Viva Italia without kids


Earning My Ears
Aug 7, 2007
We've never been on an ABD trip before, but are considering it. Would we still enjoy it if we don't have kids? Appreciate any advice.
I am sure others will come along and answer your question but wanted to point out that there are some dates that are adult only adventures. These are noted with a * next to the date
Newb- you could very well enjoy it, it depends on what you want out of the tour. In order to meet the needs of families with grandparents and children, the walking tours and museum visits are shorter than you will find with other tour companies. I liken the ABD tour to a "highlight" tour. For example, at the Vatican museum we saw some sculpture and tapestries on the 2nd floor, on our way to the Sistine Chapel. We saw the tip of the iceberg. There are over 70,000 pieces of art there and it would take a week so see it all. In Florence, we saw a few paintings and sculptures on our way to admire David. The walking tour covered only the outside of the Duomo and Baptistry, not the interior. We didn't even go in the Ufizzi gallery. This was perfect for our family, we like museums and art, but it reasonable doses. Someday my husband and I hope to go back without kids to see and do things we missed this time around.

So my advice is to think about what you want to see and do. As long as you don't mind being around children in general, and if the tour offerings seem right for you, then I say "go for it".

By the way, all of the children on our tour were extremely well behaved. There was not a single meltdown. I personally enjoyed watching the reactions of the younger kids. And my teens got a kick out of the little ones too. One of my favorite memories is a night in Tuscany. We were eating outside as the sun was setting. A group of the younger kids were sitting in the grass together counting down until the sun completely set. They counted too fast, so they did it a few more times. They were happy and having a good time, and that is contagious.
Thank you for your responses. I saw that there are adult only dates, but those dates don't work out for me. I don't have any problem with being around children. I was just wondering if there are couples on these trip or just families? Is that any different from a non-ABD trip? I was looking into ABD because I really enjoyed the Disney service I received when I want to WDW last May.
On our trip in May there were 4 families, 5 couples, 1 Mother/Daughter, 1 Sister/Sister, and 1 lone traveler. I would expect the time of year will probably influence the demographics, with June/July/August to have more families than other times.

I don't think it really matters if you have kids or not.

I guess in general the families did have a tendency to go their own way during the free times, whereas the others (couples, etc.) tended to form little groups and do stuff together (dinner, boat tours, palace tours, etc.).

I also have to echo the comments about how well behaved the kids were on our trip.


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