Tauck Bridges?

Hi. We just did a Tauck Bridges tour this summer-- Cowboy Country. We loved it. We have three kids -- the trip was about 1/2 grandparents and 1/2 parents in terms of the adults. This is an active trip -- and so most (really all) of the grandparents were active and fit.

I believe that Tauck (for nearly the same itinerary) Tauck was a better value, a longer trip with more sights and less $. You do move around a bit -- for us this wasn't an issue as we were thrilled to take in all the sights.

When I was booking the trip and called Tauck, the agent told me that the date I had picked had room BUT a family group of 20+ was traveling on that tour and she wouldn't recommend it. She was very honest and steered me to a date where she felt the mix of people would be better.

Tipping is included on the Bridges tours, but where meals are not included (there are no vouchers). However, in many locations we had more than one choice for a meals when they were included. We were rarely on our own for activities as they were built into the day.

We spent very little outside of the few meals that weren't included.

Tauck is considered to be one of the best in the business and fairly high end. My in laws are in Europe right now with them. We would go again in a heartbeat.

I am looking into Cowboy Country as their itinerary does a few more places than ABD and is a day longer. Were there times when you had half a day or a few hours on your own to explore yourself or to relax?
Yes. Definitely.

We had plenty of time to use as our own. I really recommend doing the trip from Mt. Rushmore to Jackson and not the other way. (Our guide said this as well.) This way you end with Yellowstone and Teton.

I don't know where you are originating from, but if you are coming from the East Coast, you might consider flying into Rapid City the day before the official start (I am sure Tauck will make the arrangements for you). We travelled from the East Coast and arrived the day of the beginning of the tour and we were wiped.

Let me know if you have any other ?s
We have used Tauck, not Tauck Bridges before. We went on their Italy trip in 2004 and would recommend it to anyone. The group was around 30 people. Our DDs were 16 and 12 at the time. There were 4 other teens on this trip. Our group quickly formed a bond and we had a fantastic time. Our guide, Irene, is fluent in several languages and her knowledge of history was amazing. When the official Tauck tour was over for the day, she would take us on "Walks with Irene" to places that were not included on our tour. The hotels were great. It was one of the best vacations I have ever been on.

We used Abercrombie & Kent in 1999 for a trip to Alaska. They were great also. It was specifically a trip for families. There were around 7 families with ages of the kids ranging from 4-15. The only problem we had was with one family who had to 2 youngest kids (4 and 5). They would disappear and expect the rest of us to watch their kids. I wasn't there to babysit and we straightened that out real quick!

We went to Ireland with O'Scannlain tours in 2000. It was also a wonderful trip but the lodging was not quite as nice as the other 2 companies. My girls were the only youngsters on the trip, but they had no problem talking with and enjoying being around the older folks. We had a couple that was in their 80's on that trip. Most of the others in the group were 50-60, with one mother and daughter that were 40ish and 22.

Whatever you choose, have a great time!
Now this is from someone who has toured with both companies. With Tauck Bridges (hereafter known as TB) I've been on their "Red Rocks and Painted
Canyon" and "Cowboy Country." With Adventures by Disney (hereafter known as ABD) I've been on their "Backstage Magic" and "Spirit of America." And this information is from the latest brochures. In some ways TB is superior, and in some ways ABD is superior, which we'll get to later, but first . . .

Let me disabuse everyone of the notion that if they travel with TB, they'll always stay in a 5-star resort. That is NOT TRUE! TB will put you in the best accomodations for that area, but alot of areas, where they spend the night, there are no 5-star resorts. There are not even any 4-star resorts.

TB goes to ...
ABD does not go there.

On the other hand, ABD goes to . . .
southern France
and TB does not go there.

Both offer tours to Africa, but TB goes to Kenya and ABD goes to South Africa.

TB also offers a cruise of the Danube, which ABD doesn't offer.

Both offer a tour to the Canadian Rockies. Here the TB accomodations are superior. (IMHO)
Both offer a tour to Costa Rica. But there the ABD accomodations are superior. (IMHO)

TB offers more stays within the national parks. That's a point for them.

Both stay in Williamsburg. But here the ABD accomondations are superior. Think indoor waterpark. Your kids see that, and you'll most likely not see them again until you leave.

TB offers float trips. ABD offers more white-water rafting.

If you want to see Las Vegas, then take the TB tour.
But, if you want more ranch time, then take the ABD tour.

If you want more time in Gettysburg, then take the TB tour.
But, if you want more time in Washington, D.C., then take the ABD tour.

Both offer excursions in Paris and London, but I think the TB excursions are supeior. (IMHO)

If you want to see Monument Valley, the home of the Native American, John Ford, and John Wayne, then take the ABD tour, where it is offered in the price of the tour.
TB also offers an excursion to Monument Valley, but is is an extra expense at $200.00 per person.

ABD also announces it offers more private visits/tours/explorations/experiences, etc.

Intangibles (TB)
For the most part, their comparable tours are cheaper.

Intangibles (ABD)
On comparable tours, they offer more meals.

Only white people tour with TB. NO, that is NOT TRUE! But the brochure for ABD features more photos of people of color, then the brochure for TB.

ABD has--for the most part--two tour guides per tour. TB usually has just one. And I'll give you an example of why it is important to have two tour guides.

One of the excursions in Washington, D.C. is an bicycle tour of the city. Well, one man who was on the excursion took a face plant into the concrete and had to go to the hospital overnight. Now, while one of the tour guides took care of the man and his family, the other tour guide was able to take care of the needs of everyone else on the tour.
ABD has--for the most part--two tour guides per tour. TB usually has just one. And I'll give you an example of why it is important to have two tour guides.

One of the excursions in Washington, D.C. is an bicycle tour of the city. Well, one man who was on the excursion took a face plant into the concrete and had to go to the hospital overnight. Now, while one of the tour guides took care of the man and his family, the other tour guide was able to take care of the needs of everyone else on the tour.

On our ABD a woman fell off her bike about 5 minutes after getting on it and had to be taken to the hospital! OUCH!

I see that you're in FTW! I'm in Mansfield - until recently we lived in Arlington since both dh & I were in Jr High (over 30 yrs ago!). ;)
On our ABD a woman fell off her bike about 5 minutes after getting on it and had to be taken to the hospital! OUCH!

I see that you're in FTW! I'm in Mansfield - until recently we lived in Arlington since both dh & I were in Jr High (over 30 yrs ago!). ;)

I've lived in north Texas for almost half of my life, ever since I moved there in the last week of December, 1980. But it looks like you've lived here longer then I have.

I want to correct one mistake in my previous post. Tauck Bridges does sponsor a tour to eastern Africa, but it is to Tanzania and NOT to Kenya. Tauck does sponsor a tour to Kenya, but that one is geared more toward adults than kids, like the Tauck Bridges tours.


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