Think my stroller plan will work?


<font color=green> I think I could adjust!! <br><f
Mar 11, 2002
Okay, we go in two months and my boys will be two and a half and just over one. the one yo rides comfortably in the baby bjorn. We have a double stroller--a nice one, fairly quick to fold and easy to push, but those things are big! It's like driving a limo! Also have a 6 yo who is petite and will get tired some.

Last trip (last Feb) we brought the double. This trip I am thinking about just brining a single stroller. The two year old would just ride in the stroller and the baby in the front pack. The advantages are, the single is a lot smaller both to push and fold for on the tram etc, has a good basket--double's is nonexistent--and has a tray where DS can keep his cup and put a snack. It does lay down if baby needs it to nap. Then I figure, part way through the day--like when we are done with FL--we can rent one and the DD can ride sometimes as well as have extra space in case we get tired of schlepping the baby.

Is all this planning worth it or do you think I should just bite the bullet and bring the double?
I would say it depends on where you are staying and what parks you are doing. If you are busing it, the limo stroller is really hard. If you are monorail most the way, the limo is so nice to have.

I have a side-by-side double that I bring for bussing and when I am doing mostly monorail, I bring the limo. Usually I do the side-by-side stroller. It's a nice light peg perego but I miss the Graco front-back one. It's so nice to have the storage.

I notice a double Kolcraft umbrella that looks nice and not too expensive. Here's a link that shows it.

I've been told you can get it for $50.

I have 6, 3, and 1. I can't do it without a double. The one-year-old naps throughout the day. The 3-year-old, who normally never naps, always takes a 5 p.m. one, on the way to dinner. (I guess WDW tuckers him out)

My boy, 6, could go night and day.

I hate paying that rental price.
I think your plan is good, but with 3 kids I'd bring the's why:

rental prices are steep.

you will have to push 2 strollers when you rent, with a baby on your chest. Also, are you prepared to carry a child on your front ALL day? I personally could never do it, but my son weighed 34 pounds at 1 year :)

I know my 6 yo would tell me she wanted a stroller when we are no where near the rental location and then have to walk all the way back there.

We risked it last weekend at a huge state fair, my 6 yo made it about an hour before the complaining set in, should've brought the double. Maybe you could do a test run using your plan at a local fair or mall and see how your 6 yo fairs?

Have a great time and let me know how it works....we will be going next year at this time with our 2 'big' kids and a 7 month old!
Another vote for the double! Even if the kids don't use it that much, you'll have the extra storage space
Well, I think you all have me convinced! Now, does someone have any ideas for a tray type deal I could attach to the front bar of the double?

I'm thinking Kate-n-sam is right, pushing two strollers would be a pain, cause somebody would have to be pushing and carrying the baby at the same time for at least part of the day. And it has occurred to me that I'm not sure he could sleep in the single.(He's a tummy sleeper and the back seat of the double holds him in better.)

The six year old did fine without anything to ride in when she and I went by ourselves in June, but we are staying offsite and will probably do some outlet shopping and such and will need the double then. Yeah, and think of World Showcase without the double. LOL now I am really convinced you guys are right!
I think - as big as they are - you will need your double. Your 6yo will need a rest, you will need more "stuff" than you think and you and your baby will need a break from the snugli. I used one with both my girls and although the snugli or sling is a lifesaver for lines and even riding rides such as peter pan and pooh its hot and tiring for both! Once my dd fell asleep I put her into the stroller and let her spread out - its also cooler in the stroller.

As for the tray. go to - they have cool stroller accessories. I saw a tray that fits a stroller and high chair (the wooden ones like at wdw), folds small and is light. Click on stroller accessories and I think its on page two.

Here is the pitch:
QUOTE from

07099 Twingles Collapsible Stroller Tray

"The solution to on-the-go dining. What a great idea! This folding stroller tray fits in your diaper bag, then straps easily to most standard strollers (not to mention most high chairs and boosters) at mealtime. Ideal for day trips, food courts, and more, because it gives baby a neat, clean, and comfortable eating surface--anywhere. Folds down to 8.5" x 8" and weighs only a pound. Dishwasher safe, too. (Need we tell you it was invented by a mother of four?)"
At the time I needed a double stroller ( I don't right now, but you never know what the future holds. . .) I rented a beautiful side-by-side from an outside company in Orlando. It was great! I preferred it over the front-to-back beacuse of Josh and Ashleys' ages; with the s/s they weren't having to crawl over each other, and also both sides laid back for naps (the f/t/b did not).

Anyway, it was a life saver, and much better than the park strollers they offered, and we didn't have to turn it in when we parkhopped! Also, as we had it for a week, it was actually a lot cheaper than the park rental prices. The place we used was A Baby's Best Friend, and they were great! Very nice lady, and the stroller was clean and smelled great. It was delivered to our hotel and we left it there for them to pick up. Very nice. The web site is

Good luck!:wave:
Great tips! I love these boards!

I will check out both sites. As for the storage issue, that was the big reason I was wanting to bring the single actually. The double has a tiny hard to reach basket, not even big enough for a small diaper bag and the single has a huge storage area underneath. I am thinking the week long rental idea sounds fabulous! We are driving down so not using practically the whole cargo area for the stroller has great appeal.
just a quick storage idea.....

I have a fishnet type bag that straps to the back of my stroller, it was cheap and expands as you put stuff in it. you could get two for the back of the limo. Think I got at babies r us for under 5 bucks. I know also there are several other types of bags you can strap to your stroller too.....
We have 5 D Cherubs from the ages of 13 down to 5. We do a lot of weekend things with them and the 5 yo always ends up wanting to be carried. She is way too big for hubby to carry her the whole day so we end up bringing a stroller. My point, lol, is that I also have a very tiny 7 yo. He will walk and go with the best of them but for an all day trip we bring the double. We just took the kids for a 1 day excursion to 6 Flags NE and am I glad hubby listened to me and let me take the double. As a matter of fact so convinced was he that he finally agreed to bring it with us in January so we won't have to rent, with what it would cost us we could buy a new double and a single umbrella! In the long run, all of yours will probably all end up in the double at some point and it really saves your sanity as well as money and makes for a much more memorable experience! Have fun.

Faith, trust, and pixie dust to you!

:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:


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