The Hay is in the Barn!


DIS Veteran
Dec 28, 2009
No, I'm not Charles, but since so many people have gotten so much encouragement from his "Hay in the Barn" posts in the past, I thought I'd repost one of them for everyone this year. Now that the vast majority of people are done with their peak runs and starting their taper (a few of us nuts still have one more week to go), this is really good advice.

The Hay is in the Barn
I used to hear this weekly back in my high school days (and yes there were high schools back then). Coach would walk in Thursday after practice and tell us that the Hay was in the barn boys, enjoy the fruit of our labors. If you think about it, he was correct. We have all spent the training season growing, harvesting, baling and stacking our ‘hay’ for future use. There is not much more that any of us can do from now through race day. Seriously, a marathon is not an event that you can cram for. I know there are a few who can simply head out and run one, but most of us need to spend the next couple weeks allowing the body to absorb the training from the last few months. Many do not understand that the work (running, lifting, etc) is not where strength and improvements come from; rather, its the recovery periods just after the work where they occur. It’s happens as a result of the muscle repairs those tiny little micro tears that occur with all workouts.

It’s taper time... Yes we do need to be out and running. Taper is seriously misunderstood by many runners. It is not a time of kicking back and not doing anything. Taper is a reduction of training volume. Volume = intensity x time. In many camps it is thought that intensity should remain high through taper. I am in that camp, at least for most runners. Distances, ie time, are reduced dramatically while the mid week intensities remain just as high as previous work.

The exception to the above... If you are injured or ill, I would just recover. Do not run or otherwise aggravate your injury. Give the joint time to heal up. If ill, it’s still ok to run, but keep it light. The general rule of thumb is that if your cold or illness is above the neck, head out for your run; if in the chest or below the neck stay in.

It is normal. Remember how nervous you were the first time you entered a race. These are the same nerves. If this is your first event, it is very normal to have a set of nerves during this period. Tapering tends to bring the nerves out as you are not working out near as long as you were just two weeks ago. Trust me, even the most seasoned runners have similar nerves. Maybe we just hide them better, or understand them better. But watch as you are in the corral on race morning. Folks are burning off nervous energy in various ways. Make a pledge to use your nerves to help get you to and through the race. Once the gun goes off and you just hit the point where you are sweating, your case of nerves will soon disappear.
Thanks for posting this. Always enjoyed reading coaches posts for this in years past, and it's the first thing I thought about when I finished my 18 miler this weekend.
Thanks for this post... and you're right, I'm getting nervous for my first marathon. I didn't think much could get me excited at my age, but there it is. I guess it's a good thing that there is still some heat in the furnace.
Thanks for this post... and you're right, I'm getting nervous for my first marathon. I didn't think much could get me excited at my age, but there it is. I guess it's a good thing that there is still some heat in the furnace.
Wait until you cross the finish line. :)

Thanks for finding this post, FFigawi. I definitely was thinking about it this weekend.
...But watch as you are in the corral on race morning. Folks are burning off nervous energy in various ways. Make a pledge to use your nerves to help get you to and through the race. Once the gun goes off and you just hit the point where you are sweating, your case of nerves will soon disappear.

Thanks for reposting that. I've appreciated Coach's encouragement for years now. And the last part is so true. Even after lots of marathons, I think I re-tie my shoes about 14 times before I start a race :)
Thanks for reposting this! It doesn't feel like the training season is coming to a close with out this post. :thumbsup2
The hay is in the barn!!

Thanks for digging this up! Great motivation to get through the taper runs of the training plan as I get ready to enjoy the result of my hard work! :goodvibes
Great advice as always. Did I miss something? Where is coach? I have not been on this board much since I am not running this year.
Thanks for reposting that. I've appreciated Coach's encouragement for years now. And the last part is so true. Even after lots of marathons, I think I re-tie my shoes about 14 times before I start a race :)

And by re-tie your shoes, you mean visit the porta-potty, of course. :lmao:
And by re-tie your shoes, you mean visit the porta-potty, of course. :lmao:

I'm so glad I use Lock Laces since 14 times is no where near the number of times I re-tie. :rotfl:

Since I'm old school and use a scythe, my hay has yet to find its way to the barn, and I have a Palindrome to accomplish. :crazy2:

McFlurry John
Totally missed this post! I just go to my subscribed threads to see if there is a new post on the marathon thread.....I should hit the events page more often, lol. Thanks for this ! Good motivation!:thumbsup2 I guess coach is going to be at marathon weekend? Isn't he perfectly Goofy?
I am repeating the question...but what happened to Coach? By now he would have been mentally prepping everyone.

I haven't been on as often as I had in previous years leading up to Marathon weekend...miss reading his thoughts on these final days...

So again I ask, where is Coach?

I am repeating the question...but what happened to Coach? By now he would have been mentally prepping everyone.

I haven't been on as often as I had in previous years leading up to Marathon weekend...miss reading his thoughts on these final days...

So again I ask, where is Coach?


I have wondered the same thing. He has done soooo much over the years to help people accomplish their goals. It takes a great person to give so much effort and time to something that doesn't help him a bit. I don't speak for him....but maybe he just needed some time away. For me it was kind of like he dropped off the face of the earth because I had pmd end of July or so and got a response and then asked another question in September and never heard. Someone did say he was still alive though and present on some fb page. I can't remember which one. I do wish he would have officially put a farewell sticky thread up so people wouldn't wonder.
Coach posted this in the facebook group "Disboards WISH Team" to let people know what was going on with him and why he was MIA this fall. Just thought I would pass it along.

Tough note to write but I have eluded to this a couple places. I was Perfectly Goofy through 9 challenges and today I bailed between mile 7 and 8 of the full; or about 20 miles into the 39 mile weekend or 374 miles of 393 in the last 10 years. It's my first DNF in a half or full and I was not really ready when I jumped to the curb. A little background, I have a knee that has little to no meniscus and have been treating through injections of cortisone and artificial synovial fluids for the last few years. This fall, they simply quit working and I knew that the long days were about to end - I was just hoping to make one more Goofy. But then in my mind I wonder if the pressure of the streak would have kept me on the path of just one more. In effect a phrase I will borrow, “Did I own the streak or did it own me?”

Today, I felt a pain in the knee that I have not felt coming up to TTC and through the overcompensation of that pain, ended up severely cramping the adductor and calf of the opposite leg. By mile 6 I was feeling like I was between mile 20 and 24.

I am sad to have the streak end but I have a refreshed view of marathon weekend that I have not felt for a few years. I can now pick and choose the race I want to run. I now own the streak!
Thank you for posting that. I'm sorry Coach wasn't able to complete Goofy #10, but it sounds like he has a great attitude about it and that he feels a new freedom from the pressure of keeping the streak alive. Hope we see him on this board again sometime in the future.
I saw that he posted it a little further down in the threads after I had posted my copy and paste from facebook. I normally don't open the events/competition section. I just check my subscribed threads and I missed it but he did pop in the say hello.


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