When are you Going? Post Your Dates and Find A Match!!! Things to do! Peeps to Meet!

also: whos going to be eating/drinking around the world on Thursday? We can pick a time once you quote this post :)
Im considering making a spooky sign for our DisMeet. we have Chris and his wonderful Eye/ mike wazowski but maybe for pics we could have a sign that says something about our dismeet? lemme know :)
also: whos going to be eating/drinking around the world on Thursday? We can pick a time once you quote this post :)
Next Thursday will be my first day at WDW. I am starting the day in Hollywood Studies. I have a lunch reservation their as well as 3 Fast Passes. I also have VIP seating for Fantasmic. So Ill spend the day there. But I recently found out Epcot has evening Extra Magic Hrs. So even if tired Im sure Ill park hop to Epcot after Hollywood studies. Maybe can hang out some, grab a drink, have Disney fun.
Hi everyone again! I am awake at 4am because I'm too excited to sleep and I still have work today! Haha
A sign is a great idea - I think I am going to be wearing a grey t shirt with a Halloween Minnie logo on it and orange ribbons. That's a good idea to hang around from 6-6.30 so everyone has a chance to find each other.
Still can't believe this is even real...this is going to be the best birthday week ever!

also: whos going to be eating/drinking around the world on Thursday? We can pick a time once you quote this post :)

Still definitely up for this, I have been watching videos and I am so ready for frozen delicious drinks around the world!

I'm totally up for some of the photo pass opportunities as well. I've seen some of the halloween ones online and they're hilarious!
Hey neighbor! I live in MetroWest MA! :)

Safe travels, cant wait to high five on Tuesday!!

If you ask for your check when you order, I feel you'll be out just im time! :)

I think we should all spend 6-630ish outside of HM to wait for stragglers :)
I was able to get an earlier time! So I'll be able to meet you! :D

Excited about the Epcot 35 news. Only thing is it should have been announced earlier for Fast Pass reasons if nothing else. So can plan around it better. Its going to be a long but fun day. Morning at Epcot with 3 Fast Passes and Epcot 35 as well as lunch at the Garden Grill. Then off to Magic Kingdom for Magic Kingdom 46 and MNSSHP to celebrate.
I’m not gonna lie you guys. Checked into Pop today and it is sooo hot here. But it feels good now at about 6:00 which is the time we are meeting for Mnsshp on Tuesday. What a relief. I just hope the app is working tomorrow so I can buy my ticket.
Also.. tonight’s party has sold out so anyone that doesn’t already have their ticket may want to get one ASAP.
3 days
Im leaving Thursday
Started packing, have a few last minute things to do
Excited but nervous for my 3rd solo trip to WDW
I AM LEAVING FOR THE AIRPORT !!!!! I cannot wait to see some of you guys at Haunted Mansion this time TOMORROW!!!! Im going to be in a green dress unless its too hot, then a maroon shirt that says "If you can't drive, stay off the river" Ill be looking for the Mike Wazowski eyeball! :)

YAYYY! Happy, safe and magical travels to all leaving soon !
I’m not gonna lie you guys. Checked into Pop today and it is sooo hot here. But it feels good now at about 6:00 which is the time we are meeting for Mnsshp on Tuesday. What a relief. I just hope the app is working tomorrow so I can buy my ticket.

Im in the 50s section at pop, checking in tonight!!
October 30-November 3rd Solo
October 30th daytime Drinking/eating F&W Fest
November 1st MNSSHP- Anyone else going this night?
I can't wait!


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