The 2011 Fight the Fat Tour...Starring ME!


DIS Veteran
Jan 13, 2006

It is February 1st. I have had my "down time" from the WDW Marathon Weekend and am ready to start a new chapter in my life. Figure this would be a great place to vent, share, cry, and all other things.

Feel free to add your 2 cents if you are bored.

Where I came from and where I am going....

Never ran a lick in all my years. played tennis and all that, but never got the runner thing.

Growing up, made some stupid decision. One of them was "I will deal with being gay by eating, that way I will be fat and no one ask why I dont have a girlfriend, they will assume it is cuz I am fat". Yep, I know. Dont have to say it. At the time it really did make sense. really. Now I wanna kick myself in the butt for everything I missed in life. But we cant change the past, just learn and move on.

The heaviest I got was 271. That whole snowball effect just kept going.

(this is where i put that picture) LOL

Decided enough was enough. That was 4 years ago. By being active and cutting back the fast food, got down to 235 in the first 2 years.

(this is where I put that picture that made me decide I needed to do SOMETHING)

I then decided I was gonna run the disneyland half marathon. 9 months later (and a whole bunch of workouts with my new trainer) I ran my first Disneyland half at 188.4 pounds.

That was fun and I wanted a coast to coast medal, so I decided I would do the WDW half. It was filled up, so I did the next best thing..signed up for the full. :confused: didnt train as well as I should have, hurt my knees during the WDW full, but I did finish.

Training slowed so my knees could recover...unfortunately, some of my old eating habits returned.

So I followed that up with the my second Disneyland Half (and my first Coast to Coast) and then my first WDW Half.

Today I am at 204 pounds and ready for a fight! LOL My goal is to run the Disneyland Half at 188.3 pounds this year, and WDW at 185. I am still working on my knees, so I try not to run back to back at all. Which will be intersting, since I am doing the GOOFY next year.

My running plans are:
Feb 26th...Race at the Base 10K Los Alamitos, CA
Mar 27th...Knotts Berry Farm Coast Run 10K Buena Park, CA
April 30th...Get in Gear 10K Minneapolis, MN
May 1st...5K for the Troops Minneapolis, MN
June 4th...San Diego Rock and Roll Half Marathon
July 18th...Cypress 10K Cypress, CA
Sept 4th...Disneyland Half Marathon (Coast to Coast Challenge)
Oct 30th...LA Rock and Roll Half Marathon
Dec 3rd...Las Vegas Rock and Roll Half Marathon
January 7th, 2012...WDW Half Marathon
January 8th, 2012...WDW Full Marathon (getting GOOFY)
January 9th, 2012...try to walk down the stairs at POP Century. :scared1:

Time to get this going! Tomorrow is a 3 mile run!
Way to go on the coast to coast! I've got it on my radar for 2012 :) If I don't kill myself in the next 11 months training I'll see you on the goofy side!

January 9th, 2012...try to walk down the stairs at POP Century. :scared1:

If you can dream it... you can do it. :lmao:
Seriously though... Good Luck!!! I don't have anything planned after the Princess 1/2 at the end of the month. I really need to start looking for more races.

Thanks guys. I am excited about doing Goofy and actually training properly for it. The day after the full a year ago was rough (to say the least). But that was my fault.

Good run today. Also put in my registration for my first 10K!

Either Turbo Kick Class tomorrow or my Biggest Loser DVD.
what a craptastic week. LOL

only ran once, over ate, did 2 classes at the gym, and let life get to me.

I guess that is what happens when you come back from a 6 week vacation.

So, tomorrow is another day. I run tomorrow morning and have Turbo Kick Box tomorrow night. Learned my lesson last week to just do one class a night. I killed myself by running in the morning and then 2 classes at night on Monday. could walk without pain until Thursday. hahaha it was horrible.

On Tuesday, I start with our Run Club at work. Since I am in charge of the store, would be good for me to be there. hahaha So every Tuesday I know I will be working, then running. I think that will be great for my motivation.

So to anyone else struggling...You are not alone. You can do it. Tomorrow we wake up and start fresh.

Peace, Love, and Magical Dreams.

ps...Happy Single Appreciate Day to everyone on Monday!
This is great!! I'll see you in Anaheim in September...and I'll obviously be getting Goofy with you in 2012 :). Keep it up!!
awesome man. and i might even have to say HI when ASU plays those evil trojans in Baseball! GO DEVILS!

Anyways, I FINALLY did my Tuesday night run. Here's the deal. I am fortunate enough to work for an amazing sports company. I am actually in charge of one of their running stores (no, you can not have a discount LOL). One of the changes since I started has been to move their Run Club to a different day and time. I keep saying I am going to go. recently I scheduled it so I work during the day on tuesday and can just stay and run. always made an excuse.

But today, I got my butt out there and did my 3 miles. My new staff knew that I did half marathons, but I had never ran at this store before. so it was cool to get done and say, who else is gonna run next week, let's go! hahahaha

That's a big step if I am going to really do the goofy next year. get into a habit with the training runs so they are second nature.

Have a great week everyone. Looks like a couple rainy runs the rest of this week. Woo Hoo!
had a really mixed week. 3 good runs of 3 miles. which was nice. not as fast as I would like, but consistant. Gives me something to work on over the next 5 weeks of my "5K" focus. My first real 5K is this Saturday, Feb 26th and my second is Sunday, March 27th.

This week:
Sunday-Run 3 miles
Monday-Turbo Kick Box Class
Tuesday-Run 3 miles
Wednesday-not sure, meeting my family in Vegas so they can get out of the minnesota cold
thursday-Run 3 miles
Saturday-Race on the Base 5K at the Military Joint Training Base in Los Alamitos, CA. The whole 5K is on the plane tarmacks. Should be interesting and fun. Plus will give me a great tracking point to see how I improve with my second 5K one month after that at Angel's Stadium.

My other focus this week is food intake. I need to cut back and start really lookin at portion control again. It was my undoing last time and I started to slip back to old habits. rather than getting the 6 inch at Subway, get the footlong because it is only $1 more right now. things like that. the good part is I am in a good place and know I can do it. Just time to make it happen.

Happy week to everyone out there in WISH-land. May your dreams come true, may your dreams be willed with magic, and your PR's all come tumbling down.
had a really mixed week. 3 good runs of 3 miles. which was nice. not as fast as I would like, but consistant. Gives me something to work on over the next 5 weeks of my "5K" focus. My first real 5K is this Saturday, Feb 26th and my second is Sunday, March 27th.

This week:
Sunday-Run 3 miles
Monday-Turbo Kick Box Class
Tuesday-Run 3 miles
Wednesday-not sure, meeting my family in Vegas so they can get out of the minnesota cold
thursday-Run 3 miles
Saturday-Race on the Base 5K at the Military Joint Training Base in Los Alamitos, CA. The whole 5K is on the plane tarmacks. Should be interesting and fun. Plus will give me a great tracking point to see how I improve with my second 5K one month after that at Angel's Stadium.

My other focus this week is food intake. I need to cut back and start really lookin at portion control again. It was my undoing last time and I started to slip back to old habits. rather than getting the 6 inch at Subway, get the footlong because it is only $1 more right now. things like that. the good part is I am in a good place and know I can do it. Just time to make it happen.

Happy week to everyone out there in WISH-land. May your dreams come true, may your dreams be willed with magic, and your PR's all come tumbling down.
I need to join the fight the fat tour :sad2:

8 weeks of no running due to an injury late last year over the holidays has me 10 pounds heavier than I was pre-injury. I need to at least lose that; prior to the injury, I had the rolling could stand to lose 10 thing going on.

Good luck with your 2011 race schedule.....looks like fun times! :dance3:
Thanks Pat. It is amazing how fast it happens when you get hurt and those burnt calories that you are used to just arent being burnt any more.

The good news for me is that I know I can fix the issue and I am ready to go!
Alright. Another week done.

I got 3, three mile runs in! Woo Hoo! And the 3rd was my first 5k of the year.

The RACE OF THE BASE 5K is at the Los Alamitos Joint Military Training Center. I got up at 530 to rain and cold and decided there was no way i was going to run. woke up again at 6 and the rain stopped and I remembered I spent $35 on this thing, so I was going. Dug out the running tights and arm sleeves to add to the outfit and headed to the race. I got the "serious soldier" at the check point. The other line was like "morning guys, how ya doin" "have a great race guys" and ours was like "ID Please Sir" "Thank you Sir" "Please proceed Sir" LOL Was fun to be on the base though. Very cool that they open it for the day.

The race was actually on the tarmac, so it is the flattest course you will ever be on. They have a 5k, 10k, tri, kids tri, and in-line skating. It was well put on and amazingly organized.

I ended up running at about a 10:20 pace, and I usually train about 11:00 or 11:15. so at the end, I was tired. But it was an amazingly fullfilling tired. And a good sore this afternoon. Actually it feels more sore than I did after the WDW Half. Go figure.

Food is coming back in line, so I am very happy with that. Will be a challenge next week being on the road for 5 days for work, but I think it is do-able. Working for a sports company, they are actually aware of what we are eating rather than picking the closest greasy spoon. Not that we all dont need a little double double with animal style fries once in a while. :rotfl2:

Training this week should be fun..., hot tub to get the legs going a little after work I think.
Sunday Food...Footlong Turkey Sub w/ all the veggies, Wahoo's chicken salad, Subway Club Salad w/ light balsalmic dressing.

Monday...Run 3 in the morning

Tuesday...nada...but watching the Dodgers and Reds, does that count?

Wednesday...Run 3 in the morning with co-workers at conference
Thursday...nada, maybe hit the hotel gym
Friday...Run 3 in the morning with co-workers at conference
Saturday...Turbo Kick Box at 24hr before work.

Hope everyone has an amazing week.


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