Weather is Hot - Bet You Wish You Were Here!!


<font color=9933CC>Shoot for the moon. Even if you
Aug 19, 2000
It's 6pm here in hot and sunny Downtown Disney and we're loving every minute!!

ASMu is fabulous and we got the rooms we requested. Dave and Valerie and Pluto (Julie) say Hi, (they're pushing Carys around Epcot as I type!!) whilst I'm sitting here relaxing Gary and Bryn and having fun on all the interactive games here at Disney Quest!!

We're off for the Illuminations Cruise this evening and are all meeting up at Boardwalk in a couple of hours. Tomorrow we're all off to IOA, I don't know whether I've the courage to do the Hulk yet, but experienced RnRC and ToT for the first time today and loved them!!

See you all too soon!!

Love, Astrid
HIYA !!!!

How ya doing Astrid...........??????? Like I need ask! Pleased I got the first response in!!

Pleased you're having a great time ......greetings to Bryn from Callum.

Don't forget the cardBTW!!........and tell Dave we beat Bolton 1-0.

Get on the Hulk and don't be such a seats for you are the back ones (Honest!)

Have a fab time, speak to you when you get back.

Best to all of you ..........lucky pups!!

Hi Mike!!

This is great - replies while I sit here hogging the computer!!

Ho hum, back to the tedium of enjoying myself I suppose!! :)

Astrid x
Hi Astrid,

I do love these 'live from the action' posts. Almost feel as though I am there with you.

You will have done the IllumiNations cruise by now, but I know you will have had a great time. I don't suppose you will get a chance to check in here again before you go to IoA, but you MUST do Hulk. If you liked R'n'R, you will love Hulk.


I'm so sorry I missed you being there live:(

Yes you said you'd go on the 'big' rides,just go for it;)

Brilliant to hear you're having such a great time:D
Hiya Ad...:wave:

Say hello to everyone from this cold & gloomy UK. Glad to hear that you got your room request ;)

Sound like you are having fun....:)

Speak to you soon
Hi Astrid - sounds like you're having a good time, hope you enjoyed the Illuminations Cruise :D

Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back,

Have a great time Astrid - hope you are making plenty of notes for the trips reports :bounce:
It's really good to hear you're having a great time :) Thank you very much for stopping by :)

Now we are being kept in suspense ....... did she or didn't she :D ?

I started to feel envious and then thought .......whoopee! I'll be there in a couple of months :D :D !!
:wave: :wave: :wave: Hi Astrid!

Nice to see you :) and really...sitting here, looking out of the window at the cold (ok, so I know you can't SEE cold, but you know what I mean :rolleyes: ) and've hardly made me jealous at all!!!!

Penny :)
Oh, Astrid, how I wish I was there too! ;)

Great to hear you are having a brilliant time, I hope you really enjoyed the Illuminations Cruise too! :D
Hi Astrid :wave:

It sounds as though you're having a great time - thanks for stopping by to post!
Helloooooooo Astrid!!!!,

Glad to hear your having a ball! We're just patiently waiting to go 2 weeks from today WOO HOO!!:wave: :crazy:

Can't wait to hear all your news when you get back!

Luv Audrey,
Hi Astrid - great to see you :wave:

Thanks for stopping by - hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday

Hi Astrid, glad to hear you're all enjoying yourselves.

Now I wonder what makes you think we would like to be there too? Hmmm? NO, I DO NOT WANT TO BE THERE - and I tell lies too. Love to all.
This is weird - I've had to log in using my other name!

Astrid - No way would I want to be in sunny Florida right now, when I could be doing washing and ironing and sitting with the central heating on in freezing cold Scotland - NOT!!!!!!
Have a blast and look forward to reading your trip report on your return.

Lynn ( aka Cats Mother )
Finally got logged on-

Update on Astrid's post;

me and Carys (with V,and Julie) loved World Showcase and ToDs.Especially loved them frozen Margitas ,ta Julie (I think).

Reflections cruise was brill as usual.

Now the Hulk update yer all waitin for.....

I went on with Astrid the other day but that's her story to tell yer all about.

See yers all too soon.

Oh btw, Mike. Had got the Bolton score but ta anyway. See we played our usual ame at Chelsea- will please Chris anyway,Janice.


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