T.G.I.F. check in


Aug 29, 1999
Not a good week. Well week was OK but last weekend I was a bit bad:o .
Only lost 1/2 an inch this week ( no pounds :( ).

How did everyone do this week?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step. It doesn't matter when you begin, as long as you do.
I managed another decent week :) , I'm one notch better on the belt and only one notch away from my lowest in recent history ( last 12 years) so getting there slowly.

Did have some comforting news last week in that , after blood tests, I've found I have an underactive thyroid that will require medication. from now on. While it may sound a litle odd to be pleased to know there is something wrong with your body, it now makes a lot of sense of the last 25 years fighting with weight and diets. After 20 odd years of enduring "THAT LOOK" when you tell people you really don't eat badly and do exercise regularly it's nice to know there is actually a medical reason for my excess weight ( which hopefully will become less of a problem once the medication gets sorted out)
Weight holdong steady at the moment - nothing lost, nothing gained.
After my record running times last week I am now being hampered by a slightly pulled hamsting. So it's back to 'normal' times again.

Jana, I was a bit bad last weekend too, and I blame my Mother! ;)

It was Mother's Day and we went to visit her, and I walked in to face a table piled high with cakes, biscuits etc, well need I say more? I thought 'oh, well, anything to keep my Mum happy' and managed to scoff quite a bit, and put on 2 pounds the next morning :(

I have now lost the 2 pounds, so am the same as last Friday, but at least I managed to get 'back on the wagon' on Monday and didn't carry on scoffing for the rest of the week!

Vernon, sorry to hear about your thyroid, but yes, you must be pleased to know why you have found it hard to lose weight, hopefully things will improve with the medication.

Kieran, sorry about the hamstring, you justcan't win can you? Make an effort to get fit and then suffer for it, I hope you are better soon :D
Lost a pound this week after nothing last week - good as it brings me down to 12 stone 13 pounds which is the lowest since last spring I think.

Hope the medication helps you Vernon - it is good to find a reason for things not being right.


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