The Widow and the Spinster: The Search for Adventure, Enlightenment, and the Quest for Forbidden food - Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, and New TR Link! 5/23

We’re on our flight from Washington DC to Istanbul, and so far I’ve been about 24 hours in transit, Jill has been traveling for about 18 hours. I slept for a couple hours, not exactly sure how many, but when I woke up there was still about five hours to go before we landed. I tried to go back to sleep, but I finally gave up and put CNN on the TV. I was able to sign on to WiFi and worked on the TR while listening to the news.

Pretty soon they brought me a glass of orange juice which tasted fresh squeezed. So yummy! Epic fail. I got no picture. Trust me it was good, and in a fancy glass! Then I was served a platter of Fresh fruit, cheeses, honey, turkey and chicken, bircher muesli, and butter.


Later they brought a plate of pastries and I chose a chocolate croissant. And they brough a cup of coffee. I ate most all the fruit, tasted the muesli (I don't like it), verified that one of the cheeses was cottage cheese, and skipped the Meats all together.


I had read on the menu there was a waffle. There was! This was super tasty. It had a crunchiness to it not from the crispy waffle but like they had put some sort of sugary coating on it that cracked like brulee when you bit into it. Alas, I had eaten too much of the fruit and as I tried for each and every last bite, I knew I couldn't finish it.


Jill wasn’t feeling very well. She ate about two pieces of her fruit and sent the tray back. She didn’t want to feel any worse, so she just attempted to sleep for the rest of the plane ride.

And I realized I didn't get a lot of pictures of the little pod. Here are some from my perspective.



Pretty soon we were landing and they took our headphones and had us put on an extra shoulder belt. We alo did this for takeoff. Once we were on the ground it took forever to taxi to the terminal, but we made it. Once we got off the plane, we decided to check out the lounge here. Jill had heard it was huge, and it was! Like five or six times the size of the DC lounge. Neither of us were hungry. I grabbed a bottle of water and a Cappuccino.


I took advantage of the free wifi for posting on instagram and facebook, and then we left because the signs said we had a good 20 minute walk to our gate. This airport is HUGE and it's like one big over sensory shopping mall! There were duty free stores everywhere. I should have taken pictures but I was just so overwhelmed and focused on getting to our destination, I just marveled at the sights.

After a lot of waiting we were finally on the plane.


It was after 12 noon and both of us were getting hungry. We got another refreshing beverage. This time we traded. I got the lemon mint and she got the raspberry. I think the raspberry wins by just a touch.


We were given menus, and asked what beverage we preferred with our meal. I went with a Sauvignon Blanc, Jill went with a cola.



There was not a ton on this menu that appealed to me. I tasted the smoked salmon, but nope, I still don't like salmon. I did eat both mine and Jill's shrimp. I ate the cheese but skipped the eggplant salad.


Then they came by with the main courses. Jill had the ravioli with the lentil bolognaise.


I had the swordfish with potatoes, grilled vegetables and roasted red pepper. It looks like a small piece, but I couldn't finish it. I did eat all my potatoes!


I saved my room for the chocolate eclair, which was quite tasty! If I hadn't been on a plane when I ate all this food, I never would have known it was airplane food. Everything was so tasty!

It was about an hour and a half until we landed. The trip took a little longer because the pilot took us farther south than normal, presumably to fly past Israel and not pass through their airspace, which was fine by us. We flew over the Sinai peninsula and then back north to Amman through Jordanian airspace. We were about 15 minutes late landing, but safer is always better.

When we came up off the jetway there was a gentleman standing there with a sign that had my name on it. This was odd because Jill was the lead person on the booking. He whisked us through customs and out to meet our driver for the next three days. His name was Moafa. I remembered it as "like Moana with an f". Jill heard a version that I can't really repeat here on a family board.

We asked about stopping to buy some wine and water on the way to the hotel, and I don't think he completely understood the concept of "beverages for the room." He stopped at a little roadside market and picked us up two 500ml bottles of water.


In reality we were kind of looking for a six pack or maybe more. He told us that the hotel might frown on us bringing our own wine, so we just resolved that we would drink it at the restaurant with dinner.

The airport was a good half an hour from our hotel and we saw all sorts of things along the way. Jill spotted her first camels, I only briefly saw them. But it was too quick of a drive by to get a picture. The driver mentioned that we had just passed a camel farm where they sell camel milk. He did not care for camel milk, saying that it causes water in the stomach. We decided that was his polite way of saying it causes diarrhea. I saw herds of sheep alongside the road. Something that would become commonplace.

When we finally reached the hotel, we had to send our luggage through a scanner and we had to pass through a metal detector. Our room was ready, it better have been since it was nearly 4:30PM. We made arrangements to meet up with the driver at 9AM and headed up to the room to await our luggage from Bell Services.



The room was very nice and we were pleased with it.







Both of us were dying to take a shower after being in transit for so long. I went first since I'd had the longest travel time. After Jill showered and changed we headed down to dinner.

This isn’t our view, but the view from the window outside the elevator.


There was some confusion about where which restaurant was. We knew the menu we wanted to order from (there were two). And it seemed that the menu we wanted was being served outside near the bar. The thing was a lot of people were smoking out there and neither of us wanted to smell that. So we went inside to the lounge. There didn't seem to be anyone taking orders, so I checked with a restaurant that wasn't on the website. Turned out that was actually the restaurant where we wanted to eat. They had the menu we were looking for and we sat down for dinner.

We ordered a bottle of wine (since we didn't have any in the room for pregaming). Jill got the burger with beef bacon. With what? What the oink?


I got the Mezze platter. All kinds of fried Middle Eastern goodness. Lamb Kibbeh, Spinach Fatayer, Cheese Fatayer, Fried Chicken Mosakhan Roll Served With Mint And Yogurt Dip.


Look at that yummy lamb in there.


When we got back to the room, I took a tub. I was so thrilled to have one in the room to soothe my aching body physically. I hoped it would help me sleep.

Next up: a long trip to the desert.
I didn't want anything controversial, just plain Jane or Alison, Jane is my mom.
Given the current political climate in the area… probably a good call.
I doubt it. You buy your seat when you buy your ticket. I got mine back in May. It's just different than traveling on Southwest where you have to fight for your seat.
Well on a 5 hour flight, I got maybe 2-3. I don't remember when I actually dozed off because I was self medicating! :laughing:
I had a hard time....they also didn't really let me self medicate. They were somewhat stingy with the wine.
What! Those b******s!!
Fran and I tried to do that once, we only got a few movies in before she lost interest.
We’ll see how I do.
Well, I don't know. Jill has a lot more forced time planted in front of a computer while she's bored. She can go down YouTube rabbit holes.
I get that. Lately I’ve been training so have had a lot less time, but… I do get that.
I thought I looked pretty bleak. My eyes are half shut, I'm laughing cause I'm so freaking exhausted.
Nope. You looked great.
When the seat lays flat that's where your feet go!
Well I just googled on Amazon. A set of 4 is $60USD for 21oz glasses
I would have cut and paste, but I'm on a "spare" computer that doesn't have all the bells and whistles of my own computer. As it is I had to download a free version of Photoshop Express to edit my pictures. It doesn't do everything I can in PhotoShop, but I haven't needed to do any heavy lifting yet. Just resize or crop the pictures. A couple "spot healing", but no removing large objects or such.
When you get back home you’ll have to try it with the new AI… it’s a game changer.
Same cart, just dressed up with appetizers. They did the same thing for the mains and desserts.
Let me rephrase then.
Another cartful of food? (On the same cart.)
Turkish Airlines are known for their "Flying Chefs".
Really! Had no idea.
Well, I still have to write it down. We were just talking while we sipped daquiris.
You’ll be the only person I know who actually wrote it down.
But we will be soon!
I tried to go back to sleep, but I finally gave up and put CNN on the TV.
I've been doing that a lot, lately. Just up and... "whelp, that's it for sleep"
Pretty soon they brought me a glass of orange juice which tasted fresh squeezed.
mmmm... nothing better.
Trust me it was good, and in a fancy glass!
Perhaps... a Riedel?

I'm an expert on that now, ya know.
Then I was served a platter of Fresh fruit, cheeses, honey, turkey and chicken, bircher muesli, and butter.
That sounds great!
It had a crunchiness to it not from the crispy waffle but like they had put some sort of sugary coating on it that cracked like brulee when you bit into it.
Ooohhh... I like that idea. Might have to do that.
Jill wasn’t feeling very well.
:( Sorry to hear that. I suspect from travel and lack of sleep?
Cool. There's a video of someone taking pictures.

Pretty soon we were landing and they took our headphones
"But... I brought those with me!"
"Hand 'em over."
It was after 12 noon and both of us were getting hungry.
Wait... how long after landing was this? You said you went to the lounge but weren't hungry at the time.
I tasted the smoked salmon, but nope, I still don't like salmon.
Is it all smoked fish you don't like? Or just salmon?
Jill had the ravioli with the lentil bolognaise.
I was curious about that menu item. Did she like it?
The trip took a little longer because the pilot took us farther south than normal, presumably to fly past Israel and not pass through their airspace, which was fine by us.
Yeah... probably a good idea. Getting shot down is not a good way to end a flight.
We were about 15 minutes late landing, but safer is always better
His name was Moafa. I remembered it as "like Moana with an f". Jill heard a version that I can't really repeat here on a family board.


He stopped at a little roadside market and picked us up two 500ml bottles of water.
That should last you for days!

He did not care for camel milk, saying that it causes water in the stomach. We decided that was his polite way of saying it causes diarrhea.
When we finally reached the hotel, we had to send our luggage through a scanner and we had to pass through a metal detector.
Really! Huh. Interesting.
(And also a bit sad.)
Gorgeous lobby.
The room was very nice and we were pleased with it.
Room looked nice, too.
Both of us were dying to take a shower after being in transit for so long.
I can see that!
I went first since I'd had the longest travel time.
Seems fair. But maybe it should be based on who stinks the most! :lmao:
The thing was a lot of people were smoking out there and neither of us wanted to smell that.
Ew. Nope.
Jill got the burger with beef bacon. With what? What the oink?
What the heck even is that? Striploin??
I got the Mezze platter. All kinds of fried Middle Eastern goodness. Lamb Kibbeh, Spinach Fatayer, Cheese Fatayer, Fried Chicken Mosakhan Roll Served With Mint And Yogurt Dip.
Now that sure sounds good.
When we got back to the room, I took a tub.
aaahhhh... there it is.
I wondered why you didn't earlier, but probably going first, and time constraints prevented that.
So I know I've been long absent from the boards since our move to Louisiana and even worse now with our move to Houston.

I am so sorry for your loss. I known Fran would love that you are still off having amazing adventures!

Egypt is so cool to get to go visit & I'm glad you did it! It's on our eventual list of going to but that list keeps growing it feels. I'll be here following along.
I'm in. Will catch up when we are back to reliable Internet at OKW in a few days. Greetings from the Caribbean/St. Thomas. Loving the Disney bubble.
Got to read all your latest updates on your trip. Hope you and Jill had a great time. Flying days can always be exhausting. Looking forward to reading and seeing more.
That’s a really long long travel day! It sounds like you were on two separate tickets to DC and then from there? I would have been so afraid of something going wrong with the first flights!!! But luckily it all worked out fine.

We flew transatlantic business on Lufthansa for our Honeymoon and it was amazing! Michael was complaining because there was no steak option though, so he would have had lots of complaints on your menu offerings, too!

I think you know how CNN is our constant background TV channel (because it’s the best only American English language station we can get) and their travel guy, Richard Quest, once had a big program about that Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul. It’s fairly new I think. It looked amazing!

The hotel room looks nice, I love the silver carafe in the entry way! But instead of a shower, we would have been in that pool first! That looked really nice!!
Given the current political climate in the area… probably a good call.
Yeah, I didn't want to represent anything with my clothing. Not even Disney.
What! Those b******s!!
We’ll see how I do.
Let me know!
I get that. Lately I’ve been training so have had a lot less time, but… I do get that.
Yeah. That's the thing about being tied to a desk. You have to plant your butt in front of the screen whether there is work to do or not.
Nope. You looked great.
You must need new glasses.
When you get back home you’ll have to try it with the new AI… it’s a game changer.
I'm not sure I like that idea. Besides wouldn't I have to pay for the upgrade?
Let me rephrase then.
Another cartful of food? (On the same cart.)
Well it is a three course meal!
Really! Had no idea.
They have a YouTube video about them.
You’ll be the only person I know who actually wrote it down.
Really? Well I write everything down so I don't forget.
I've been doing that a lot, lately. Just up and... "whelp, that's it for sleep"
I sure hope I can sleep once I get home.
mmmm... nothing better.
Perhaps... a Riedel?

I'm an expert on that now, ya know.
Of course it was!
That sounds great!
The fruit was great. Not sure about the rest.
Ooohhh... I like that idea. Might have to do that.
How would you do that?
:( Sorry to hear that. I suspect from travel and lack of sleep?
Probably. She got potentially less sleep on Wednesday night than I did.
Cool. There's a video of someone taking pictures.

"But... I brought those with me!"
"Hand 'em over."
I suspect they have an identifying mark on theirs.
Wait... how long after landing was this? You said you went to the lounge but weren't hungry at the time.
Well we left the lounge around 10:15 AM, and it was a half an hour walk to our gate. So by the time we boarded we were hungry. Jill didn't eat her breakfast so she was hungrier than I.
Is it all smoked fish you don't like? Or just salmon?
I don't like salmon in any form. I'm not sure about other kinds of smoked fish.
I was curious about that menu item. Did she like it?
Yes. She said it was good!
Yeah... probably a good idea. Getting shot down is not a good way to end a flight.
No, I wouldn't think so. At least the rest of flights steer clear of that area.

I haven't seen that movie, but I showed it to Jill and she said, "Nailed it!" Then she explained to me his character. 🤣
That should last you for days!

Ha! I drink about four of those a day at least! Which is why I had to go pee at just about every monument/temple/wherever. :laughing:
Really! Huh. Interesting.
(And also a bit sad.)
Yeah, by the end of our week in Cairo we got used to scanners/metal detectors. Pretty much everywhere you go in this country they have them.
Gorgeous lobby.
Room looked nice, too.
This was the second nicest hotel where we stayed this trip.
I can see that!
Seems fair. But maybe it should be based on who stinks the most! :lmao:
I think that would have still been me.
What the heck even is that? Striploin??
It should have been made from the fatty belly of the cow, if they were making the same as pork bacon.
Now that sure sounds good.
It was! A nice little spread of fried foods.
aaahhhh... there it is.
I wondered why you didn't earlier, but probably going first, and time constraints prevented that.
A tub should either start or end the day. Rarely do I take them in the middle.
Let me know!
Two down…
Yeah. That's the thing about being tied to a desk. You have to plant your butt in front of the screen whether there is work to do or not.
You must need new glasses.
Nope. They’re brand new. I see just fine. :)
I'm not sure I like that idea. Besides wouldn't I have to pay for the upgrade?
Depends? Do you pay monthly or do you have an older version that you bought outright?
Well it is a three course meal!
I know!
Really? Well I write everything down so I don't forget.
Forget what?

I sure hope I can sleep once I get home.
Might take some adjusting to.
The fruit was great. Not sure about the rest.
So I read.
How would you do that?
Sugar on top and then torch. Like a crème brûlée.
I suspect they have an identifying mark on theirs.
Massive letter T
Well we left the lounge around 10:15 AM, and it was a half an hour walk to our gate. So by the time we boarded we were hungry. Jill didn't eat her breakfast so she was hungrier than I.
So probably around noon by then.
I don't like salmon in any form. I'm not sure about other kinds of smoked fish.
I’ll get you some smoked goldeye and you can test that.
I haven't seen that movie, but I showed it to Jill and she said, "Nailed it!" Then she explained to me his character. 🤣
Ha! I drink about four of those a day at least! Which is why I had to go pee at just about every monument/temple/wherever. :laughing:
Nice. You left your mark wherever you went.
This was the second nicest hotel where we stayed this trip.
Sure looked nice.
I think that would have still been me.
A: Let’s base it on who’s been up longer.
J: Yes!

A: Let’s base it on first name alphabetically
J: Yes!

A: Let’s base it on who lives farther South.
J: Yes!

A: let’s base it on who’s been married.
J: Yes!

A: Let’s base it on…
J: Yes! Yes! Please go shower!! Please!
It should have been made from the fatty belly of the cow, if they were making the same as pork bacon.
How did it taste?
A tub should either start or end the day. Rarely do I take them in the middle.
Actually that’s a good point. If you’d taken a bath it probably would’ve knocked you out.
So I know I've been long absent from the boards since our move to Louisiana and even worse now with our move to Houston.

I dont think i realized you moced to Houston. Did you start a new profile on FB? I got a friend request from you but i wasnt sure if it was a hack. I feel like we had already been friends on FB before.
I am so sorry for your loss. I known Fran would love that you are still off having amazing adventures!
Thank you very much. I'm thinking she's happy I'm getting to go all over the place now. She would have like to do that too, but her illnesses just got to be too much.
Egypt is so cool to get to go visit & I'm glad you did it! It's on our eventual list of going to but that list keeps growing it feels. I'll be here following along.

It's definitely a cool place! We are already planning a trip back in a few years, but now we know where we want to return to and where to avoid.
Got to read all your latest updates on your trip.
Hope you and Jill had a great time. Flying days can always be exhausting. Looking forward to reading and seeing more.

We're still not quite done. The adventure part of the trip is over. Now we start the journey home beginning at 5:30AM tomorrow morning. We just get a little rest before the biggest part of the trip home.
Now we start the journey home beginning at 5:30AM tomorrow morning. We just get a little rest before the biggest part of the trip home.
Safe travels!! And hope you will have enough time to enjoy that massive lounge in Istanbul again!
That’s a really long long travel day!
Yeah. There was no other way I could work it out.
It sounds like you were on two separate tickets to DC and then from there? I would have been so afraid of something going wrong with the first flights!!! But luckily it all worked out fine.
Yes. Jill had all her flights booked already when I joined in. I didn't want to end up in a country where I didn't have an inkling of the language by myself so I told her I had to be on that same Turkish Airlines flight if this trip was going to work.

The problem was getting me to DC by 4:40PM. We tired both Southwest and American and this was the only flight that got me to DC in time for the Turkish flight. Everything else wouldnhave cut it too close.

For our WBTA I'm flying into London a day before her (if we get the flights we want). She was like "you're OK with that?" And I was thinking, I speak their language. She was relieved that I wasn't afraid to fly by myself, it was just to Jordan that made me uneasy to be alone.

We flew transatlantic business on Lufthansa for our Honeymoon and it was amazing! Michael was complaining because there was no steak option though, so he would have had lots of complaints on your menu offerings, too!

Well I find Michael has a lot to complain about wherever he goes! :laughing:

I think you know how CNN is our constant background TV channel (because it’s the best only American English language station we can get) and their travel guy, Richard Quest, once had a big program about that Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul. It’s fairly new I think. It looked amazing!

Yes it did look amazing, but we weren't hungry at the time. They had stations, each one specialized in a different delicacy. Maybe someday we will go to Istanbul and get to take advantage of that lounge.

The hotel room looks nice, I love the silver carafe in the entry way! But instead of a shower, we would have been in that pool first! That looked really nice!!

We really aren't pool people. We haven't been in one pool on this entire trip though we brought our swim suits. :rotfl2:


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