Viva Italia with kids=Priceless! Part 1 of 4


Earning My Ears
Apr 11, 2002
I just found this forum, quite by accident. We did the Viva Italia tour in July and thought I'd share our experience. I'll break it down by 'phase" (Rome, Tuscany, Venice), then give some overall impressions.

Phase One: Rome-

Arrived at airport and was greeted by Adventure Guide. He rode in the car with us back to the Hotel Exedra. There were surprises waiting for us in the room. Unless you want a supplemental charge at checkout time, do NOT touch the mini bar. A soda was 6 euros. Laundry was astronomical- 8.5 eauros to press a shirt, and no iron in the room.

We met the rest of the group for pre diner cocktails and appetizers. We played some ice breaker games. We had 39 people (17 kids from 6-16, parents and 3 sets of grandparents) Dinner was in the hotel. Food was good.

Breakfast was buffet style, and had tons of choices. After the meal we boarded the bus for our "All Roads Lead to Rome" theme day. Christina, our local expert joined us. She was delightful, informative, funny, and we all loved her. We were given radios with ear pieces as we would be in crowds and it would be difficult to hear Christina. They were also handy in preventing any one from getting separated from the group. On the bus we were handed chilled water bottles and snacks for mid morning. First stop-the Colosseum. We sailed past the line and went right in. The adventure guides took the junior adventurers (14 and under) for their own tour while Christina took the adults. She knew where all the shady spots were and we were able to avoid a lot of the hot sun while she taught us the history.

Also that day we visited the Forum, the Pantheon, the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona. The adventure guides took family photos with their cameras and ours at each site. Lunch was at a trattoria where we were served traditional pizza. In the Piazza, our last stop of the day we were treated to two scoops of the most amazing gelato. It was about 4:30 pm by this time. We were hot and tired. The bus was waiting to take us back to the Exedra.

Concerning the walking, I wore a pedometer and logged 8155 steps-that is 3.5 miles for my short legs. The weather was hot, the streets cobbled and uneven. We stopped frequently and walked slowly, so it was not what I would call strenuous.

We had the evening to ourselves. We ate dinner and window shopped along Via Nazionale.

Next day, "Let's Be Civilized" was our theme. Breakfast at 7:00, boarding the bus at 7:30. Christina was our guide again. We needed the early start for the Vatican as it is so crowded-25,000 people a day go through there. There were two lines-individuals, and groups with reservations. Our line wrapped up around the wall quite a ways, and our guides assured us there was no need to panic, it would move quickly, and it did. We were told that some wait three hours just to get inside. We had our radios again, and they were necessary. It was so crowded, we would have been separated for sure. We visited the 2nd floor of the vatican museum, ending in the Sistine Chapel. To be honest, it was too crowded for my enjoyment. The art was amazing, I don't have words for Michealangelo's paintings-I am in awe. From the chapel we went to St. Peter's Basilica.

Didn't wear my pedometer this day, less walking than yesterday though.

After some time in the Square, we headed back to the hotel. It was only 12:00, but fighting the crowds and the heat is simply exhausting. We needed some quiet time. We first dropped off laundry at a laundromat recommended by our guide- where she does her laundry-14 euros for two loads and grabbed lunch while we waited. Then it was swimming/napping for a few hours.

Dinner was a quick bus ride to Marino's. Good food again. That evening our family went to the 9:30 showing of Harry Potter, others went shopping or did some more sightseeing.

Stay tuned for Part Two-Tuscany
I just came back from Viva Italia on August 3rd. We had Christina too, and from what I hear, she is the best. By the way, what were your adventure guides names?

I WOULD LOOOVE to do this! So glad you are posting about it. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to read more!
Hi Hack2112,

Our guides were Marco and Cinzia, and they were both fantastic. Cinzia left with us for the Venice airport. She was on her way south to do an Amalfi coast tour, then she was off to Spain. I so envy people who can speak multiple languages with ease.
Thank you so much for your review! I've been waiting for someone to give us a full trip report. The more details the better! Can't wait to hear the next installment!:cool1:
We did Viva Italia 17 - 25 July and had Heidi and Marco. They were the most amazing guides. Marco met us at the airport and immediately put us at ease. Due to weather and airline problems, we were 5 hours late, but Marco helped us forget all that. Heidi was waiting for us at the Excedra and gave us a quick orientation of the hotel. Part 1 of our trip was pretty much the same, except we did alot...alot of walking on during our free time.

I agree about the Vatican. Lots of people...and almost too much to take in a short amount of time. After the Sistine Chapel, we spent our free time walking to the top of St. Peter's dome. An amazing view and well worth the time and effort to climb.

Many people with small kids went back to the hotel to rest during free time.

We would take another trip with Heidi or Marco regardless of the destination. They were great.


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