The 'This-was-supposed-to-be-a-holiday-to-Mexico' TRIP REPORT! 02/10/12 cont.Part2


DIS Veteran
Feb 24, 2012
After R.R.R we went back on ourselves a little and went to ride the classic Terminator 2 3D ride. I call it a classic as I love it! Funnily enough one of my phobias is Robots so you would think that this ride is not good for me. You walk in and have a talk with the 'lovely' Cyberdyne Systems host when, oh no, Sarah Conner has hacked the systems and is telling you all to leave. This means of course you completely ignore her and take your seats ready to be shown the brand new model of Robot!

Although it is a little dated now and some of the 'future' technology in the ride has already been created it is still a cool, video/live action ride! Watch out for the shotgun, its VERY loud!



Next we headed back on ourselves once again (we never do anything in the logical order!) and went to ride Twister! The park was slightly busier today than the last time we went so we had to wait a little while for this one. We didn't mind, we spent the entire time making fun of Bill Paxton (in the voice of Troy McClure from the Simpsons)

"Hi! I'm Bill Paxton! You might remember me from such films as Twister, Apollo 13, Titanic..."

This Ride has changed since I last went on it back in 2000. Its louder, hotter, windier and...wetter?! Yup, we got soaked! Watch out for the collapsing roof, oh and the Cow...!



It just started to lightly rain when we came out of Twister! so we ran over to The Mummy, put our bag in the lockers (which I think are a fab idea) and headed inside. When we went on this ride the first time, we were shocked by how amazing it was, we promised we would ride it again!



Just walking through the queue line through all the ruins is brilliant except I kept thinking something was going to jump out on us...!! :scared1:

Karl said this was one of his favourite rides. The animatronics are fab, the fire room, the launch and then the unexpected roller-coaster section is amazing! This is also a must do!

The rain had stopped when we left the ride so we decided to take a wander through New York and San Francisco. We both loved this. The buildings are so pretty and it really makes you feel like you've gone back in time. We spent a large amount of time here just people watching and taking in the sites. I think I could have sat here all day.



Yes, I have my own club!! Whoop!



Karl wanted this car!


Unfortunately it started to drizzle again but it was SO hot so we decided to go and grab some lunch from Richter's Burger Co.


They offer Burgers, Chips, Chilli Cheese Fries, Chicken Sandwiches, Garden Burgers, Grilled Chicken Salads, Vanilla or Chocolate Milkshakes, Apple Pie, Fruit Cups, and Chocolate Chip Cookies. The Burgers weren't the best quality but they had a bar where you could add toppings of your choice which really helped the flavour.

They also had a really cool drinks machine where you could pick from a MASSIVE array of soft drinks by pressing the electronic screen. This wasn't free refills.



When we left Richter's the rain had stopped again (wonder how long before it starts again!) and we went to ride Disaster!



I remember riding this when I was here in 2000 but couldn't really remember what the ride entailed. We thought it was fun and we enjoyed it when they pick people out of the audience to take part in filming the different scenes. Everyone's favourite bit though has to be when you board the subway and, as the name says, disaster strikes!

As you've probably gathered the weather was a little hit and miss. Once again as we came out of Disaster! it was threatening to rain...again! As you can see from the sky on these pictures!



We headed over the Men in Black ride, at least we if it did start to rain we would be inside. It took us a while to actually get in to this ride as the lockers that we were trying to put out bag in to kept saying they couldn't read Karl's finger print!! Gggggggrrrrr! When we did eventually get in there was quite a queue. We think everyone had the same idea about trying to get out of the rain.



On shooting rides like these, Karl and I get VERY competitive! This one was no different. We jumped in to our ride car and and Karl and I gave a little 'oooohhh noooooo' as in the guy from Family Guy and to our amazement the Cast Member turns around to us and say right back, 'oooohh noooo!' Karl and I were in stitches!

Unfortunately for me, Karl whooped my behind and beat me fair and square :( but I kept reminding him of the times I beat him on Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin...! Whoop! I do like this ride but there is one section where the cars spin and spin and that always makes me feel a bit :sick: I love the idea that its supposed to be a MIB training exercise, its brill!

Once we had beat the aliens, it was time to crazy with, altogether now...
"The Siiiimpsoooons".



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