"Was feeding my baby.." Fast Pass Drama at MK

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I had been wondering if they would make exceptions for medical emergencies; it kind of sounds like they probably would (although of course I wouldn't bank on it; probably depends on the CM).
Obviously incurring the wrath of mothers, I agree, maybe mom wanted to ride with the family, maybe family wanted to ride with mom. I have been there, great that they were allowed on, I applaud the CM's judgement. However, If baby has to eat, feed it.If the family is all about togetherness, they can wait.So you missed your FP window, get another, go standby, ride something else, enjoy the time, Disney is agreat place to be for families and guest service is second to none, quite honestly it's why I go. Again, not in this case because it turned out great, but for the family missing the window and holding up others while they try to press their point and take advantage of the system, ask, if you get turned away, you are in Disney, enjoy it.

I don't see any harm in asking - they sure weren't standing around pleading for more than a minute or so, considering the OP managed to get in before her pass expired with seconds to spare.

I figure you can always ask for anything you like, as long as you're prepared to accept "no" as an answer. There's nothing immoral or unethical about that!

This was my thought as well. The OP got some ride magic last spring...someone else got some this year...big deal. I have to wonder if there were others that were miffed when the OP got her magic in March??

Of course, moms pretty much can tell how long their baby is going to take to eat. Kids are usually pretty regular..at least mine were. So, if the baby normally took an hour to eat, then perhaps they should have used the FP before feeding the baby. But, that's not the issue here.

You were lucky! :thumbsup2

Mine were both very irregular, both with eating and sleeping. And then there was the colic! :scared: I wouldn't have tried handing a hungry baby off to anyone, and running off to ride. That'd have just been cruel. And not just to the person stuck with the baby, but to everyone around them. Actually, I wouldn't have brought either of my dear little monsters to Disney when they were infants, now that I think of it. Camping with them was bad enough!

Actually, OP didn't receive any magic last Spring, I beleive that's OP's primary issue.

Technically the OP did receive some magic last spring, two times out of four, I think. But she didn't get the magic every single time, so... ;)
Like almost everyone else posting here, I find it funny that the OP, who was "pixie dusted" seems to pointing out how unfair it is that someone else received a similar break from CMs. I find it equally funny that folks here go through the OP's post history to find "incriminating" statements. It's an open discussion, not a political campaign.
I think people have to have a realistic expectation when going to places where a lot of people congregate. If you think it's an inconvence to have to wait for someone who is there with an infant, imagine how challenging it is for that person/couple with the infant. That goes for people on scooters, wheelchairs, etc. Trying to rush to get to that next ride and you can't get around that person on the chair? Picture how inconvenient it would be to be in that chair. I know everyone (myself included) wants to see as much of the park as possible, but sometimes, taking it a bit slower and being considerate of others will lead to an even better day than trying to rush and see everything. If you don't it gives you more reason to want to come back! :)
You were lucky! :thumbsup2

Mine were both very irregular, both with eating and sleeping. And then there was the colic! :scared: I wouldn't have tried handing a hungry baby off to anyone, and running off to ride. That'd have just been cruel. And not just to the person stuck with the baby, but to everyone around them. Actually, I wouldn't have brought either of my dear little monsters to Disney when they were infants, now that I think of it. Camping with them was bad enough!

Agreed! I think it's tough to understand unless you've had a "challenging" baby.

On the DIS boards, it seems like we only hear happy trip reports of infants that nurse discretely in a queue, nap on rides in their carrier, effortlessly sleep through the night in a hotel, and never cry. It isn't always that easy.

I'm not taking my baby until he's fully weaned. Even then, we're bringing two sets of grandparents for reinforcement, and going in with very low expectations.

If I were the mom in the OP's experience, I'd be thrilled to ride a roller coaster again!
Like almost everyone else posting here, I find it funny that the OP, who was "pixie dusted" seems to pointing out how unfair it is that someone else received a similar break from CMs. I find it equally funny that folks here go through the OP's post history to find "incriminating" statements. It's an open discussion, not a political campaign.

Ah, but without the previous-post-pickers, how would we know she'd been formerly pixie-dusted herself? Her original post gave the impression that she hadn't. ;)

And yes, highly entertaining thread!
Ah, but without the previous-post-pickers, how would we know she'd been formerly pixie-dusted herself? Her original post gave the impression that she hadn't. ;)

And yes, highly entertaining thread!
I suddenly had an image of a new TV show called "DIS Pickers" that has a couple of women digging through virtual garages and horady-homes of dead threads looking for valuable nuggets of information :rotfl:.
I had been wondering if they would make exceptions for medical emergencies; it kind of sounds like they probably would (although of course I wouldn't bank on it; probably depends on the CM).

Then again, if it was a true medical emergency, I would think that the family has a lot more on their mind than whether or not they're still going to be able to ride Toy Story, or whatever. I can't see someone who had a medical emergency showing up three hours late saying, "Hey ... dude ... sorry, had a heart attack and missed my window. Can I ride now?"

Then again, if it was a true medical emergency, I would think that the family has a lot more on their mind than whether or not they're still going to be able to ride Toy Story, or whatever. I can't see someone who had a medical emergency showing up three hours late saying, "Hey ... dude ... sorry, had a heart attack and missed my window. Can I ride now?"


I wasn't thinking of go-to-the-hospital level emergencies. I was thinking more along the lines of "had to make a quick trip to first aid" or "had to wait until my blood glucose came back up to normal before I could safely walk" sort of things.
I am standing there like it took you an hour to feed/nurse your child? That was their excuse for not making it back in time. The guy let them go through!

First of all - I understand your frustration, but after reading the other responses I do agree that it was a nice bit of pixie dust from the CM.

The tone of this, though, is coming across as incredulous that it could take that long to feed/nurse a child. My daughter may not be very old yet (just 3.5 months right now), but yes there have been times where it took that long to feed her. At first it was because she didn't have a suck reflex, and getting her to eat even just 1 ounce took forever. Now it can easily take 30-45 mins to feed her because she is virtually impossible to burp. Yet, if I don't burp her a few times during the feeding, when she does burp she'll throw a lot of it back up. Plus, with her reflex issues, she has to be kept upright for 30 mins after she's done eating (could be done at WDW with a carrier, but I wouldn't be putting her in a stroller right after she was done eating). We were going to take her to WDW this month so we could go to F&W, but we decided against it specifically because of her feeding issues and needing to pump all the time.

So yeah, I get your frustration and see where you're coming from, but it's also not out of the realm of possibility that it really did take the baby that long to eat. And as a mom with a slow eater who is virtually attached at my hip all day, that bit of pixie dust from the CM would make my day. As much as I love my daughter, those moments where I get to be an adult and partake in other adult things with other adults are a much needed respite as well. Especially if DD is having a bad day, that 2 min Space Mountain ride would be a great lift to my spirits :)
On Friday we had quite the day, we had to check out of our hotel due to having the check-out date wrong and then my dad had to return merchandise at various parks and so he didn't get back together with my mom and I until after 1:00. As tradition we always ride Space Mountain first, I got fast passes for my dad and I to ride when he met up. Well I barely made it back in time to ride it once, let alone both times.

I showed the guy at the check-in I had 2 passes and it was getting close with the time and he said that he would honor it if I didn't get back in before the time as long as it was 5 minutes or so after. I was very lucky, I got back at 12:28 and he looked at it at 12:29 and the pass expired at 12:30.

But standing there there was a family in front of me who had passes that expired an hour before and I am standing there watching the time change like OMG I am not going to get through cause they didn't follow the rules. I heard the lady say "I had to feed my baby." I am standing there like it took you an hour to feed/nurse your child? That was their excuse for not making it back in time. The guy let them go through!

I wanted to say something because this happened to us in March, we didn't know the fast policy changed and we had many passes that had expired and were not honored. I just blew it off and showed my about to expire pass and walked in.

But aren't they not suppose to honor them that late unless like the supervisor/manager okays it? We were lucky that the manager/supervisor got us the VIP treatment on 2/3 rides we missed out on, but my jaw hit the ground when he let them in.

This is what I was referring to..it would seem that they were given some extra 'attention' at some point. So, I just can't wrap my head around them being irritated when someone else got the same thing.

Agreed! I think it's tough to understand unless you've had a "challenging" baby.

On the DIS boards, it seems like we only hear happy trip reports of infants that nurse discretely in a queue, nap on rides in their carrier, effortlessly sleep through the night in a hotel, and never cry. It isn't always that easy.

I'm not taking my baby until he's fully weaned. Even then, we're bringing two sets of grandparents for reinforcement, and going in with very low expectations.

If I were the mom in the OP's experience, I'd be thrilled to ride a roller coaster again!
Oh believe me...I've had 'that' baby. My middle child was the poster child for colic babies!!! There were times when the people above us (thank heaven they were friends!!!) made comments the next day about 'our previous evening'!!!!

I can well imagine that CMs can, and do, make judgement calls. Every single 'medical issue' isn't going to get you past. Just the same as every late ADR seating isn't going to cut it either.
Really...how difficult is it to just live and let live?? So what if the person in front of you got to enter an hour after their FP was up??? Just because you are stressing over whether or not you can use yours if someone is 5 mins late doesn't justify all the angst. Smile and move on.
Heck... my kid was bottle fed and sometimes would take an hour to eat.... plus if I took her to the baby station.... which is way over by Crystal Palace.... well.... let's just say eating up an extra hour of time is NOT difficult.
I wasn't thinking of go-to-the-hospital level emergencies. I was thinking more along the lines of "had to make a quick trip to first aid" or "had to wait until my blood glucose came back up to normal before I could safely walk" sort of things.

I'm assuming Disney would accommodate. My daughter is T1D and we've changed her medical device in line before - but it isn't easy as it needs a solid place to prime with out being bumped and I lucked out that there was a switch back with a flat surface. But depending on the line we'd have to jump out to do it. And we've gotten to the front of the line, only to have her blood sugar suddenly drop and go low. For the safety of everyone we had to wait until her blood sugar went back up before she could ride.

It's not like the family that needs medical accommodations is taking anything away from anyone else. And the mom who needed to breast feed her baby didn't take anything away from the OP. If anything the mom lost time as she would have already been on the ride and on to the next one if the baby didn't need to eat...also it's not like she got a fast pass that morning then came back late at night claiming she was late because she was feeding the baby. It was only an hour.:rolleyes: and it's a vacation.
This post is going no where and is becoming to personal.
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