The W's go West, May 2015 TR Day 3 SF


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
Day 3, San Francisco

We were up fairly early again, Sy had slept on the sofa as his snoring was driving me nuts already (and that was just 1 night, how the hell did I cope the rest of the trip?!), though he had managed to even wake Jane up from the sofa from the opposite end of the condo! We got dressed and headed out for breakfast at Louis, which was a family run cafe right by the sea with beautiful views of the ocean.][/URL]

The staff were not the friendliest of bunches but the food was good, it was a shame really as we had such high hopes of the 'family cafe' thinking it would be warm and friendly inside but it was more cold and indifferent. I went for a waffle while Sy and Jane went for eggs benedict. I would probably go back there as the food and the view was good, I'd just hope for a better service experience.][/URL]

We paid up and then made our way outside for some pictures in the sunshine.][/URL]][/URL]][/URL]

I also took a snap of this for Sy's dad as his name is Cliff :D

We then hopped back in the car and headed for the Japanese Tea Garden. I actually remembered to bring out my ipad today with the navmii app so at least we would have some idea of where we were going ;) We were only about 5 minutes drive away so we arrived in no time, parking was easy on the street. I have to say i'd heard a LOT of horror stories about parking, never being able to find somewhere and then it costing a bomb, we didn't find it a problem all trip. There was 1 evening along fisherman's wharf where we had to drive round the block a couple of times but got parked in the end.

Anyway, I digress. We parked up and before we knew it we were walking into the gardens. This was one of the highlights of SF for me, I just loved everything about it! I'm sure it helped that there was a beautiful blue sky as backdrop. It was still very chilly though, it looked a lot warmer than it felt. Prepare for photo overload...


We stopped in the little Tea shop where Sy got some green tea. I tasted a little and I wasn't keen. I'm a black tea kinda girl.

Afterwards we decided to do some more of the 49 mile drive, we drove round a few different places each time being marvelled at the beauty of the city. Last up was Twin Peaks, it was somewhere I don't think we would have seen had we not had a car. It was breathtaking up there! The views were spectacular!][/URL]

About a month before we left home I read an article online about 10 patisserie's to visit before you die, number 1 was somewhere in SF called B so of course, we had to find it! We knew where it was roughly along the 49 mile drive and we found it without too much trouble (and with the use of Navmii). It was very pretty! In what I gather was in quite a posh neighbourhood. We couldn't decide what to have so they girl who was serving us made some suggestions, Jane and I decided to get 1 thing each and share. We got a kouign amann (plain) and a 10 hour apple tart, Sy went for a raspberry kouign amann. I got an Orangina while Sy and Jane went for coffees. O.M.G. WOW! Jane and I both agreed that the kouign amann was the best, in fact Jane went in and bought us all another 1 each to take away. We sat outside in the sunshine with our cakes and drinks, it was so chilled out. In fact I could have stayed there all day if the sun hadn't disappeared behind the buildings.

When we'd finished we headed back to the condo to chill for a bit, Sy and Jane watched a bit of Grease while I had a nap. I was informed later on that Sy went to the toilet while they were watching the movie and promptly fell asleep on it! HAHAHAHA! Awwww think he was still a bit jet lagged ;) Sy and Jane had been googling while I was sleeping to decide where to go to eat, they had decided on a burger place called napa valley burgers. We all got ready and headed out for dinner and a mooch in Sausalito.

We hopped in the car and made our way over the Golden Gate Bridge and stopped the other side to get yet more pictures of it.][/URL]

We drove around and took yet more pictures of the bridge before parking up in Sausalito and heading to the town for a wander. Little did we know, everything closes at 5/6pm! Including restaurants and the burger place we were hoping to visit. What restaurant is only open in the day time? It wasn't a cafe or anything, it was a proper burger restaurant! How very dare they ;)][/URL]

With everything closed we headed back to the car to decide what our next plan of attack would be. I had made a list of places to eat on my ipad before we came out so we drove along the water looking to see what was open and hopefully find one of the places on my list. Well we did in fact find somewhere from the list, and it was gorgeous. Bar Bocce. We dined al fresco as the sun was setting, right on the seafront. It was beautiful, you could tell it was a real local's place. The service was a bit rubbish, kinda like this morning in Louis cafe, I'd read that the service was better on the West Coast than the East, hmmm.... not sure I'm convinced of that ;)][/URL]

Jane and I ordered pizzas (Jane went for mushroom and garlic, I had margarita) while Sy had a shrimp Po Boy with coleslaw. Sy was brought out his meal and had finished with his plate even cleared before our pizzas arrived, that was mighty annoying but what made it worse was that there was no apology even when we complained. That being said, the food was really good.][/URL]

Sy and Jane had desserts, Jane went for something like an Eton mess while Sy had a bread and butter pudding. I did end up sharing some of Sy's with him, it was scrummy.][/URL]][/URL]

We paid the check and headed back to the condo, back over the bridge at night with all the pretty lights of SF in the distance.

Back at the condo we made it to 10:30pm before falling into bed completely shattered.

Tomorrow our last full day in SF.
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