WC Accessible Restaurants


DIS Veteran
Aug 25, 1999
Friends are heading to WDW next week. Their teenaged son is recovering from surgery and will be in a wheelchair for most of the hours of the days.

Are most restaurants easy to navigate with a wheelchair? I know they have a PS for Cindy's at lunch, breakfast at Donald's Restaurantaurous and GF's 1900 Park Fare, dinner at Whispering Canyons, dinner at DTD Rainforest Cafe after Le Cirque, Mama Melrose Fantasmic package and more I am forgetting.

How is access to the Sunshine Season Food Fair or Electric Umbrella in Future World?

Thanks for all the great info!

"Are most restaurants easy to navigate with a wheelchair?"

I have never had a problem in any WDW restaurants, although I sometimes have to remind the host/hostess not to put me in a place where the wheelchairs rear wheels will stick out and get bumped repeatedly by the waiter/waitress or other customers. WDW is pretty good about this and usually I end up in the exact same place in the restaurant time after time(smile).

"I know they have a PS for Cindy's at lunch"

I believe there is an elevator to get to Cindy's and if I remember correctly, the dining room is fairly small, but he shouldn't have any problems with the wheelchair.

"breakfast at Donald's Restaurantaurous and GF's 1900 Park Fare"

I think these are buffets, which can sometimes be more problematic with a wheelchair. My spouse usually just pushes me along while I get what I want and then he goes up to the buffet for himself. The timing can get off a bit at buffets, since I am often finished and he is not, so it can take us a bit longer to eat because of the wheelchair.

"dinner at Whispering Canyons, dinner at DTD Rainforest Cafe after Le Cirque, Mama Melrose Fantasmic package"

These places I don't know about from personal experience, but I would bet that they are completely accessible and that there won't be any problems with the wheelchair.

"How is access to the Sunshine Season Food Fair or Electric Umbrella in Future World?

The Sunshine Season Food Fair is pretty easy to navigate and I can't remember what the Electric Umbrella is like. I usually don't bother to go into the Fountainview at Epcot since it is so incredibly small and crowded. I wait out at a table (and watch the fountain)(smile) while my spouse picks up the food.

Hope everyone has a wonderful trip!
Welcome to disABILITIES.
For their PS, they should let the CM kow when they check in that one member of their party is in a wheelchair. It will make a difference for Cindy's. There are actually 2 levels to the restaurant (down only a few steps, but enough not to be able to take a wheelchair down easily). The CM can just make sure they get a table at the top area. Cindy's is at the second floor level of the castle. I like to let people know that there are no restrooms at that level - just a companion restroom at the bottom level and a set of restrooms halfway upstairs - only accessible by stairs.
The other places are accessible, but some tables might work out better than others. We have a problem with DD's wheelchair sometimes not being able to be wheeled all the way up to some tables because the table legs hit her wheels or footrests before the wheelchair is close enough to use the table. If your friend's son is able to get out of the wheelchair and sit on a regular chair while he eats, it will be easier.

We have no problem with either Electric Umbrella or Sunshine Season Food Fair, but it's easier if you hit the not so busy mealtimes. We also have to be careful to get one of the large round tables since DD can't get close enough to the small round tables.
We will have breakfast at Cindy's and when I made the reservation she made a note about my wheelchair in the PS. I had been asking about how early they'd let us into the park, since it won't be open yet, and yet I knew it would take us a long time to work our way down Main Street. She said that adding the note about the wheelchair will help them have the right table for us. I'm guessing that you might want to call dining and have them add a note about your wheelchair to all your PSs.

I forgot to put about Cindy's - there is an elevator. It's fairly small, but big enough for a wheelchair and several people. It's located right in the center of the winding circular staircase.

The Electric Umbrella is a fast food place. They have one counter area that is wheelchair accessible, but it's easier if one member of your party orders the food and the rest get a table. There are several seating areas. One is a circular area that sort of faces the fountain. It has several levels, but is all accessible with ramps. To the right of the ordering area, there is more seating, spread out on the level. There is a second floor, but it is often closed if it's not busy. An elevator goes up there, but you have to find a CM with a key to operate the elevator.
Some points not covered elsewhere@

Buffet Service: Your server will always be happy to go to the buffet counter with the wheelchair user to fill the plate if needed.

Counter Service: There is always one extra wide isle for wheelchairs at the carry-out type restaurants. Either the person from the till, or from the servery will generally offer to carry your tray to your table. If you carry your own tray and then spill your drink (as I did last trip), the refill is free.



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