Teppanyaki Restaurant--May 5-13 trip


DIS Veteran
Dec 4, 2003
I'll try to do the costs later--will make this a "best and worst" and what was included post.

We encountered essentially NO exceptions to the menus. The menus have been re-written to eliminate or re-categorize items which are not in the plan.

Children did not get appetizer from menu (no loss!) Everyone got "complimentary" appetizer of something that looked like seaweed and tasted good. All "entrees" and "combinations" were included in the plan. Lobster was moved to a section of "side items" which were not on the plan. Sushi has been moved to a "sushi menu" section which is not included. All desserts were included. Everyone got "complimentary" tea at the end of the meal. Non-alcoholic beverages included. NO Splenda available here.

We sat with a family of "2 adults, 3 children." My 15 year old commented that there was no way those "children" were under 10. THe kids were large--the youngest MIGHT have been 9, but no one at the restaurant questioned them. The chef did ask who was the oldest and who was the youngest. but did not ask ages. My dd asked the girl sitting next to her what grade she was in--girl replied 6th, and mother shot hate looks our way and told daughter not to talk to us!

My point here is that people were concerned about big 9 year olds--and I had one of those kids who has always been big for her age. The restaurant did not ask any questions of this family. I do not advocate lying about ages.
We ate there on May 5th and all the children at our table got adults apps. It's too much food for them,but nice that they could sneak in some health food (my DD had the edamame, the other families kids had the salad).
I'm a little disappointed that sushi was taken off the menu as an appetizer. My family has been to Teppanyaki many times and have always ordered sushi as an appetizer. I think I am going to cancel my ADRs.
kcashner...did you go at dinner, or lunch time. Last year (not on DDP) we received the same 'complimentary' seaweed appetizer at our 1 p.m. meal.
We went at dinner time. A table holds 8 people, but they group parties as best they can. We were 2, seated with a family of 5.
Is the Edamame the only appetizer available on the dining plan?

Does anyone know how much the sushi is to add? And I understand the lobster is no longer included with entrees. Would also like to know what the price is to add lobster. :)
We have a group of 17. Will they put us at 2 tables (8+9) if there are a some young kids including a 3 year old? Any one have experience with more than 8 people at a table?


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