Watson's go West. May 2015 PTR


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
A Pre-Trip.

I'll be honest right from the start here, I feel a little out of my depth. Actually that's an understatement, I feel completely out of my depth and totally overwhelmed. I know Walt Disney World like the back of my hand so this is all new to me and its a scary concept not to know pretty much exactly where I want to go/what I want to eat etc.

This report will be a little different to most on this forum as it will not only feature at Disneyland (inc the 60th Anniversary Celebration!) but San Fran, Vegas, LA and Palm Springs!

I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here. I better introduce who is going on the trip.

First up would be me, Robyn (as the name suggests). I've written a fair few trip reports on the UK boards so you may have read them but I'll introduce myself here properly. I'm a 30 year old Disney addict. I've been to WDW nearly 20 times since being a teenager. I'm a big Tinkerbell fan, I think she's tiny but fierce! In fact we named our cat after her :D I couldn't choose a favourite Disney movie, there are FAR too many to choose from, though the Little Mermaid was the first film I saw in the cinema so it holds a special place in my heart. I can't pinpoint when exactly my obsession began, Gummie Bears was a favourite tv show when I was little and the Disney Channel was a permanent fixture on our TV - much to my dad's disgust.

Next up would be my lovely hubby Simon or Sy. He first went to WDW on our honeymoon (which was actually his choice, I wanted to go somewhere and relax but he had never been so wanted to go, it didn't take much convincing lol). He's slowly turning into an even bigger Disney geek than me! I often say he's so laid back he's horizontal ;) He's very easy going and will pretty much go along with any plan I make. I like to think its cause my plans are so awesome ;) but most probably cause he will do anything for an easy life hahaha!

We finally took the plunge and became DVC members in 2012 at AKL and then we added on a month later at VGF. Our last trip to WDW together was in October/November (I went for a week with a friend in March), where we renewed our wedding vows on our AKL balcony. Here we are...

We are also kidnapping my best frient Jane :D She's the same age as me (well a month and a bit younger to be exact), we met at ballroom dancing class and bonded over the fact we were the only people in the class not retired hehe. We became friends and discovered we have a lot in common; The Little Mermaid was our first Disney love, we both have awesome taste in music, we love dancing, love cooking and eating ;)

I gave Jane the choice of which pic to upload and this is her choice...

Pahahahahahaha! That was taken Christmas eve at her house.

I was probably doing Jane a disservice before saying she doesn't 'get' Disney. Her favourite Disney character is Fidget, a bit of an off the wall one there! She likes Disney movies and went to Disneyland Paris once but she doesn't yet see what Disney theme parks have to offer grown up (a common mistake I think), plus you can't exactly judge other Disney parks based on Paris... She has an open mind though as she will be heading to Disneyland for the day with us and staying at the Grand California for 2 nights before she flies home.

Which brings me onto her dates. She will be flying out with us and staying 10 nights, visiting San Fran, Vegas and LA/Disney.

How did the trip come about?

There was a flight glitch online in the run up to our last WDW holiday. Sy was out when I saw it online, I quickly did a little more research and found that they would be perfect for our much talked about West Coast adventure. The flights were with Virgin Atlantic flying direct from London to San Francisco and flying direct home again to London from Los Angeles. Sy came home and knew from the moment he walked in the door something was up! First thing he said to me was 'What have you done?' Moi?! Nothing yet dear ;) You might find this hard to believe (or you may not) but I am actually the sensible one when it comes to money, Sy would spend like there's no tomorrow whereas I reign him back in (did I mention it was him who had to talk me into the VGF?!). So I think you can probably guess how long it took to get those flights booked... 5 mins later we were bouncing round the living room at finally getting our long awaited West Coast trip!

We have been planning and dreaming about our West Coast trip for many years, one of the things that put us off was the huge flight price, well with this glitch we paid less than what 1 flight would have cost us. It would have been silly not to book those flights really ;) at least that's what I keep telling myself when I looked at hotel prices and couldn't sleep at night...

We knew the West Coast was more expensive than Florida so we decided to go for 2 & ½ weeks, flying out on the 6th May and getting home on the 25th. We would have loved to stay for longer but we were worried about affording all the hotels and spending money. As it happens we still underestimated just how much more the West coast would cost. At one point we were looking at Super 8 hotels and fast food dinners.

The itinerary has changed *so* many times since we booked those flights. We had a list of places we knew we wanted to visit but kinda not enough time to see them all, still there's always next time ;)

The list began like this;

San Fran

Napa Valley


Last Vegas

Grand Canyon

Area 41

Palm Springs



San Diego


Napa was the first casualty, Sy wasn't that bothered about going there and it was in the opposite direction to Yosemite. As I knew we had so much to try and fit in, I caved pretty quick.

Next was San Diego. We wanted to go for the Zoo and Seaworld but we decided that there's only so much time to fit stuff in and Zoo's are worldwide and we can visit Seaworld in Orlando (obviously they aren't the same but close enough for us to not feel they were a 'must do' on our first trip west).

Then came Palm Springs, we were gutted but that's just how it goes.

Then came a huge change, Yosemite. First it went from 2 nights to 1 night, to give us 4 nights in Las Vegas. Then we decided it seemed a bit silly to drive for hours from San Fran to Yosemite, get there and sleep, and then get up early for another gruelling drive the next day. The hotels in Yosemite were expensive which helped sway our decision if we were only gonna get there, crash and get up early again. Plus I'm not the best in the car for hours on end. So we decided to fly from SF to Las Vegas.

Grand Canyon and Area 41, we only have 4 nights planned Las Vegas so there's only so much we can do. There's no way I'm getting in a helicopter to see the Grand Canyon so we would have to drive there and back in 1 day. Sy is really into Sci-Fi so he would love to go to area 41 to the tacky cafe's etc but there's just not gonna be time.

Then came Malibu, the hotel I was coveting shot up in price, it literally doubled so it went from quite expensive to lottery win so we had to drop it. The other hotels in the area weren't anywhere near as nice as that one and it was that specific hotel I wanted. So instead, Palm Spring got bumped back onto the list.

Last up to lose was LA. We were meant to be staying in LA for the last 3 nights before flying home but then Disney released all the exciting 60th Anniversay stuff... Well we couldn't miss that once in a lifetime experience could we?! Instead we will travel into LA a few times for a look around but stay in Anaheim.
Where are we staying?

The first hotel to get booked was the DVC at Grand California - which we got at 7 months no problems. The 7 month mark fell while we were in Florida so that was weird booking the next holiday while on the current one. We are staying 5 nights in a studio.



The first hotel after the DVC to get booked was our Vegas hotel, the Trump. Someone on a facebook group for holidaying in the West Coast pointed me to a website to help me book the hotel. It's a bit complicated but basically the website works along side priceline so you can work out exactly which hotels you can get in their 'bid for your hotel' deals. I clicked on the area of Vegas I wanted, what star rating and then put in a price I was willing to pay. I knew the hotel would be 1 of 3 hotels, all of which were on our shortlist so we were willing to take the risk. We ended up with a 5* hotel for 60 pounds a night! The cheapest I could find the Trump elsewhere was 80 pounds per night so dead happy with it. There will be a resort fee to pay once we arrive but that's to be expected in Las Vegas.


Next was Palm Springs, after a bit of research I booked the 7 Springs Inn for £65 per night with free parking and no resort fee.


As I said, Disney released the official dates for the start of their 60th anniversary celebrations and so we decided to go for a hotel near Disneyland instead of LA. I did another priceline deal using the website to figure out which hotel it would be (this time it was a choice of 2, both of which looked nice). We ended up with the Hyatt Regency for £82 per night. There's a car parking fee and no free wifi, both of which are annoying but we will deal with it, it a 4* hotel for less than 100 pounds a night. We were looking at a Super8 in LA for the same price as we got the Hyatt so I still take it as a win. I've since looked at the price for this hotel for these dates and its £140 a night now, I assume that is something to do with the Disney 60th Celebrations.


Last to be booked was SF, we decided to go for a 2 bedroom condo instead of 2 hotel rooms as it was cheaper, plus we went for one a little bit further out of the centre so we could get one with parking. We are 10-15 mins drive to Fisherman's Wharf in Richmond now, right by the sea and Golden Gate Park. I don't really have any pics of this place so I took some screen grabs of the place from HomeAway (or VRBO, both the same company).



The plan is currently looking like this...


Flight leaves London at about 11:30am

Arrive 3pm local time

Pick up car hire

Eat and try to stay awake till a normal bedtime


Louis Cafe for breakfast (near our Condo, right on the seafront)

Disney museum

Part of 49 mile tour inc Lombard Street

Cable car


Whale watching

Part of 49 mile tour

Find Pineapples on Ocean Ave as they sell Dole Whip!

Golden gate park - Japanese tea garden $8 each


Change DVC from GFV to PVB




Fly to Vegas chill out by pool and a bit of exploring

Hash House a Go-Go dinner

Volcano at mirage


Explore strip

Visit Venetian for shops and food court

Mandalay bay Mix for cocktails views over the strip


Explore Strip

Show in the evening


Bellagio fountains

Botanical gardens


Zumanity 9:30pm showing


Drive to Disney, stop on the way at the Outlets

Dinner Downtown Disney, visit Tiki Bar in Disneyland hotel


Disney both parks

Fantasmic evening


Hollywood walk of fame

Rodeo drive

Melrose ave

Jane flight home


Disney (open till midnight so will have afternoon break by the pool)




Universal daytime then drive to Palm Springs


Palm Springs

Cheeky's for breakfast

Cable Car up mountain


Leave Palm Springs and drive to LA in the morning

Check into Hyatt

Disney afternoon & evening


Disney 60th anniversary, gonna be crazy busy but we will power through!


Disney concert hall

Venice Beach


Malibu & Santa Monica

5pm arrive at airport

Fly home

Disney and Universal tickets are bought (5 days Disney and 1 day Universal with extra day for free). Tickets to Alcatraz purchased, car hire sorted. I've exchanged gold coins on the My Vegas app for 1 free ticket to Zumanity and BOGOF tickets with Sy's coins (he doesn't play as much as I do). I've got some dollars exchanged and the creditcard at the ready. Summer clothes are down from the loft and I've started mentally packing.

There has been so much info released now for the 60th Anniversary celebration at Disneyland. As its a 24 hour event and fancy dress we are gonna take our Up costumes from Halloween last year.

I've got a plan of attack for the 1 day of Disney that Jane is coming to. We are gonna head to California Adventure first and ride RSR, Soarin', ToT and TSM before heading over to the Disneyland park and riding BTM, HM, SM, PotC, Jungle Cruise and watch the parade and Fantasmic (we will be there midweek in lowish season so I think we should be able to make it round these but if not we will prioritise). We plan on being there at EMH or whatever its called and staying till late, Jane knows to wear comfortable shoes haha. Food will be CS.

That's about it for now! Thanks for reading :)
Just found your PTR...sounds amazing!! BTW - I giggled when you said you wouldn't do the helicopter ride. When my hubby and I went to Vegas for our anniversary, I was terrified of the helicopter and actually took some Ativan beforehand...I know...not so PC...but it helped me get over the fear of the helicopter and it was AMAZING! Just in case you are still considering it. But I totally understand not wanting to do it. Vegas is amazing too and you will love the Trump and just browsing through all the hotels. You are getting to do and see so many amazing things in one trip!! I'm jealous! Especially for the Disney part of course ....but all of it sounds incredible!
Just found your PTR...sounds amazing!! BTW - I giggled when you said you wouldn't do the helicopter ride. When my hubby and I went to Vegas for our anniversary, I was terrified of the helicopter and actually took some Ativan beforehand...I know...not so PC...but it helped me get over the fear of the helicopter and it was AMAZING! Just in case you are still considering it. But I totally understand not wanting to do it. Vegas is amazing too and you will love the Trump and just browsing through all the hotels. You are getting to do and see so many amazing things in one trip!! I'm jealous! Especially for the Disney part of course ....but all of it sounds incredible!

Tbh the helicopter isn't cause I'm scared at all, but it's cause I know I would get sick, I did a lot of research about it and lots of people feel sick, and if there would be 1 person throwing up you could guarantee it would be me! Haha and then it would ruin it for me cause I'd be too ill to enjoy :(

I'm so excited for the trip! I'll keep my camera in my hand at all times as I wanna capture it all and never forget it!
Just realised DL 24hr event is not fancy dress! Just WDW :( least I thought to check, that could have been sucky being turned away the morning of the 22nd! Will wear some Disney tshirts instead
Thanks Claire! I'm a bit of a bargain hunter. Especially when we are really stretched! I wanna be able to do all that we can with the funds we have available...
We did Area 51 when we went to Vegas for our 20th a few years back. Now understand that we live in the "country", understand driving long distances, and meeting up with interesting locals, but our Area 51 day trip really took the cake! 3+ hours of flat out "drive like heck" to not get sideswiped by fast moving semis, and once you get there, all there is is the the Little Ale-E-Inn. To be polite, we ate something (typical diner/truck stop food), my DH made small talk with the locals, and I bought a few souvenirs. What was kind of funny was that they said that they get more European visitors than Americans! Why, I have no idea, since there REALLY isn't much to see (unless you get abducted by aliens, I suppose...).

So you really aren't missing anything ;) !

The Watsons went west

Well we are home :( booooo! We had a great trip. Some places I loved and can't wait to go back to, some not so much. Disneyland. Hmm. I guess as a die hard WDW fan it had a lot to live up to. Anyway, here's a run down of our highs and lows though technically I wouldn't call them lows exactly, more like little niggles or observations.

Starting with....

San Francisco
I loved it. I REALLY loved it. I have to go back there.
Walt Disney museum was amazing! We spent 2&1/2 hours in there. (Though I think jane was a bit bored lol)
We drove the 49 mile drive which was really cool, we saw things we probably wouldn't have otherwise.
Japanese tea garden - so pretty!
Sausalito, wow! I want to live there!! I really felt at home there.
Alcatraz tour was surprisingly interesting. I was kinda just doing it for Sy but I really enjoyed it.
Martuni's gay piano bar, we had such a blast that evening with me even getting up to sing! Even a chest infection couldn't stop me (though I think it probably should have done when I listened to Jane's recording haha).
Some great food, ike's for sandwiches (ménage et trois on Dutch crunch please)
B patisserie, omg the croissant things (kouign amann), we had to get another each to take away!
The condo was beautiful and bigger than my house! It was right by the coast too so we went past the beautiful beach a few times.
Sadly though the fire alarm went off at 2:30am due to low battery (Same that happened to us in AKL last year, what are the chances?!). Luckily the owner lived downstairs but she was out on the town at first so it was going off a while before she came back and changed the battery.
I was shocked to see just how much homelessness there was in SF though I guess it's like any major city. Some areas I really didn't feel safe in at night. Martuni's was in a not so great area, it was okay in one direction but the other direction there were cars with smashed windows :-/

I dunno, I was just expecting well, more. We aren't big drinkers or gamblers so we didn't partake in that part which I guess is some of the appeal.
The trump hotel however was AMAZING and I actually loved that it was ever so slightly set back from the strip and had no casino.
Flight to Vegas with Virgin America, can see why the airline is so highly rated, really nice flight.
The hotels were great to look around but full of unaffordable shops.
Zumanity cirque du soleil, amazing! And very naughty too ;) Sy enjoyed the boobies haha
Cakes from Jean Phillippe patisserie inside the bellagio.
Drinks up at MiX in the Mandalay Bay. The view was amazing however the bar tender really took the shine off when he came back to remind us that we needed to tip him, he had just handed over the check and was about to walk away when he turned around to tell us that we needed to tip him. I know British people get a bad name for being bad tippers (we don't really tip here in the UK for anything so people either don't know or do know but are cheap) but he just assumed we didn't know and needed reminding.
Bellagio fountains were of course wonderful.
The dolphin exhibit at the mirage. Beautiful creatures! We also got to meet Siegfried while we were there as he was out walking around the animals and chatting to guests, he was a lovely guy.
I feel like I've kinda done Vegas now. I'd go back if going away with others who wanted to go there but otherwise I'm in no great rush.

Los Angeles
I didn't love it. Specifically the walk of fame/Chinese theatre area. I knew it would be a tourist trap but I didn't really realise how much. It got to the stage where I had to be almost rude to the people trying to shove their CD's in my hand and then want money from me. We took to saying it was our last day and we had spent all our cash lol
The Weather. Whoever said it never rains and was always warm in Southern California, lied! I took warmer clothing for San Francisco but I ended up having to wear it in LA too. We spent the day in Disney in the pouring rain, Jane's only Disney day! (She was leaving the next day too so we couldn't change the day). I wasn't expecting to be cold for most of the trip.
I wasn't keen on Venice beach, we were told it was somewhere we had to go see... I just felt like I needed a good wash once we left haha
Instead we headed up the road to Santa Monica, much more up my street ;) I also loved Malibu too.
Universal studios, way better than universal Orlando! We rode the backlot tour twice in the hope we might see town square for Sy (where they filmed back to the future) but it was out of the tour due to filming. We watched Mario Lopez filming some sort of gossip show, he was really sweet chatting to the crowd in between takes.
LA traffic, yes it's bad. We knew that going into it, if anything we expected worse. It was annoying though.

Palm Springs
I loved it! Almost as much as SF! I loved the laid back approach, the tram up the mountain (yeah I got a bit ill at the top, such a wuss!!) wow it was so beautiful up there.
The HEAT! Finally we were somewhere HOT!
Food, omg the food! Thai smile and birba for dinner and cheekys for breakfast. The sandwich shop for sandwiches (twice it was that good) Dinah without avocado for me ;)
Hotel was lovely but the air con was so loud it sounded like a hair dryer being used in the room, I'm not even exaggerating! I can sleep through a lot (well I gotta be able to sleep through the planes taking off in my bedroom AKA Sy snoring) but this was actually keeping me awake. That was the only down side. Staff there were so sweet and nice, it was a shame cause I probably wouldn't go back there unless they sorted out the air con situation.
We drove around looking at the pretty houses, Sy studied architecture so he loves looking at different styles and we both particularly love modern housing. We found Elvis's honeymoon house of course, Liberace's old house, the Kaufmann house.

As I said, I think Disney had a lot to live up to, but we just didn't feel the same magic. It almost reminded me a bit of Disneyland Paris. We talked at length over why we thought that could be and decided that it was nothing that Disney could do, WDW has people coming from all over the world to work there, DL all (apart from 1) name tags said the CM were from CA. There were a lot of teen groups and lots of locals in the parks. WDW is more of a resort so that just gives it a different feel. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it and I'd go back but it just didn't have the magic WDW has for me.
Grand California. I just wasn't wowed. It didn't feel overly Disney. Nice enough hotel, it just didn't wow me.
We had a not so great CM experience in California Adventure. We went to get a DAS for me and the guy just said no, they offer nothing to help me, it's only for children with cognitive behaviour problems. Point blank. Nothing they could do. Ending with me fighting back the tears as we left. We went over to DL (where they have a wheelchair pass which works in the same way) and later in the day went into guest services there to ask them about the DAS for CA and was given one no bother at all. I know people take advantage and lie which makes it hard for the CM's but the guy in the morning could clearly see me getting distressed, and I had the WDW DAS card with my picture on so he could see I wasn't just trying it on. It didn't get our stay off to the best start.
The new washing machines in GC leaving stains all over 1 load of washing. Disney did their best and sent the washing out to be dry cleaned (well Sy's shirts, I wasn't bothered by my pjs or underwear) but they didn't come out. Disney then credited our account with $200 to cover them as they were 4 Ralph Lauren polo shirts which more than made up for it. They bent over backwards to get it sorted so absolutely couldn't fault Disney, just a shame it happened and had to spend a good 2 hours trying to get it sorted.
World of colour. O.M.G. Wow! We were lucky to catch the old version and then the new 60th anniversary version with Neil Patrick Harris. Wow. To both! Though I have to admin I liked the new one the best ;)
The parades in both of the parks, though I did like the countdown to fun one just a smigde more ;) 5,4,3,2,1!
The 60th fireworks in DL, of course they could never match up to wishes however we watched them over the fantastic viewing area where they projected onto the water and set off low fireworks over the water right there, really clever way to get people off Main Street.
Mickeys magical map show, amazing! I loved it. Aladdin was very good too.
The new night time parade paint the night. OMG!! Wow! Nothing can describe it. Wow. Please please bring something similar to WDW, retire that sad old msep.
Being there for the 24hr event, we made it to 3am, by the time we got into bed it was 21 hours after we got up. I'll take that. The park was at stage 4 from about lunchtime however it didn't even feel as busy as a moderately busy day in WDW! Ride wait times were still only 30-60 mins. 35 mins on big thunder for most of the day.
Thunder ranch BBQ, it was very like hoop de doo food but without the fried chicken (it was grilled) or the mash. It was okay and a great place to sit down but I probably wouldn't do it again as all I ate were 2 mini corn on the Cobbs and 2 bits of chicken breast.
Radiator springs, it's every bit as good as people say, ride it at night ;)
Naples in DTD, owned by the same people as via Napoli, pizza was gooooooood!
Trader Sam's, really fun! Though there was no playing with the drinks, they are set up in a mix already so you can't ask for it weak or without a certain spirit :( so I had to go for a non alcoholic one.
Meeting Oswold! He was so fun and playful.
I had read that the food in DL was so much better than WDW, mainly cause there's no DDP there, I didn't find the food any better, possibly worse - but then I knew the best places to eat in WDW now ;) I've eaten in my fair share of rubbish food in WDW too.

A few other observations of the trip.
We had a great time with Jane and were really sad when it came time for her to leave, though as she said, it was nice for us to spend some time the 2 of us as well, best of both worlds ;)
We spent the 60th with our friend Steve who was on a solo trip of the west coast, we met up with him in Orlando on our honeymoon when he was on a solo trip then too. It was really nice to spend the day with him (we had met for a couple of hours a few days before too), he's such a sweetie.
We really noticed how much more expensive stuff was on the west coast compared to Florida. We didn't really shop at all and still went wayyy over budget :-/
Booking next year's cruise at 4am California time! October 17th here we come!
We flew home delta airline on a codeshare with Virgin. We both found the seats really uncomfortable, we had numb bums within half an hour of take off. Sy managed to sleep almost all of the way back but I only managed a few hours of broken sleep, which meant me going to bed at 10:30pm UK time and waking up and forcing myself to get up at 1pm UK time! I was awake for an hour or so at about 4/5am. I guess I must have needed it lol
Tink didn't seem too bothered when we got to my mums house where she was staying, and she was REALLY unimpressed at the car journey but as soon as she walked into her own house she purred her head off and hasn't left me alone since, sleeping under the covers with me all night.

Final thoughts.

Well I've always wanted to go to the West coast, it's been on the bucket list for years, would I go back? Hell yeah! I'll know which parts to go back to and where not to bother. Next on the bucket list is either Hawaii (which we will twin with some more west coast exploring) or a tour of New England. I've wanted to go to Hawaii since I was 6 years old when we did a school project on it, so I have a feeling that it could have the edge... But for now we have WDW this year to see the Christmas decorations and next year for the big meet up with the cruise too. So I think 2017 will see us visiting somewhere new.
Welcome home ( again!)

Glad there were lots of highs, and you know which bits you want to visit again! We found the west coast expensive too! We also loved Santa Monica, and thought Venice beach, especially the t shirt shops ..... interesting!

Looking forward to the TR :thumbsup2

Claire :)
Where are we staying?

The first hotel to get booked was the DVC at Grand California - which we got at 7 months no problems. The 7 month mark fell while we were in Florida so that was weird booking the next holiday while on the current one. We are staying 5 nights in a studio.



The first hotel after the DVC to get booked was our Vegas hotel, the Trump. Someone on a facebook group for holidaying in the West Coast pointed me to a website to help me book the hotel. It's a bit complicated but basically the website works along side priceline so you can work out exactly which hotels you can get in their 'bid for your hotel' deals. I clicked on the area of Vegas I wanted, what star rating and then put in a price I was willing to pay. I knew the hotel would be 1 of 3 hotels, all of which were on our shortlist so we were willing to take the risk. We ended up with a 5* hotel for 60 pounds a night! The cheapest I could find the Trump elsewhere was 80 pounds per night so dead happy with it. There will be a resort fee to pay once we arrive but that's to be expected in Las Vegas.


Next was Palm Springs, after a bit of research I booked the 7 Springs Inn for £65 per night with free parking and no resort fee.


As I said, Disney released the official dates for the start of their 60th anniversary celebrations and so we decided to go for a hotel near Disneyland instead of LA. I did another priceline deal using the website to figure out which hotel it would be (this time it was a choice of 2, both of which looked nice). We ended up with the Hyatt Regency for £82 per night. There's a car parking fee and no free wifi, both of which are annoying but we will deal with it, it a 4* hotel for less than 100 pounds a night. We were looking at a Super8 in LA for the same price as we got the Hyatt so I still take it as a win. I've since looked at the price for this hotel for these dates and its £140 a night now, I assume that is something to do with the Disney 60th Celebrations.


Last to be booked was SF, we decided to go for a 2 bedroom condo instead of 2 hotel rooms as it was cheaper, plus we went for one a little bit further out of the centre so we could get one with parking. We are 10-15 mins drive to Fisherman's Wharf in Richmond now, right by the sea and Golden Gate Park. I don't really have any pics of this place so I took some screen grabs of the place from HomeAway (or VRBO, both the same company).



Robyn, your place in SF looks fab, please could you tell me the listing number with VRBO as I am looking for accommodation for hubby and I for our upcoming 30 anniv trip? This place looks like it would be ideal. thanks Babs
Robyn, your place in SF looks fab, please could you tell me the listing number with VRBO as I am looking for accommodation for hubby and I for our upcoming 30 anniv trip? This place looks like it would be ideal. thanks Babs

Here you go :) 3595239 it was really beautiful, I would definitely stay there again.
Found your highs and lows really interesting so looking forward to reading the TR to find out more.


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