Wheelchairs in the Snow

dvc one day

Mar 23, 2012
I live in an area where it doesn't snow a lot and when it does, it melts quickly. I have traveled to some places with snow, but just short trips. I felt like a snowplow trying to go through the snow.

My question to those who deal with snow much of the year: what is it like using a wheelchair during the winter and dealing with snow and ice?
It really depends on where you are. When I was living in NYC, it wasn't as bad because when we weren't in the middle of a storm (or just after one), sidewalks were cleared and most curb-cuts weren't too bad. I did have to be careful (at different points I got both my manual and power chairs stuck in bits that were mixes of snow and ice), but it was mostly do-able. These days I live in semi-rural CT. I spend most of my winters here inside. Some of that is that there are actual barriers in the house I live in that make it harder to get out using my wheelchair, even when things are cleared, but it also can be more of a hassle. I can't use my powerchair here and that means I do get wet snow all over if things aren't completely cleared. In many parking lots (not all), the handicapped spaces are where snow gets dumped by the snowplows.

All of that said, the only reason I want to move somewhere with less snow is because of what the cold and snow do to my pain levels. I'd put up with it if getting around in my wheelchair was the only issue. I grew up in the northeast and one of my favorite things is being curled up by a fire with hot cocoa while watching the snow fall.
Sounds like it could not be a lot of fun. I started wondering about this a few years ago (how difficult it can be from day to day, changes that have to be made in the winter planning out your day, possible changes to the chair, etc.)

I have also spent time wondering if I need to be looking for a way to live in an area where it is more flat. I guess I have been thinking about all the possibilities of where I may end up a few years down the road.


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