***What's your Woohoo?***


DVC Member Since 2001
Sep 1, 1999
This thread is inspired by Tada on the lowcarbfriends site.

I thought it would be neat to have a thread where we list our "woohoos" or accomplishments perodically.

I'll go first:

I bought my first pair of size 16 slacks and just five months ago my size 26 jeans were tight! I haven't been able to fit into a size 16 in over 20 years. Woohoo!

My second is that a coworker called me "Li" this morning instead of Lisa because she said I look like I'm half the woman I used to be so I get to be called half my name! Woohoo!!

Okay, WISHers, don't be shy, we want to hear from you! We know dieting can be difficult sometimes but it's so nice to get compliments or reach goals on our journey so we want to hear about your accomplishments or compliments. Who's next? What's your Woohoo?
just started, have only lost about 16 pounds, but when I hit 199.5 (yesterday) I did a woohoo.

My Mom is the one that started me on The South Beach Diet, she doesn't have as much weight to lose though, and she keeps telling me that she doesn't know how I do it. She is having trouble sticking to it, and I think it is pretty easy. That makes me happy too.

Knowing I can do this, when I thought I couldn't makes me want to woohoo. Haven't gotten any smaller sized clothes yet, but my pants are hanging, I can't wait to by new clothes, and I always hated shopping. I could fit in an 18 if I got new clothes now, I will be able to shop in regular sections of stores soon.

My baby sister had a dream that I was doing SB and doing really well, when she told me, I thought and was able to tell her that I was, 6.5 lbs lost in the last week and a half of SB, plus 9.5 by myself before that. That made me happy.
zeras-- calling you "Li" is a riot!! thanks for the giggle!!

woo hoo for me --- buying size 8 Levi jeans

measuring my waist at 29" -- doesn't always stay there but I see it from time to time

realizing I feel small when my DH wraps his arms around me
NOT BEING A SLAVE TO FOODS! no more cravings VERY rarely feeling hungry lots of energy NO HEADACHES! IFEEL SO MUCH BETTER!:D
woohoo for me was today when i wore a

size 8 skort !

(looks like a skirt but has shorts underneath)
A WOOHOO happened for me yesterday. I went clothes shopping and bought some skirts that are a UK size 10 (US size 6) I tried them on when I got home and they were too big! :teeth: I bought them thinking that they would be a little on the tight side so that that I could wear them for a few weeks! :hyper:
Here's my WOOHOO: a size 4 skirt that fit COMFORTABLY! My 6's have been tight for a while, but they are no problem now. When I put that 4 on, I almost hit the ceiling!

WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO for all of the great accomplishments listed here! :smooth:

Is simply being in a misses size for the first time in almost 14 years! I'm a 16 right now and those jeans are starting to get a little lose on me. I've needed about 2 more notches on my belt for awhile now, but just haven't got around to doing so. :cheer2: :cheer2:
My wedding dress is a size 14 and zips up on me perfectly! I almost cried when that happened. :flower3: I hope to be in a size 12 comfortably by the time I reach 190. My goal is 180 and who knows, could I reach a 10, I don't know. I am big boned along with having big TaTas :crazy: and that may not be comfortable on me. I will be perfectly content in a size 12. I haven't been in that size since high school!! :faint: :faint:
I am so proud of myself and can't wait til that scale says 180 pounds! For me though, the smaller size in clothes is more important than what I weigh. I'm in a very comfortable 16 right now meaning I could probably drop to a 14 with no problem. I'm going to wait til I hit 190 pounds and see where I stand then. DH may have to come with me when I go try on clothes at Walmart. He's going to have to carry me out of the fitting room when I get into those 14s!! :hyper2: :thewave:
I just want to say that all of my fellow WISHers' Woohoos have made me smile this afternoon. Each of you are so encouraging to me and hearing your success stories just makes me feel so happy inside!::yes::

Keep up the fantastic job!
My WOO HOO is being able to get through the turnstiles & off the parking lot tram at WDW without turning sideways! :bounce: :Pinkbounc
I had to think a little on this one. Going down from a 24 jeans to a 18 jeans that have a zipper and snap instead of an all elastic waist is a woohoo. But the other day my 11 yr. old daughter gave me a hug and said, MOM I can put my arms around you and reach past my wrists, I used to only be able to touch my finger tips. That is the biggest and best WOOHOO anyone could ever have. WOOHOO!!!!!!:Pinkbounc :bounce:
I've just gone through my closet to get rid of clothes that are too big, as a friend was bringing castoff clothing to a charity and offered to bring mine with hers. Well, the first thing I tried on was a skirt that I bought with my husband when he was still my fiancee. I figured that it surely wouldn't fit yet, but it would be nice to see how much further I had to go. Well, by golly, not only does it fit, but it looks great!

All I can say is -- WOOHOO!!
I bought a super-cute pair of shorts at Old Navy - size 18! It's the first time I've bought anything but socks at Old Navy in years - and I didn't even need the biggest size. Woohoo! :teeth:
WOOHOO! I am more than half way through my first day of induction and I am doing great. Woohoo because I have struggled with wanting to do Atkins but thinking that I couldn't possibly go without tons of carbs for over a month and here I am! Woohoo!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

:flower1: Kelly :flower1:
WooHoo, I was in a wedding in January and my measurements were off the chart, even though I was squeezing into size 14 clothes. I tried on my dress and it fell off!! I'm not kidding. The top was an off the shoulder type and when I put it on and closed it up, it kept right on going ::yes:: I had to hold it in place then I put on the skirt, and it slid to my hips. I was like what it really going on.

WooHoo, then I get the tape measure and measure my waist. I have dropped 8 inches off my waist in 3 months!!!!!!! My waist is a 32. Shoot it was a 28 back in high school
I can make it up the stairs to my apartment on the 5th floor without breaking a sweat. Last year I needed to stop on every landing and pant.

Today I bought a beautiful Jones New York dress on the clearance rack - it's a 14!!!! This time last year I was a 28. I know I'm not an official 14 yet - pants are still a 16 or 18, but that's better than a 28!

I can walk for miles! This time last year I made sure to park in front of the house and take the car to work every day. Now I take public transporation and walk everywhere.

Those are my woohoos!


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