Thoughts on Renting a Scooter Post Race


Earning My Ears
Apr 26, 2022
Hi All,
I Signed up for my first Dopey, and have a question for all the more experienced runners here. I have done a few half marathons, and in October 2021, did my first marathon. After the marathon, I couldn't bend my legs (actually during the marathon). Took me a few days until I could even get up and down from a curb without a lot of pain and patience. No issue during the half marathons, but the marathon was a bit hilly - Chattanooga, Tennessee, so that might have been the issue.

ANYWAY....I'm worried. I was thinking of renting a scooter offsite for the evening of the marathon, and the two days after, when I will be visiting the parks. It will be a lot less expensive than getting one from Disney, but it might also be a waste of money if I end up not needing it. Has anybody here needed a wheelchair or scooter after their races, or rented one prior to their race "just in case"? Thoughts?
Well you are really the only one who knows what your body will tolerate, but that said, in general it's best to keep moving after completing a long run. Your legs will recover much more quickly if you use those muscles after the race. You'll see plenty of other runners who are hobbling around the parks happily wearing their medals. So, if you think you can tolerate it, your recovery will likely be much faster if you tough it out around the parks after the race and walk.
After my first marathon (October last year) I was very very very sore. Stairs were an issue. Carrying my toddler (bending to pick her up) was an issue. For a couple of days.

After goofy in January it was soooooooo much better (and only 3mo after that marathon!) I joked about getting a wheelchair for the airport but ended up being fine.
After my first in person half at Princess 2022, I was initially pretty crippled-feeling—like holding onto doors and walls to stay upright in my hotel room. But then I went out and had to walk a mile from Hollywood Studios to Beach Club for my lunch reservation and that got all my leg muscles back in shape and I ended up staying in the parks until 10pm that day, ending the day with over 24 miles walked. From there on, I had no problems beyond the usual foot fatigue that’s inevitable on a Disney trip.
Has anybody here needed a wheelchair or scooter after their races, or rented one prior to their race "just in case"? Thoughts?

I actually considered renting a scooter for my park days during this year's Dopey. I was dealing with plantar fasciitis and I knew that my feet only had so many steps in them. I didn't actually go through with it, but it crossed my mind so what you're thinking isn't so crazy.

After my first half marathon, like your experience, my legs (particularly my quads) were very sore and stairs were my mortal enemy. But I kept moving (and used elevators or ramps where available) and it worked itself out by three days post-race. But until then, I hurt.

However, then I worked with a physical therapist before my first challenge (Princess). He got me doing runner-specific strength exercises and my post-race recovery was all different. Even through I had run more mileage with less training (my training was limited by the issues that led me to seek out the PT's help), I felt fine each day and in the aftermath. Yes, my legs felt tired when I went upstairs, but there was no serious soreness. Even this past year, after the first three races of Dopey, my legs were very fresh. My feet were done, but everything else felt good.

So my recommendation would be to go with an ounce of prevention - do the strength training - rather than the pound of cure in the scooter. Particularly if you are doing Dopey when maximizing your recovery between runs is crucial.

(And if you want info on the type of exercises that I was doing, let me know.)
Honestly, if you are going to need to rent a scooter after Dopey, maybe you are not ready for Dopey. @ZellyB and @sandam1 are on the right track. It is better for your recovery if you move afterwards. It is also important to train properly prior to Dopey, which includes strength training and stretching. If you do all of those things, you shouldn’t need a scooter.
It is also important to train properly prior to Dopey, which includes strength training and stretching. If you do all of those things, you shouldn’t need a scooter.

This is a valid point.

One thing that I learned was that I can muscle through a half and survive, just focusing on running. But for the challenges, and particularly Dopey, you need to have the whole package - training, strength, recovery, rest, nutrition, etc. If you skimp on one, it's going to come back and bite you HARD. You might be able to do Dopey, but at best, you're not going to like yourself afterward (like how you described your recovery from your marathon). At worst, you are going to wind up hurt - and, let me tell you from experience, that stinks.
The day after the marathon I saw so many abandoned chairs in the EPCOT parking lot, I assume from people who couldn’t walk to their car. So I assume that’s an option. But I agree with the advice that it’s better to do strength training now.
Thanks all! I actually do strength training and cross-training consistently, but I would love to hear what others are doing. I am probably just over planning a bit, taking all possibilities into consideration.
I find doing a run/walk/run (strategically, from the START, using a timer app) I avoid all of the extreme soreness of marathon running. There are many ways to incorporate intervals at many pace goals.

I also usually wear compression socks and for my last marathon wore compression 3/4 length tights plus the socks.

Result: After my last WDW full marathon, I was easily able to literally RUN across Magic Kingdom a few hours post-race, in order to make it on time to my post-marathon lunch reservation!! (Lingered a bit too long in my post-race shower, lol.)


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