept my continuing complaint? Any ideas how to reach them since their system will not accept my complaint? Do I need to seek outside help.....??

TIA for any ideas. I am not a happy consumer.....


Sunshine Rewards is very good about answering trouble tickets. Can you open just an "Account Question" ticket in or order to reference the credit request tickets in question. I'm sure that SR is ready and willing to help resolve the problem. Maybe if you reached out to someone in the forum?
It might help with resolution too if you post the name of the merchant you are having trouble getting credit from.
Did you by any chance use a coupon that was not listed on the site. I've had purchases not credit on some of the sites if I used my own coupon.
I posted this on your other thread, maybe a mod can merge them. But what I wrote, is alot of what the above posters stated as well...


All SR can do is submit it to the merchant. If they don't get paid, you don't get paid. There are many factors that could have led to issues...cookies not set properly, so it didn't register. Any external coupon or code...you can only use coupons listed on SR. Do you have any toolbars installed (like from MyPoints)...often they will divert any and all rewards to their own program.

Do you get credit ok for other things? Or, as PP stated, was it for travel? They won't post until after travel is complete.

Have the items been shipped/received? Many companies don't post until the items ship. I received credit a full 3 months later once for something that was backordered.

My only suggestion for trying to reach them....try posting a message on their forum...nothing specific, just something along the lines of "I'm trying to resolve something about a TT, but I can't email, can Angie or someone help me. I've already submitted the TT, but I have some specific questions about it?"
Please try and be patient - I have submitted 10 - 15 Trouble Tickets with SR over the years and all have been resolved. Some took a day, others much longer. SR has awesome customer service and they will make ever effort to resolve your concern.

How long have you been waiting?
There is definitely a process that Trouble Tickets have to go through. When SR gets paid you get paid. The process is that you have to submit your information after 7-10 days from the shipment of the product. Once you submit the TT they research it through their system to make sure your credit isn't sitting there with no user id attached to it. If they don't find it that way they check to be sure you have submitted all of the correct info and then send the info to the merchant so that the merchant can research the sale. Some merchants only accept issues once a month. Some once a week. Once your ticket says that it has been submitted to the merchant it is in the hands of the merchant. SR continues to follow up on the ticket and it stays on their open ticket list for 90 days. At this point the merchant has to do their part. Once they merchant responds back then SR will mark your ticket with their response fromt he merchant.

I don't know how long you have been waiting or the details of your sale but I can see that you also do other programs like Inbox and Mypoints. I would also check those sites to be sure they haven't gotten your credits there instead. Mypoints especially has a toolbar that captures your cookies so that all of your shopping done through any site will be rerouted through them.

I highly recommend that you go to the SR forum and read all of the stickies. They have really great information about what you can do to help assure you will get your credit. Rewards sites are only as good as the user. If you aren't following the directions for shopping, surveys, and offers then SR and you can't get credit. The last thing SR wants is for you or them to lose a portion of a $700 sale. That is how they, and you , make money. If you don't get paid it is because they didn't get paid and you both are losing out. I hope some of this explained the process and hopefully answered some of your questions. Good luck!
"The last thing SR wants is for you or them to lose a portion of a $700 sale. That is how they, and you , make money. If you don't get paid it is because they didn't get paid and you both are losing out."

Thought that bore repeating! SR wants us to succeed, they want us to make money, because that means THEY are making money, too!

I think the problem you mentioned with the odd message back is that you were RE-submitting an active trouble ticket.

I won't lie, sometimes even TTs don't work. I had a TT go nowhere, which just made me crazy b/c the ONLY reason I bought the item at THAT time was b/c of an increased credit. I could have gotten it cheaper elsewhere. I learned my lesson. If I can get it cheaper elsewhere (and now with so many seen on TV items in normal grocery stores it happens) I weigh it all out in my head, so I don't feel stupid if the credit doesn't "take".

But all my other TTs have gone fine. Knock wood. :)

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