"The Calm Before The Storm" Tour (Part 17)


Feb 5, 2004
In my hand-written notes I made at the end of Friday 23rd July, I spookily gave the day’s report the heading “The Calm Before The Storm”, only because it was the day before we flew out to Florida and didn’t think at the time it was really a very good or apt title. I have decided to name all the parts of my trip report “The Calm Before The Storm Tour”, in honour of the climax of our trip - Hurricane Charley which gave us an extra day in Florida.

Sunday 8th August


Sergeant Major Zoe “You WILL enjoy yourselves”
DH Trevor “I am NOT going to like this”
Birthday Boy Michael (aged 10 to 11)
“Why” to everything Piers (aged 8 and a bit)

Today’s the first of a few special days while on our holiday in Florida, today being our wedding anniversary. Not a “special” one, just 17 happy years. I’ve just noticed, it matches the “part” number of my trip report! One of the pieces of advice you will often be given is “tell every CM or staff member you meet about your special event or date”. Well armed with this piece of advice, I tell everyone we meet that it’s our wedding anniversary with little response. Oh well, I suppose we are not cute little children with a birthday, so maybe it’s not worth the bother! :cry:

With our Discovery Cove “tickets” we get seven days “free” access to SeaWorld, so it’s off to SeaWorld. We didn’t get up particularly early and we didn’t dig Piers out of bed before he naturally woke up by himself. The holiday pace was obviously wearing him out and because of the fact that we would be visiting SeaWorld several times, we did not see the need to rush to get there. We had breakfast in the room and then checked the paperwork needed to get into the park. Looks like we need photo I.D. and the confirmation letter for Discovery Cove. Just before entering the car park for SeaWorld, I discover we’d forgotten the photo I.D.s! DOH! Oh well, let’s try getting in anyway. We’d entered another park previously which had stated it would need photo I.D. and weren’t asked for it so we where hoping this would be the case at SeaWorld. Trevor had also forgotton his hat, which he realised he didn’t have when we were still in the CBR car park, but because it was cloudy he thought he’d risk not bothering to get it.

Entering the park and we showed the confirmation letter, the chap date stamped it and gave us each one-day admission tickets. No request was made to see photo I.D. SeaWorld is described in the Unofficial Guide as about the same size as the Magic Kingdom. When we got our map, it looked like it! Very big. We had two “must dos”, the killer whale show and the “behind the scenes tour” (The Polar Expedition Tour) in which you can meet some penguins. Michael had been going on about meeting penguins for months, so this was his highlight (until his birthday in two days time!). We headed straight for the “Behind the Scenes” booking desk and we were slotted in on the 11.15am tour which was only 20 minutes away. We were shown on our map how to get to the meeting point and we headed off straight away because we had learnt that with our kids in tow, nothing is simple! The woman at the desk had drawn a black line along the paths to follow on our map, unfortunately this took us to a blocked off path! Never mind, we got there on time.

The tour guide was a retired teacher and was very good at explaining everything. In our group, there were fifteen people including a family from Manchester. What is it with WDW and Manchester? There’s always a family from Manchester wherever we go! :rolleyes: The tour guide seemed quite taken by the fact she had two families from England in her group and got us talking. The Manchester family seemed to think we got better weather in the South East, dunno about that! We saw all sorts of stuff and got to meet the penquins.

A word of warning about penguins (this was part of our pep talk before meeting them), don’t stand directly behind them as they do “projectile poop”!

Don’t look behind you


Michael and a penguin (which is which?)


Piers and a penguin (which is which?)


Time for lunch and we spotted the “Dine with Shamu” restaurant. There was a menu displayed outside which looked a bit expensive and not the sort of food the boys would eat. We went to the Seafire Inn and ate there, took some pictures of the food. We ended up collecting a total of five of the plastic whale lunchboxes in which kids meals are served.



This picture needs no explanation!


Next stop, the Shamu Show. Piers wanted to be in “splash zone” but Michael didn’t. I unfortunately drew the short straw to sit with Piers. We sat as near to the front as we could and Trevor and Michael sat quite a distance away higher up the stadium. I then realised I had my mobile ‘phone in one pocket and my nice blue leather wallet in the other and I had no means of keeping them dry! I decided it wouldn’t be the end of the world if the wallet got wet but had to do something with the ‘phone – so stuck it down the back of my shorts! Trevor took some pictures using the digital camera and I took some pictures using the one-use waterproof camera.

We liked the pre-show quiz. Anyone got onto the big video screen? I have seen someone’s picture on the DIBB, can’t remember who it is now. Near the beginning of the show, when a whale came around the edge and a few waves splashed a little water onto the path, Piers was most disappointed not to get totally soaked. I told him not to worry – just wait! Of course, it was not long before we got totally drenched – you should have seen Piers’s face! Shame I didn’t have the camera ready to take a picture of him. At the end of the show, the audience was warned about getting REALLY wet and “wound up” as to the extent of the drenching to come. Piers and I decided to give it a miss as we were starting to dry out from our previous soaking and moved a few rows higher up. There were a lot of screams and squeels as the audience gets splashed. I don’t remember this much fuss when we saw the show in San Antonio a few years ago! We plan to come to SeaWorld again tomorrow and I will be bringing the camcorder to record the Shamu show (and other bits of SeaWorld too of course).

We head off towards the childrens wet playground and rope netting play area. As Piers is wet already, this didn’t matter. Tomorrow we’ll bring their swimming costumes or a change of clothes and towels. While we were here, it absolutely poured with rain and the rope netting play area was closed.

Next stop, the “Clyde & Seymour Take Pirate Island” Show. Great fun and the warm up act was worth the visit alone! This chap (picture below) would follow people as they came in and imitate them. A group of lads came in when most of the seats were taken and they stood there looking around. The mime chap came along and indicated for them to follow him. He walked across with them in tow and he then indicated with his hands towards the exit. This had the audience in hysterics.

A very funny man


Time to go back to CBR. We go for a swim in our pool and then off to Disney’s Boardwalk. This all looks very posh as you approach the entrance. We were a little worried because there was an attendant at the entrance of the car park and suddenly thought that maybe we would have to be residents in this area or something. No problems. Went in and parked, then walked up to the main building. Surely this can’t be a shopping area, just looks like a posh hotel? After wondering about inside the lobby area, we found some signs and a staircase to the outside area out the back. We were here, the Boardwalk at last! As the evening got darker and lights began lighting up the area, the Boardwalk did look very magnificent. Much prettier than DTD I thought. We wander up one end and I noticed Jellyrolls and took some pictures.


We went to eat in the Big River Grille & Brewing Works. This was very pleasant and we ended up with great value for money. Piers didn’t like his hot dog (sausage was different) so we told our waitress this and asked if we could just have bread rolls for the kids. When the bill came, we weren’t charged for the hot dog or any of the bread rolls. So, we left a 20% tip. Here’s a couple of pictures of our meals. Can’t remember what Trevor had (first picture), but mine was the hazelnut crusted chicken with garlic mashed potato (second picture).



Trevor and I shared a cheesecake for pudding but the kids didn’t want any. While Michael and Piers were still using the activity sheets provided by the restaurant and Trevor was sorting out the bill, I disappeared to investigate Jellyrolls a little better. Looked like there was a procedure for entering, probably an entrance fee or something so I was distraught not to be able to go in just for a peek.

We all went for a wander up the other end of the Boardwalk. Saw a few people using those covered bicycle things and Piers rather fancied having a go. But it was getting a bit late and I expect they would be quite expensive. This is really a great place for late night walks, really lovely with all the lights on. Would love one of those rooms with a balcony over the shops, but I bet you wouldn’t get a particularly early night being so close to Jellyrolls! Looks like you cannot access the car park from the other end (not obviously anyway).

Time to go back to CBR and we found a staircase which takes you directly from the Boardwalk shopping area to the front of the hotel area. We are tired and Trevor announces he wants me to drive. OK, I can drive an American automatic, no problem! So far (this holiday) I had only driven the car briefly around our resort and I had driven the one we hired a few years ago in Philadelphia. After an initial hiccup with a little over-steering, a little under-steering and veering into the path of an oncoming vehicle in the car park, we were on our way! Trevor, Michael and Piers weren’t worried at all!

Arrived safely back to CBR and bed! Nighty night. ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz


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