Tokyo Disney Resort Official Notice

Cheshire Figment

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Jan 12, 2001
The following is from the official Disney web site

Update - Tokyo Parks
Date: 03/12/2011

Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea suspended operations today due to the effect of the Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake on 3/11. Theme park operations will continue to be suspended tomorrow and thereafter.

TDR will target 3/21 for a decision and notification on when to expect operations to resume.

This earthquake did not cause major damage to the facilities and building in the theme parks, and TDR has already proceeded with safety verifications.

The decision on the timing of restarting operations will be made carefully, taking into account the safety of the parks, and the recovery of transportation systems as well as the neighboring infrastructure.
Glad to hear that the shutdown was voluntary and not due to damage. But it really had to be done. How could anyone even think of going to an amusement park at this point?
With the reactor issues and island-wide power limits, it would seem to make the most sense anyways.
Local news showed a video clip from a local college student (from Stetson University) who was in the park during the earthquake. It was really shaking the light fixtures in front of him. He said everyone was very calm.

One of the professors with their group also had some interesting info:

Dr. Becky Oliphant and her husband, who are both professors at Stetson University in DeLand, are traveling with a group of students in Tokyo. WESH 2 News was able to speak with her by phone Saturday afternoon.

She and her husband stepped into the lobby of a Disneyland Tokyo hotel Friday, and thought what happened next was part of Disney magic.

"As the doors opened and we stepped onto the mat, the chandelier started swaying. And being Disney, we thought maybe it was part of the attraction," Oliphant explained.

But the swaying and shaking got stronger, and she knew something was wrong.

"The employees were telling us to 'sit down, sit down' in Japanese. But you could tell what they were telling us and everyone started sitting down," she said.

Instead, though, Oliphant and her husband tried to make their way to the front of the park, where they were to meet up with the group of Stetson students. Eventually they did, but not before their eyes caught the monorail. Oliphant said it was shaking so badly, it appeared it might fall off the track.

More good info here:

As an entity that pays salaries and wages and uses and stores perishable materials Disney should have just as much right to operate as any other business such as an car factory.
As an entity that pays salaries and wages and uses and stores perishable materials Disney should have just as much right to operate as any other business such as an car factory.

Not sure where they aren't being allowed to operate...this is voluntary as far as is known. But with uncertain power and public safety issues, perishables is the least concern.
I would guess that there are restrictions in place as far as curfews and transportation are concerned, similar to what we went through during the 2004 and 2005 hurricanes. That makes it difficult for CM's who are physically and mentally able to go to work from getting there. If your employees can't get to work, why be open? Even though Tokyo was not so close to the epicenter, there were still lots of issues with trains and other public transportation, as well as damage that needs to be repaired in the areas surrounging the resort. I don't think it's unreasonable to close a few days to clean up and let things normalize a little bit.

Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with having theme parks open even while such hardship is going on. I'm sure a lot of the Hurricane Katrina refugees who ended up in Orlando were glad of any diversions they could find - getting a little escape from all the stress and worry. I remember after 9/11, when there weren't many people in the Orlando parks but locals - again, it was nice to escape all the tv coverage and the feelings of depression and fear and spend a day doing something normal. I think that's necessary to recover.
They announced on the news that Tokyo and other areas of Japan (that still have power) are going to have rolling blackouts starting Monday, the 14th since their isn't enough power to go around.

They have two out of six nuclear power plants that are in real trouble. They are asking everyone to be patient and cooperate.

Disney will be affected just like any other company over there would be. It would be pretty inconvenient to try and run theme parks when power will be off and on for an undetermined period of time each day. And as someone else mentioned, the transportation to get there will be affected too.

This is a huge disaster for that country, even in the areas not directly affected by the waters of the tsunami. I am surprised if anyone thinks it can be business as usual for Japan and/or the disney parks there.
I would guess that there are restrictions in place as far as curfews and transportation are concerned, similar to what we went through during the 2004 and 2005 hurricanes. That makes it difficult for CM's who are physically and mentally able to go to work from getting there. If your employees can't get to work, why be open? Even though Tokyo was not so close to the epicenter, there were still lots of issues with trains and other public transportation, as well as damage that needs to be repaired in the areas surrounging the resort. I don't think it's unreasonable to close a few days to clean up and let things normalize a little bit.

Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with having theme parks open even while such hardship is going on. I'm sure a lot of the Hurricane Katrina refugees who ended up in Orlando were glad of any diversions they could find - getting a little escape from all the stress and worry. I remember after 9/11, when there weren't many people in the Orlando parks but locals - again, it was nice to escape all the tv coverage and the feelings of depression and fear and spend a day doing something normal. I think that's necessary to recover.

Japan's economy will need every tourist they can to spend money. Their debt was double their GDP before this tragedy.
As an entity that pays salaries and wages and uses and stores perishable materials Disney should have just as much right to operate as any other business such as an car factory.

Car factories and other businesses are also shutting down and limiting hours, along with the regular populace. Everyone -- people and businesses -- is making sacrifices.
It was pointed out on another forum (quite a poignant point, really) that there haven't been any reports of looting or otherwise chaotic/paniced behavior in the face of everything that has happened and continues to arise with this mega-catastrophe. Think about when Katrina hit in 2005 or the big 'quake in the San Francisco area in '89. One of the first issues was getting people under control and to stop the looting. I think the way the Japanese are handling things truly speaks volumes for them as a people. I, for one, am impressed. I notice and appreciate this.

When the time is right TDL/TDS will reopen just as wonderful as ever. I have no doubt.

Until then, my heart and prayers are with everyone over there as they face the uncertain times ahead.
I would think by now Disney should build another theme park in Australia.

So sad yet so comforting watching the people take it in strike instead of panic, looting or complaining the MRE's are cold.
It was pointed out on another forum (quite a poignant point, really) that there haven't been any reports of looting or otherwise chaotic/paniced behavior in the face of everything that has happened and continues to arise with this mega-catastrophe. Think about when Katrina hit in 2005 or the big 'quake in the San Francisco area in '89. One of the first issues was getting people under control and to stop the looting. I think the way the Japanese are handling things truly speaks volumes for them as a people. I, for one, am impressed. I notice and appreciate this.

When the time is right TDL/TDS will reopen just as wonderful as ever. I have no doubt.

Until then, my heart and prayers are with everyone over there as they face the uncertain times ahead.

Absolutely. The calm and dignity the Japanese are showing in a time when panic would be understandable is staggering.
From AllEars.....

Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea suspended operations last week after the Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake on March 11. The theme parks will remain closed until an as-yet undetermined time. A decision about when to reopen will be announced no earlier March 21. While the earthquake did not cause major damage to the parks' facilities, a reopening date will take into account scheduled blackouts and reduced power supplies, as well as the parks' safety, the transportation systems, and the neighboring infrastructure.

In response to this disaster, The Walt Disney Company is making a $2.5 million contribution to the Red Cross to help aid in the disaster relief. The company has also coordinated a charitable giving program for all Disney employees and will match donations, dollar for dollar, up to an additional $1 million.


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