What compels people to copy other people's photos

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Ding Ding.... the fight bell rings and please go to your respective corners. :duck:

If a person has not expressly written in their post or in their signature that they want suggestions or critiques about making their photos better, it is probably best to privately ask them if they would like to see or hear what might be done to change a photo.

Its actually kind of simple......
It is always interesting to read differing opinions on artistic subjects. This argument has in one form or another been going on as long as art itself. Is it appropriate to copy someone's painting and modify the colors and composition? Photography and in particular digital photography has made the practice much quicker and easier. It has been said that imitation is the greatest form of flattery but that being said not all artists are of the same mindset. What one person may see as an honest opportunity to help, another may view it as an invasion of their artistic license. There is no right or wrong in art, merely different points of view. You may think a picture needs cropping, color adjustment, lightening, darkening, or it may not be to your taste but that doesn't mean it is flawed. The original photographer took this picture and kept it because it met their artistic values. A second person may modify the picture and repost it but that does not mean it is artistically bad either. It means the second person had a different artistic view and is offering to share that point with the original artist. They may agree or disagree on which captures the moment better. It is when you begin to put value into the judgment that it becomes personal. These personal judgments lead to disagreements, hurt feelings, anger, frustration and a league of other unwanted emotions. While you may not appreciate someone modifying a photo taken by another, it is inevitable that it will happen. As long as value statements are left out such as making a picture "better", or "more realistic" or other nonsense you should take it in the light it is given. If the secondary poster gives full credit to the original artist and does not try to assume ownership and makes the modifications in light of adding artistic suggestions it should be taken as an offer to broaden everyone's view of art and move forward. Things such as this should NOT be construed as a personal attack nor should the conversation be led down the path so often taken in this litigation-happy society.

I think this thread has run its course and all parties have had an opportunity to express their views. I am therefore closing this discussion.

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