"Time Lapse" Trip Report

Great job! Did you get stuck on the HM because I can never capture Leona that good!!!

No, didn't get stuck. I was using my new Nikon 35mm f/1.8G and had set my D40 to auto ISO, center focus, and spot meter. So the ISO set to 1600 and I focused and metered on the face.

We never get stuck on HM where I would want to. :laughing:
Very cool! I enjoyed the shots of the Move It Shake It parade, and the rainbow shots as well!
Very cool! I enjoyed the shots of the Move It Shake It parade, and the rainbow shots as well!

We saw Move It Shake It twice that day and the rainbow appeared during the second show. Also, this was during the record heat in Florida for October, it was brutally hot, 90's and high humidity every day.


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