Two Weeks until Two Weeks! - Update 3/22 - NEW TR LINK!

Too funny! I thought, "Is Joe dancing with other people's kids?" :confused3

:lmao: Joe dancing with other kids? Me on the other hand...:rolleyes1

The pic of Henry with Buzz is so cute. He is such a cutie!!

I love all the cute things that Epcot sells this time of year. I cannot wait to see everything in person in May:banana:. If you happen to be walking through Epcot WS again I was wondering if they have the clear glass ornaments shaped like a Mickey head. No biggie if you do not get to check.

Sounds like you are having a great time. Cannot wait to hear how you like BLT!!

I tried to look for those ornaments, but I never saw them. Where are they normally located?

That picture of Henry with Buzz is ridiculously cute!

I can't believe some of those pics are from your iphone! I'm amazed at how clear they are.

He was very excited to meet Buzz again! I was shocked at how short the line was. :woohoo:

The iPhone does really well in good lighting, it's just when you have to use the flash it gets a bit iffy. But for a phone, no complaints here!

Hey Brook! So happy to see that you are still having a wonderful time. We are back out here in Real World. Just have to make it another 17 weeks until we get back to Much Much Better World. :)

Those flowers on the water at Epcot were so beautiful. I'm sure my pictures won't be nearly as sharp and clear as yours, but I did take one or two.

Update us on the sand sculpture whenever you go by it. It was just a pile of sand when we went by.

I'm a bit (okay, a LOT) jealous that you have a countdown already to the next trip. You must be at 15 or 16 weeks now. Sigh. :cloud9: I'm excited for you guys though that you get to go so often!

Did you see the picture of the sand sculpture I put on Facebook? It was very cool! I am sure I took some better ones with our real camera too.

OMG, it looks like another fabulous day! How could it not be when you started your day with Mickey waffles girl!:thumbsup2 I hope you all liked Hollywood & Vine then. It looks like Joe did at least!:lmao:

Awww, that pic of Henry with Buzz is so precious! His smile is adorable!

Hope your evening plans go well with TSM. Good luck!:goodvibes

:rotfl: Hollywood & Vine was a big hit! I want to eat there again! It was a pretty relaxed meal with great food and a lot of fun! The problem is there are so many great breakfast places...I could literally do a trip where I just eat breakfast out every day. Maybe for my "whenever I get to-solo trip" ::yes::

It sounds like you are having a lot of fun!!!

We did!!
Have fun staying at my fave resort. Well not technically Bay Lake, but the Contemporary ;)

It was awesome. Love, love, love that area - and walking into the CR tower each day was :cloud9:

Hey Brooke - great updates and pictures. I can't believe your BWV stay is coming to a close.

Since you are taking pictures for people, if you see the kiosk in the worldshowcase that has the cool handmade flowers (she uses various materials like coconut and other natural stuff to craft them), take me a pic. I really want a new flower this year to join the one I bought last year.

I hope you love BLT and enjoys your walks to the MK!

I didn't see that booth - but I forgot to purposely look for it :headache: I hope they are still there!

Te evil isn't so bad when you are moving to another Disney resort!

Very, very true!

I can't believe you are at the half way point already. It's going by sooo fast. Atleast you have those 2000+ pictures. :thumbsup2 Thought I'd share with you what happens when i take 2000 pics at Disney.


:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I think what was said after that was something like " Really Mom? Can you give it a rest?" " Well, no, I can't. " :lmao:

Looking forward to the BLT's chapter. :)

:lmao: Henry didn't quite have that look, but the attitude matched!

I have pictures liek that from my kids AND my DH! :rotfl2:

And I've seen 'em!!!

::yes:: Me Too!!! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Thankfully Joe doesn't get that way...yet. ;)

Hmm :rolleyes: I think I like the other one better but if you run across this one again, take a peek at the tag and let me know how much

thanks!! Have a great "move" today

I didn't run across that one again - obviously, otherwise I would have messaged you! I didn't see the one like mine at all. :sad2: I was bummed. The scarfs didn't seem quite as cute this time!
And I'm finally here on the flipside...17 pages behind on my own PTR!

Thank you! We did! And I better start writing about it SOON. :laughing:

Aw, thanks Jen! That flight delay was aaaaaaaaaannoying!!!!! :sad2:

Thank you! When we eventually did get on the plane it was smooth flying!

I guess I did all my updating during those 2 weeks and can't get back into it now. :laughing: Life has been throwing curve balls this past week. I'm starting to feel like normal again finally though.

We did! It was soooooooo wonderful. The weather the first week was especially perfect. :cloud9: I miss it!

i miss it too
Oh yeah. Lots from DH. He says our kids are going to be able to re live their lives in 10 minute intervals. :lmao:

:rotfl: that's about Henry too!

Looks like you're having a wonderful trip! Love the pictures. Cannot believe you took them with the camera on your Iphone. That's impressive. Looking forward to your pictures from BLT. I would love to stay there someday! Have a wonderful second week!

BLT was beautiful! I loved the walk across the sky bridge and into the giant tower. :lovestruc I figured I'd like it, but I didn't realize how much.

Yay for moving day!!! I am soooo excited to see what room you get at my FAVORITE resort...BLT:dance3:
I am loving all the FB pictures and updates here...:thumbsup2

I can see why BLT is your favorite!! :hyper:

Happy moving day!! :goodvibes
Henry is going to have a blast on the water today!! :cool1:
Can't wait to hear about the EE event:thumbsup2

Oh..I put a few pictures on my FB page of the shuttle...only 4 but they are still pretty cool ;)


I missed your shuttle pics! I'll go see if I can find them...and I can't. :confused3 I saw a comment of yours about the shuttle, but no pics. If you have a minute, can you point me in the right direction of where they are?

that is great!!!!! i wish it was warm here:headache::rolleyes:

Is it warm there yet? Should be SOON!

You're going to just love BLT!
Enjoy the EE 5th birthday party. :goodvibes

You are right, I did! Loved BLT!

As for the EE party....

Have fun at the birthday party! I'm curious to see how many times you ride it!

I had that same question! :laughing:

Hey Brook!!! Have a great "moving day"!!! I can't wait to see your pics of BLT!!!

OMG! La Cantina looks soooo delicious!!! I can't wait to try it out!!! I am sooo hungry now from looking at your Mickey waffles from Play & Dine and now those chicken tacos!!! :lmao:

I know you're looking for that scarf for Katie...I'm not 100% but I think I saw them at Tren-D at Downtown Disney. It was either that or the Hollywood Mickey store at DHS. Sorry I can't remember which! I hope that can help you find it!

La Cantina is SO GOOD! My favorite are the beef tacos, but the chicken tacos are also very good. Joe tried the chimichangas too, which were good - but not taco good. :laughing:

We never went to Tren-D, so if the scarf was there I missed it, but I did check Mickey's in DHS...I think that is where I found the other one for her. They have changed out some of their styles recently I think.

Mickey Waffles rule! :thumbsup2

Yes, yes they do!! YUM!
Sorry this reply is from a couple weeks ago, got really busy in school! I've read through all your live updates tonight, looks like you guys are having a BLAST! I'm now craving Mickey waffles after seeing your picture of them! Were you at DHS on Friday 3/4? If so I was wandering around there that day!

Yeah I do! The school is actually located in one of their major soundstages on the backlot. I am studying to be an animator, I love it! We just finished doing lip sync and now we're doing motion capture. The great thing about animation is that not only kids love it, but people of all ages. I think it has some sort of "magic" about it! :goodvibes

It is great to "live" through other peoples' trips! It's my way of "trying out" all different resorts, restaurants, etc. I bet these TRs will be such an awesome thing to look back on years from now for your family.

Oh how true! I think it pretty much has to end smoother! :laughing:

Universal really is a lot of fun! Definitely best to wait until Henry is a little older so that he can enjoy most of the things there. They have some awesome ride technology, like most people my favorite ride there is Spider-Man! Great play areas too. Camp Jurassic, If I Ran the Zoo, and the Curious George water play area are my favorites. I'm 19 and still love to play in them! :laughing:

Okay, seriously COOL about going to school at Universal to be an animator! WOW! Very, very impressive. I wish you the best in that! Is your "ultimate goal" to work for Universal or Disney?

I love writing TRs, it's driving me craZy that I haven't started this yet, but life keeps interrupting BIG TIME. :sad2::laughing: I too often read reports to "try out" different resorts and restaurants. It's a great way to get a feel for it all.

A few years back Universal ran a deal of a 2 day ticket being something like $70. If they ever do that again, I just might bite and we'll go! Even if H isn't quite big enough, I am thinkin' he'll love those play areas you mentioned. I really need to look into that park more...!

:love:I just love a man who is not hesitant to be silly with and for his kids. SO cute!

Yeah for HISTKplay ground. that is prob my favorite in park play ground. Katie's too:rotfl:

yesterday as I made plain old french toast for breakfast I kept picturing those dang mickey waffles in my head. I am going to have to have some!!!:dance3:

happy move day!:hippie:

Well, it took some urging from me for Joe to get up there, but not much. :laughing: I did it the first round, popped right up and had a blast. When it started up again, I said "Your turn!" I got a slight look and a pause, but then he was up and grooving. It's important for a Daddy to be a bit goofy and play too!

Did you make your french toast Mickey shaped? :laughing:


:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: That is great!!!! I love it.

I'm a dork! :goodvibes

Great pics!:thumbsup2 What an amazing view!!! It's gorgeous and looks like a painting with those pastel colors. And a late morning ADR sounds perfect.

Awww, Henry looks like a natural in that rocket too!:goodvibes Geez, it's small in there, isn't it? I suppose there aren't many claustrophobic astronauts, huh?

This is an awesome pic Brook, I love it! And your hair looks fab too!:goodvibes

Isn't that sunrise beautiful? I was looking over at MK, just soaking it in that morning as I walked across the sky bridge. Then I looked the other way and stopped in my tracks! So pretty.

Those early rockets were TINY. It's unreal how small they were! Just what those early astronauts went through for the science is amazing.

Amazing sunrise pic! Looks like you had a great time at KSC!

We did! It's such a cool place, I'm glad we went back again.

Gorgeous sunrise picture!

You absolutely should go to Chef Mickey's in your jammies! ::yes::

Have a great Disney day! :goodvibes

It was very tempting to go to Chef Mickey's in the jammies. :rotfl: I imagine they get that from time to time!

I know! I miss it! This was from the sky bridge, but our room view was almost the same.
The big slide looks fun. Such a beautiful pool. Have you taken Henry to one of the Disney water parks yet? So much fun.

I never did get down that slide! Joe went at least once, he enjoyed it!

We haven't done the water parks yet. I'm not a big fan of water a whole day of it isn't exactly my cup of tea. BUT! I know the boys would enjoy it, so eventually we will!

I might have a few of those things! :rolleyes1

I really wanted a poster of the 40th anniversary collage but couldn't find one anywhere :headache:

Since I'm home now I think I can take the coupon for KSC out of my wallet that I was hoping to give to you.....sorry we missed each other this trip but it was fun texting with you Saturday night.

I never saw a poster either. :confused3 That would be an easy/obvious thing I would think...

Thank you so much for thinking of us with the coupon! :hug: You are so sweet. I wish our plans would have matched up, but hopefully our paths will cross again in the future!!

I love that 40th Anniversary pin!! Simply gorgeous!!!

WOOOOOOOOOO....I have that puzzle!! I haven't started it yet, I think it will be a Spring Break or Summer project!!! I want to decopauge it when I'm done and frame it up in the room where I hang up my Disney stuff LOL!

The Cinderella one? Isn't it pretty? I really like it!

That's a great idea with the puzzle!

Ooh, lots and lots of goodies!! It'll be sooo hard to choose what to get.:scratchin It's a good thing I have a few gift cards stashed away that DH doesn't know about!:laughing:

I can't believe you're already at BLT!! I have seen a few pictures from mousecrapper's last TR, and I have to say that I would love to stay there! DH, not so much.:sad2: He's not a fan of the whole modern theme.

I'm loving all the photos. Keep 'em coming!:thumbsup2

They have so many cute shirts and jackets for the 40th, it was very tempting. I really liked the travel mug too. I was hoping for an iPhone case, but nope.

That's a bummer about DH not wanting to stay there, it really is a beautiful resort!

Now THAT mug I like! And I need a new one so....

Sounds like you guys are having a great time. I'm happy for you!

I like that mug too! I almost bought it!

Get that thing off your head!
suffocating. :scared1:

I was going to get the 40th ornament and maybe a travel mug right before we left, but we were pretty much racing to get to UnME, so I didn't get to go back through the gift shop. I'll get them in July, though.

Oh! Sorry MeMom! I didn't even think about THAT when I posted that pic. :flower3:

If we had a normal Christmas tree I might have gotten that Christmas ornament too, it's very cute. I wonder if by July they will have even more stuff. :scratchin

Hi, Brook. It's Kim from the Small World meet. It was so nice to meet you and your family. I wish I had more time so that I could have met Joe and introduced you to the rest of my gang, but even the time I had was a highlight of our trip. That was the best ride on Small World:cool1:

It looks like your trip is going fabulous.

Hey!!! It was great to meet you too!!! It was a very fun ride on Small World, I love how we filled a whole boat! :woohoo: We were going to ride again (who was missed/left behind again?), but Henry was quite adamant about riding Peter Pan, so we headed there instead.
Oh my, I am in love with so many of those 40th anniversary items. Thank you for sharing!! :goodvibes:goodvibes

Your welcome! LOTS of cute stuff!

So much great 40th anniversary stuff! I may need some of it to come home with me too....

There are tons of cute things! It is hard to resist. I can't even count how many times I had various items in my hands. :laughing:

Love all the BLT pictures:cloud9: and the one of you in the space helmet:thumbsup2
I miss BLT soooo much:sad1:
Those goodies from the CR shop look like so much fun and lots to choose from! Cant wait to see it all:goodvibes

I can see why you miss BLT! I'm missing it right now! Sigh. :cloud9:

your trip is making me miss disney!!! i wish i was there. oh well i guess i will have to wait for my next trip.:sad2::sad1:

I already wish I was there again! I've started dreaming up trips already...LOL

Thanks so much for posting all of the pictures of the 40th anniversary merchandise! I want one of everything! I better start saving up now!

Hope you are enjoying BLT!

Your welcome! There are so many great things! I do wish they had an iPhone case though, I would have been suckered right into that one.

Oh, I just love all the 40th anniversary stuff!!! Good to know the CR has a large selection! :thumbsup2 I know I am going to need one of those coffee mugs! :laughing:

Pop Century also had a pretty nice selection. The World Of Disney in DTD had the newer Castle motif/collage, it was the ONLY place I saw that. SUPER CUTE. I liked that even better. That stuff was soooo hard to resist. I wanted a t-shirt, but at over $30 I just couldn't justify it on our budget! Sigh. :rolleyes:

Brooke, Just catching up on everything, LOVING the pictures! I am so happy you get to meet Tim, I wondered if your trips would overlap. :goodvibes I picked up on some of the teasing since I knew he was going... ;)

You are doing Disney right, just getting to enjoy EVERYTHING!!! :woohoo: LOVE IT!!!!! :love:

Meeting Tim was GREAT! Both he and Mel are fantastic and Juliana is darling. She's even cuter in person, if that's possible!

It looks like you are having a great time! That picture of you is hilarious! :rotfl2:
I'm loving the live updates. And I cant wait to be there myself in just a few more days!!:cool1:

I really loved sharing those live updates! It's so fun to share the magic a bit. :goodvibes

I absolutely loved the sunrise picture from BLT! :cloud9: We just stayed at the Contemporary in July, with that view. We'd open up the shade and have that view every morning while getting ready. Definitely made me miss our trip! Hope you're having a blast!!

Isn't that view amazing?! You guys were up EARLY every day too, so I'm sure you got to enjoy it more than I did. ;) (now that I'm FINALLY caught up on your TR, I know this!) I can see why you love the CR so much too! I'm looking forward to your OKW portion, we haven't stayed there yet.

OMG the 40th Anniversary stuff is so cute! I LOVE the pins. Is that one you showed the Disney Visa Pin? I know that the Visa pin was a tink one (wonder if i can get that at the D store in the mall??) I am a bit Tink fan so that would be great but Love the 40th ann. pins as well.

The pool looks FANTABULOUS..... I tried to talk DH into switchign resorts but we both thought the SAB pool was all sand bottom. DH is not a fan of having sand in his bottoms ;)

LOVE your quick posts Brook. and you'd be the cutest astronaut ever! (next to Henry)

I don't think it was the Disney Visa didn't say that anyway. It's just the "exclusive release" one that they are slowly releasing a few over the year...I think!

SAB is AMAZING. It's so so BIG. Way bigger than I ever thought. Is all of it sand, or not? We pretty much just stuck to the one area.

Beautiful pictures, Brook! BLT looks fabulous. Bribing him, huh? Why didn't I do a little bit more of that when we were there? Max was hesitant to do A LOT! But he is now intrigued by all the pictures of Henry at Disney!

:rotfl: You'll have to remember bribing as a method for your next trip. ;) Hopefully by that time he'll be more ready for it all though, so not much bribing will be necessary. Let's hope! It can get expensive! :laughing:

I've wanted to go to Kona for so long. We are finally supposed to go this next trip. Enjoy!

Love the Snow White topiaries and the thumbs up pic. of Henry was too cute.

Kona is SO YUMMY! We had a quiet breakfast there a few years ago, so the atmosphere for dinner was very different - I wasn't terribly fond of it. But the food made up for that fact! :thumbsup2

Mmmmm... Kona!! That sounds so delicious right now!

The picture of Henry in front of BTMRR is so cute!

I love all the pics of the 40th anniversary merchandise! That Vinylmation needs to come home with me! :)

I figured a few people would like to see that Vinylmation! :goodvibes

Thanks for the 40th anniversary stuff.

A great MK day - much better than the weather you be getting at home.:rolleyes1

I hope your tummy is all full from Kona.

I heard NYC got snow while we were gone. Can't say I'm sorry we missed it! :rotfl2:

Brook, I have been folllowing you on facebook all day! You hva had a very Magical day! I won't spoil it for all those who haven't read it, but there are two things you did/have happen that I am so jealous about! ;)

We did have a magical MK day!!!

Great pics, Brook. Love Pirate Henry. :goodvibes

A CM later in the trip said to Henry, "My daughter has those same ears at home." Then he looked at Joe and I and said, "She's 24." :lmao: Love it!

Thank you thank you!!!!

It is a very nice pool. I love the location right by the water, so you can overlook the lake a bit - plus the zero entry, sprayers, splash area, kiddy slide and big slide all make it a big hit for everyone!
:lmao: You know I think it is hysterical that Henry didn't want to ride BTMRR more than once -- I am right there with him!

Smart mom bribing Henry with pirate loot to get him to ride! :laughing:

Yeay for Bo! Henry is adorable standing beside him!!! :goodvibes

When we got home Henry mentioned the "crazy train ride" a few times. I wonder if he'll be as brave next trip!

Cute. Nice bribe. :)

Agreed. That is a very moving ceremony.

Yep. I had to take two pictures from a left and a right angle to get them all. Otherwise, you have to back way up, and then there are too many people in the way.


I tried to get a pic of all of that topiary display, but people kept getting in the way and etail would be lost that far back.

Too funny!pirate:

When my munchkin was born, one of the only songs I knew by heart was A Pirate's Life for Me. So I often sang it to him. He has been obsessed ever since. We had a Pirate themed 1st birthday party and he walks around the house singing "Yo Yo, Yo Yo, *mumble mumble* me-e!" pirate: (He's only 17 months, so he doens't have all the right words yet.)

That's SO CUTE!!!!!! You recorded that, right? Oh my word, adorable!!!

Way to go Henry, conquering BTMRR!!

He's gotta be the cutest little pirate I've ever seen :goodvibes

Ok, so where is the glass blower? I can't believe I've never noticed him!

Yummmm, Kona! I'd insert my drooling smilie here, but I'm too lazy to open photobucket :rolleyes:

We haven't had his friend over yet for a play date since we've been home, but he'll be here tomorrow. I have a feeling they might be playing pirates!

YAY for Henry conquering BTMRR!!! I'm so enjoying these live updates!!!!!

I have always wanted to see the Flag ceremony something else to add to the to-do list!!!

It really is a great ceremony, more than I expected. It's certainly worth taking the time to see. I was in tears.

I missed Bo again on our trip. Am I just totally oblivious or do I need to "stop and smell the roses" more on my Disney trips:hippie:

:rotfl: Poor Bo, dissed by Kim! ;) He's JUST inside the gates at DHS on the right side. So, I can see how he can be missed. Usually when you step inside there is child adjusting/ticket putting away/Times Guide grabbing going on. He's a hottie though, worth a stop. :laughing:

Yes, you need to make a point to see this. The military people are there, and the honored guests are so somber about the event. The CM's line up very reverently. It is something special to witness in the midst of the chaos of the park activities.

I agree! The Vet who was honored when we watched was in his 90s and in a wheelchair, yet sat straight, saluted with pride and precision. Just seeing him and knowing what he did for ME was humbling.

I'm crying again! :)

Yay Henry for riding this a 40 inch requirement too? I just dont think Alexa is going to grow 2 inches in 83 days:lmao: I think she will miss out on lots until the next trip:sad1: Once my other kids hit the mark to ride BTMRR, they all loved it!
And Alexa has been saying she wont ride Pirates again either. She sings the song all the time, and I showed her a youtube video of Pirates to get her used to it....and now she watches it everyday and says she wants to ride it.
She also watches Test Track and Soarin, but I just dont think she will make the height requirement....oh well, guess we will have to start planning another trip:lmao:

Yep, BTMRR is a 40" one. If she's close to the height by then, bring tall shoes! :laughing: Henry was very hesitant to ride Pirates, it was only the bribing that made him go (and then realize it's not bad at all!). Henry was all about Soarin'...but Test Track-his favorite from last trip-not so much this time! :confused3

I luv it! Hopefully he gets to meet Duffy before you go home!

We did!!! :woohoo:

Henry makes a cute pirate! I think the pirate smile really makes the photo. :goodvibes

Cool Snow White and 7 Dwarfs topiary. I can't wait to read all about the F&G Festival in your TR.

The F&GF was so beautiful! I want to go back during this time of year again!

Perfect pictures. I don't know what I like better - pirate henry or henry and Bo!

:laughing: Thanks!!
Have a wonderful last full day at WDW! :goodvibes

Thank you Magdalene!

Have a wonderful last day, Brook!!!

Thanks Jackie! We did!

It's your last day already? :sad1: My goodness the two weeks went by quickly. I can only imagine they went by even more quickly for you. I've loved following along. Thanks for all the pictures and updates. :goodvibes

Enjoy your last day and soak up every last bit of that magic!!

Can you believe how quickly that came??? The BLT portion FLEW for us.

Has it REALLY been almost two weeks since you left?!? :scared1: It flew for me, I can't imagine how it must have felt to you. I hope today is AMAZING!!!!!:hug::grouphug::hug:

Thankfully not all of it went by super fast, but it's always too fast!

Enjoy your last day and a half of magic. It really has gone by so fast. Thank you for the live updates here and on facebook. I have really enjoyed following along. It has given me a little taste of the world until my next trip which seems sooo far away.

I'm glad to share! It's a lot of fun for me to do! I always mean to do more, but there are too many distractions at Disney. LOL

Wow, I can't believe your trip is almost over. Like others have said it sure seemed to fly by and I'm sure it felt even faster for you. Glad you had a great time...enjoy your last day!

The last half especially went by fast for us! We need to go back!
wow those 2 weeks went fast! Have a great day!

They did! I think we need a 3 week trip next time! Ha!

Hi Brook! I've enjoyed reading through your live updates this morning. Sorry your trip is almost over. :sad2: But it looks like you're having an amazing time. Can't wait to read the TR!!

We did have an awesome time, I can't wait to start sharing it all!

You know that time fly's when you are having fun!:sad1:

Have a safe trip back home and enjoy your final moments there!

I hope Henry gets to feeling better!

Disney time goes way too fast all the time. I read a thread on the DVC boards about a couple that plans to spend 8-12 weeks there a year-over the winter. Now I could handle THAT!

Brook, I saw on FB that Henry had a fever. I'm so glad it broke. I hope he feels good enough after "resting" to enjoy your last day there.

Thank you Kathy!

Geez, has it been two weeks already? Well, that's just so wrong that it went so quickly Brook!

I hope sweet Henry is feeling better too! Have fun today and make sure you get that Chick Fil A for dinner girl! Apparently they have some new banana pudding milkshake...nothing says Happy St. Paddy's Day like banana.:confused3:laughing:

It is wrong that it goes by so quickly! Disney time needs to move more slowly!

Okay, the banana pudding shake is a bit ODD, but sounds kinda tasty too. Not holiday appropriate, but yummy. The CFA in MCO doesn't have shakes though, I asked. :sad2:

I hated to hear that Henry woke up with a fever but at least it broke and he is feeling better and he's raring to go. Enjoy your last day!

It was a bummer of a way to start the day! Thankfully he did get a bit better.

caught up here, heading to FB later. So sorry that you all had a rough morning :sick:. I hope Henry's fever is gone for good & not just for a little while. Definitely cause to have a leisurely day and soak in every last magical moment you can.

That was not my idea of a good way to start the last day! But at least it was the LAST day that Henry wasn't feeling well and not the start of the trip!

Hope Henry is feeling better & you are having a great last day!!

Thank you! Henry got a bit better and we did have a great day!

I'm rolling!

:rotfl2: I can't even count how many LSU shirts I saw!
Finally caught up after being away. So sorry that we didn't get to meet up at the dance party. I hope that Henry had fun, my DS was just not into it that night and it's really hard to get an almost 5 year to do something on a good day. Must less a long day at the parks after a previous even longer day at MK. There is always next time, hopefully our paths will cross again at Disney World. And I love what you said about how 2 weeks is not enough time. I just can't understand people who go to Disney World for say 4 days and is like well that's plenty of time. Crazy.

On other notes. I hope Henry is still doing better and you guys had a great last day. And I agree with you and the Louisiana people. My DH and I commented on that several times during our trip. I guess alot of them were there since their kids were out for Mardi Gras. Who knows. But they were everywhere.

So with all that said, hope you have a safe flight home and get busy on that Trip Report. :laughing:

No worries! We were the only one out of our little meet that made it to the party. I hope our paths cross again! We had a BLAST at the dance party. It's so cute. Henry was done after about 15 minutes though!

I agree, crazy! 4 days?! No way! 4 weeks, maybe. ;)

I do need to get busy on this TR! It's been my goal for uh...weeks now! :sad2: Today it might happen, I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Well shoot if 2 weeks is not enough time then what is????:rotfl2::rotfl2:

I know what you mean but I hope you had a relaxing time and Henry's fever stay gone.

I have loved following along and can't wait to relive the trip through the TR.

Maybe 3 weeks? LOL! Seriously, neither Joe or I were ready to go home! There were tons of things we didn't get to! A couple I'm really kicking myself about too. Gah. But, all well - we had a GREAT time, that's what matters!

TWO WEEKS? ALREADY? They seemed fast when I was following you, but not so fast here....if that makes sense? :laughing:

It was way too fast!

I hope Henry feels completely better soon. I know it will not be fun traveling with a sick child.

Enjoy your Chick-fil-a sandwich! They have a new banana-pudding milkshake that everyone says is good. I havn't tried it. I love banana-pudding (only made by my mom) but a shake sounds just gross to me!

I very much enjoyed my CFA! Yummy, as always!

I hope Henry is all better and you are having a decent travel day. I agree with everyone else - that was a fast two weeks. Can't wait to read all about the details!!!!!

We did have a decent travel day - no delays this time. :thumbsup2

I'm happy that you enjoyed The Plaza. We love it!

It was delish! I would eat there again for sure.

The 40th anniversary merchandise is so cool. I hope I can resist some of it when we go in July lol

LOL! It's all very cute. The newer Castle motif is adorable too.

Have a safe trip home. Can't wait to hear all about it.

I hope to start that TR today. Hope, hope, hope. I'm almost caught up here, so....maybe, just maybe.

Welcome back!

Thank you!

Glad you made it home safely!! Now on to a day of rest:goodvibes

It was kinda weird being home that first day. We overslept and missed church, but we made it to small group. It felt good walking down the streets and enjoying the warm(er) weather. But, I still miss Disney World!

I hope Henry is feeling better.

He was good for a few days, then had a fever again. We are on the good side again now...whew!


that describes my DD on our last trip. perfectly.

(we were not sure she was going to make it to 6 and we have told her that the attitude we saw in '09 will land her with an in room babysitter this time!:eek:)

:rotfl: Oh boy! I hope I don't get THAT for the next few trips! :scared1:

Welcome home! It was so much fun keeping up with you on FB :)

Hope you're settling in just fine...especially with over 4,500 pictures! :banana:


And I finally have all those pictures uploaded except our last day...which is still on the camera! :laughing:

Welcome back!

Thank you!!
Welcome Home:) That was a fast two weeks:( Why do vacations always fly by??? Especially at Disney??? Cant wait for your trip report:)))) Esp since we are staying at BLT for 2 nights in JULY!!!!!

It's true - they go way too fast! I hope you love BLT - we did!! It's beautiful. It felt like home in a way to us.

Welcome back!! I can't wait to hear all about this two week adventure!

I know you are getting settled, so we are ready when you are. :surfweb: popcorn::

Welcome back! Looking forward to your trippie!:thumbsup2

Welcome back! Looking forward to the TR!

Welcome home, Brook. LOVED the FB updates. :love:

Welcome Home Brook!!! Can't wait for the TR!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!

Yay, you're back Brook! I still can't believe you got two whole weeks in Disney! Can't wait to hear all about it.:goodvibes

Glad you guys made it home safe. Can't wait to hear all about your trip.

Welcome home Brook!!!

Thanks! I hope to start today. Hope, hope, hope!

A year?? :lmao:

We were there for three weeks on our very first visit and I don't think we did everything then and all the parks have expanded and there's Animal Kingdom since then lol!

3 weeks, that's a dream!!! I'd love to be able to do that. I never thought 2 weeks would be possible, so I'm not going to rule out 3 weeks either. :goodvibes

Long trips spoil you, don't they? ::yes::

Yes! They do!!

And here I feeled spoiled going for 1 week! LOL!

:rotfl: Your week will be a DREAM!
Welcome home Brook!!!!

I found that my service was poor in the parks too. I wasn't able to upload my photos to FB till later in the day or evening most of the time. Oh well. Can't wait to read all about your adventure!!! :goodvibes

That's how it was for me too. Almost as soon as we left the park, even on the walk to the bus, I could upload!

Welcome back Brook. Loved following along on FB!! Cannot wait to hear all about your DREAM vacation.

With all those pics you took you must be downloading like crazy!!

Welcome home!! I'm so excited to read this TR. I'm sorry your trip is over, but I'm also really happy to follow along with a new TR! :woohoo:

I know I've been MIA for a while but I'm all caught up and ready for this TR :thumbsup2
Thank goodness for FB updates!!

great i can't wait to read about your trip!!!:banana::thumbsup2:cool1:

Welcome Back - Can't wait to read all about it!

I wonder how long one can stretch out a TR for a 2 week vacation??

I cant wait to hear how it was - Im not much of a "Facebooker" so I only saw your updates here..

bring it on girl!!


Welcome back...I, too, enjoyed the FB updates! Can't wait for the TR!:cool1:

Hi! Haven't been on the DIS much lately, but I sped through your PTR while you were on your trip and enjoyed following along on fb - looks like you guys had a FANTASTIC time!! Can't wait to hear all the details! :goodvibes


Looking forward to your TR! popcorn::

Glad Henry is feeling better!

Take your time Brook. I am so behind too lately. Sometimes I just have a to take a few breaks from Dis and do real life things. :goodvibes

Life gets in the way! But thankfully he waited until he got home to be really sick; what a good Disney traveler!

Poor Henry! It's so hard to have your kids be sick. Glad he's feeling better!

Glad to hear Henry is feeling better. :)

Thanks everyone! Henry is feeling better now, we had a couple days where it was rough with a really high fever. Then things have just piled up...and today we are "Boot Camp Potty Training" - and it's WORKING!!! He's done sooooo good today. :dance3:
Thanks everyone! Henry is feeling better now, we had a couple days where it was rough with a really high fever. Then things have just piled up...and today we are "Boot Camp Potty Training" - and it's WORKING!!! He's done sooooo good today. :dance3:

Yeah for Boot Camp Potty Training! That's how we did it too. A few :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:for Henry!

I know your behind on the DIS and your PM. When you get could up PM me where I can send money for the pressed pennies. No rush. I'll be in Ocean City this weekend and I'm actually hoping to stop and pick up a little something for Henry and way.
Glad Henry is feeling better

Brooke, I am so delighted to hear Henry is feeling better! :hug::grouphug::hug: for a GREAT upcoming week!!!

Glad to see you back here Brook!

Thank you! It's good to be back! I'm still lightyears behind on everyone's reports - but at least I'm finally catching up here on my own! :laughing:

Ninja poster!!!!


You are going back to all the posts from your entire trip????? Who would do such a thing? :confused3:confused3 :rolleyes: :rolleyes1:rolleyes1 :lmao::lmao:

:rotfl: My replies were so slow going this morning, interrupted 483 times by the little man during potty training boot camp. So I still caught ya in there!

And yes, I always go back and reply! I like reading everyone's comments. I'm guessing there is some chatter about this on your thread...which I have yet to catch up on! :rolleyes1

To give you time to finish your December TR, before she starts her March one and you start your March one. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

:lmao: Good point!

Is it wrong of me to sometimes look forward to the days when Max will be able to play alone and/or get better at making friends quickly! :rotfl: I do try and relish every single stage of my boy's development, but...sheesh...especially at the playground, there are times when I"d much rather watch than directly participate. :rotfl: And if you were to ask Max right now what his favorite thing about the trip was, he will undoubtedly tell you the playgrounds!

I stand by my assertion that the part of the beauty of going south in late February/early March is that when you get back, you just KNOW you've turned the corner and the worst of the winter weather is behind you. :thumbsup2

Oh no, nothing wrong with you - unless there is something wrong with me too! SAME BOAT HERE! It's the "only child" thing I think. It has it's certain advantages and disadvantages for sure. I too try to relish it and imagine when he's older and won't even talk to me...but there are only so many tube slides I can contort myself into! ;)

And I agree with you on point number two as well! It's AWESOME to leave when it's in the 30's and come back to the upper 40's and 50's! Love, love, love it.

If I remember correctly they were hanging outside in the Japan area but not sure. I will check in May.

Hmmm....I don't remember at all! :confused3 I would love to see those, they sound cute!

i miss it too

Hopefully soon the 70s will be here to more winter and cold!
Yeah for Boot Camp Potty Training! That's how we did it too. A few :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:for Henry!

I know your behind on the DIS and your PM. When you get could up PM me where I can send money for the pressed pennies. No rush. I'll be in Ocean City this weekend and I'm actually hoping to stop and pick up a little something for Henry and way.

I tried the boot camp one other time, but this is going WAY better. Yesterday we sorta tried and he had 3 accidents but got one in and it was awesome. I could tell he was really proud of himself, so it made me want to try again today.

He's getting really good, he's had 2 accidents today, but the one was just because he thought he was done--and he wasn't! :laughing: He fussed a bit with sitting on the potty and would cry, but he HATES to be naked, so I told him I wasn't going to put on his pants and underwear until he went - he eventually settled down and boom! it's working!!! YAY!

You are too sweet about picking something up for Henry! He will LOVE getting the mail. I plan to get all the things I have to mail in order this week - Thursday Henry has a playdate, so that's my day. :thumbsup2
:rotfl: that's about Henry too!

BLT was beautiful! I loved the walk across the sky bridge and into the giant tower. :lovestruc I figured I'd like it, but I didn't realize how much.

I can see why BLT is your favorite!! :hyper:

I missed your shuttle pics! I'll go see if I can find them...and I can't. :confused3 I saw a comment of yours about the shuttle, but no pics. If you have a minute, can you point me in the right direction of where they are?

Is it warm there yet? Should be SOON!

You are right, I did! Loved BLT!

As for the EE party....

I had that same question! :laughing:

La Cantina is SO GOOD! My favorite are the beef tacos, but the chicken tacos are also very good. Joe tried the chimichangas too, which were good - but not taco good. :laughing:

We never went to Tren-D, so if the scarf was there I missed it, but I did check Mickey's in DHS...I think that is where I found the other one for her. They have changed out some of their styles recently I think.

Yes, yes they do!! YUM!

yah today was nice but it still had a wind chill. i hope it stays nice because it has rained constantly over here


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