The One With All The Birthdays - Day 5, DISNEY


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
day 5

Today we head to DISNEY!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

We were awake at 7am We got up and watched some Golden Girls on the TV in the lounge while I did a bit of internet surfing including checking the credit card, I was a bit panicked when I saw that it showed it had loads of transactions - we had read online that a lot of tourists had been targeted lately with credit card fraud which we really didn't need. Sy made a quick call to find out what was going on and luckily we had nothing to worry about, the last hotels we had stayed in had all put holds on our card for the rooms, though not one of them had told us that they were gonna do it - bit rude not to even mention it but we were too relieved to care.

It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining and hardly a cloud in the sky. I had done a bit of washing the night before and some of the stuff that couldn't go in the tumble drier still needed drying so I put it out on the chairs on the balcony, it was dry in no timeout there.

We decided last night that we would just have breakfast in the hotel, it was expensive but not ridiculously so. My parents were first to arrive in the restaurant followed by me and Sy and then Anne and Cliff followed later. Breakfast was a buffet, there wasn't a huge choice but what was there was really nice, good quality and fresh.

I had a fruit tea to go with my breakfast which was lovely.

Our view while eating breakfast, alright for some eh?

I actually didn't manage to eat much before I felt ill and had to leave and go back up to the room.

Once feeling a bit better I finished packing up and got dressed into my travel outfit, today I was Disney bounding! We were off to Animal Kingdom Lodge so I was wearing my leopard print dress with zebra print hair flower :D

Not really sure what was going on in this picture, I was trying to do an 'out of safari' pose but I just look like a dork! LOL

Just as we were about to leave I was ill again so everyone was waiting down in reception for me, that was a change to be the last one ready lol it doesn't happen again all trip. We loaded the car up with the bags and were on the road by 10:45am - bit later than I would have wanted but couldn't help being poorly.

For anyone who hasn't made the journey before, that is one long, boring drive. Made 10x worse knowing we were on the way to my happy place! We had been in the car all of about 10 minutes before I was starting with the 'are we nearly there yet?!?!' I'm pretty sure I was told to 'something off' by the 10th time I'd asked ;)

Cliff had a nap on the way.

We stopped about half way at a services so we could use a restroom, it was actually the same one we stopped in the last time we drove up from Miami - what are the chances of that?

Finally, we were driving along the 192 where everything looked familiar and soon after we were pulling into those wonderful gates.

It was 2:45pm when we walked into reception at Kidani, we checked in and picked up our magic bands (they don't send them to the UK).

Our 2 bedroom villa was ready so we had all of the bags sent there, we did a little unpacking and I skyped my friend back home and then made our way out to Walmart for some supplies. Sy and I went to grab the car from Valet while the rest waited by the Zazu lifts for us. Sy made a little friend who then wouldn't get off his leg LOL we was blowing him and trying to gently nudge him but he was having none of it and stayed perched there until I got a map and guided him back down his leg...

We picked up the parents and headed straight to Walmart. We bought lots of drinks, snack and stuff for breakfast in the rooms and left $130 lighter. Time had kinda got away from us in Walmart so we were now in a rush to make it back in time for our ADR. We also needed to swap the beast at Alamo for a smaller car so we quickly filled up the beast and headed to the Disney Car Centre. Luckily someone rather clever thought to bring all of the info we needed to swap out the cars (me!) so it was easy, we transferred all the shopping and headed back to Kidani. We quickly dumped all of the shopping in the room and practically ran down to Sanaa. We checked in and grabbed a table in the bar.

We were there for quite a long time, people all around us were called to their tables, it didn't really matter and we were chatting to the table next to us so time passed quicky. When we had been there for about 40 minutes I went to see what the hold up was with the front desk, they didn't say to me but I overheard them say to one another that we had been forgotten about, the system had gone down and I guess we had just been missed off. They seated us right away so it was all good, on the way to our table I discreetly reminded them that we had a special cake on order. As we sat down I made sure Anne, Sian and Bill were sat together in preparation for the cake.

Our server was called Pat and he was a total babe throughout the meal, totally gonna ask for him when we go back if he's still there!We got the breads to start with full order of the dips to go with them ;) We also might have got a few extra breads... hehe. I really liked the pickled garlic, the African BBQ, mango chutney and chilli dips the best. They had run out of poppadums so gave us some weird cracker type things, they were definitely not a hit.

Anne and I decided to share a main as did my parents - they were so sweet and split them up in the kitchen for us! I had butter chicken and rice and Anne had the seafood curry, sadly I forgot to get pics of the mains - sorry!

Our waited then came over and asked Sy quietly who's birthday the cake was for. Sy told him it was for 2 of them, doh! It was for 3 but luckily the cake came with all 3 names on (like I had asked) so it was obvious once it arrived. Everyone in the restaurant sang for them :D it was lovely! The cake itself was beautiful too, after hearing a lot of bad press about Amanda the AKL pastry chef I was a bit worried but it was exactly what I'd asked for. We were all too full to eat any right away so we asked to have the box so we could take it back up to our room. They were also given a birthday card signed by lots of CM wishing them a happy birthday.

We got the bill and for some reason we had been charged for a standard podium cake instead of what I had been quoted! And they took 20% off with the TiW card! Result!!

We paid up and headed back to the room. Back in the room the kettle went on and cake was cut, funny how that 5 min walk can help make room for cake ;) The cake was immense! It was **SO** good! Yummy yummy yummy, in fact I'm trying to think of a reason to order another one for the next trip just so I can have it again. It was vanilla sponge with fresh strawberries and custard filling. Yumminess.

After cake we unpacked and mum and dad went over to their room which was across the hall and round the corner a little bit.

I managed to completely fill our wardrobe with clothes! I don't think I realised I'd brought so much stuff with me...

I had a quick shower and it was then time for bed. 11:30pm, it had been a looooooong day.
Another great day!
I think your pose looked like that old 80's song "in the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight". Can't remember the exact title or who it was by though!:laughing:
That cake looks delicious! :goodvibes

Claire :)


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