Wilma-Bride's Trip Report - Day 14


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Jul 13, 2005

Me – Joh (31) – Slightly neurotic (DH would say very), VERY impatient and extremely over-excitable
DH – Gary (37) – Pretty laid back, a bit of a ‘Peter Pan’, mad about Tigger!

Day 14 – Mon 20th Sep

We were both up early this morning. I think, subconsciously, we were aware that this was our last full day and didn’t want to waste a single minute. The plan for today was to visit one of the Disney water parks, followed by Magic Kingdom, but my early morning trip onto the balcony for a cigarette reveals that it’s not going to be a great day weather-wise. Time for a quick change fo plan – Magic Kingdom and MGM it is then.

We arrive just before 9 and decide to catch the ferry across to MK, having caught the monorail last time. The ferry is just pulling in, with Chip and Dale aboard. They disembark and wave as they walk away. We board the ferry, feeling a tad chilly – can’t believe how quickly the weather has changed from unbearably hot to almost cold. Chip and Dale board the ferry again and are immediately mobbed by loads of kids. As we approach MK, we see the castle in all it’s glory, dulled only by the grey clouds hovering above. Still a beautiful sight though.

We enter through the turnstiles and walk up Main Street. A CM approaches and offers to take our picture, telling me to stand with my palm outstretched. I oblige, feeling a bit confused as to why. He tells us, when we view our picture later, we will get a surprise!

We decide to work our way round the park clockwise. Although it’s still early, it’s nowhere near as crowded as it was the other day. Having seen most of Adventureland on our previous trip, we head straight to Frontierland and Big Thunder Mountain. This is a great ride – really exhilarating. Today is not a day for getting wet, we decide, so we bypass Splash Mountain and walk round to the Haunted Mansion. This ride doesn’t scare either of us but it is hugely entertaining, especially the extra passenger we pick up along the way! Next stop, It’s a Small World. My friend, Becky, had told me all about this ride and had been trying to teach me the song, warning me that I’d never get it out of my head, so I was (sort of) looking forward to it. But, shock, horror, it’s closed for refurbishment. DH looks relieved! On to Mickey’s Philharmagic then - great show and really enjoyable. There were several bits that made us chuckle. Next, I wanted to go on Dumbo but DH was doing his ‘It’s a kid’s ride’ routine. Sometimes he’s so anal! At the teacups, we spot Tweedledum and Tweedledee and I can’t resist joining the queue of kids waiting to get autographs and pictures. As I get to the front of the queue, one of them (sorry, can’t tell one from t’other) grabs my hand and tries to pull me off. The other one then grabs my other hand and tries to pull me back. I had visions of my arms stretching really long, like Stretch Armstrong – lol. It was really funny though. After this, I saw Alice and the Mad Hatter so went off to have photos taken with them too. There was a little boy in front of me and as he gets to the front, the Mad Hatter sits down and gestures to the little boy to sit next to him, which he does. They start talking – the boy’s mum (I assume) is trying to get their attention to take a photo and, all of a sudden, the Mad Hatter turns to her and says ‘Do you mind, I’m having a conversation with my friend – don’t be so rude’. We were absolutely wetting ourselves and the little boy couldn’t stop laughing at the thought of the Mad Hatter telling his Mum off. The characters were really great – how they have the patience is beyond me – at least the day was quite cool so they can’t have been too uncomfortable.


After this, we walk round to Mickey’s Toontown Fair, where we wander through Mickey and Minnies’ Country Houses – I’m loving some of the accessories and furniture. I see loads of things I’d like to have in our house.


Then we succumb to the draw of the Great Mouse Himself!!! We queue for almost an hour but it is so worth it, to meet the great Mickey Mouse. After this, we go to have pictures taken with Winnie the Pooh and gang. As I walk up to Eeyore, he grabs my hands and we have a little dance. DH takes some pictures himself, then we move on to Tigger. We go to view our pictures but decide not to buy them as the ones on our camera are pretty good.



Continuing round, we decide to try Space Mountain again, just to see if we prefer it this time round. But the wait time is showing 55 minutes so we decide not to bother. I’m really disappointed that Stitch’s Great Escape is not open yet – I really wanted to do this. Oh well, maybe next time. Yes, next time – so much for a trip of a lifetime. DH and I have already decided we want to come back.

By now, it’s almost lunchtime and MGM is calling. We head out of MK, stopping to look at our picture on the way. It’s really cute – Tink has magically appeared on my outstretched palm. However, for some reason, I look really grumpy in the picture so I can’t be persuaded to buy it. I do make a mental note to make sure I smile when we come back next year (sssh, I haven’t told DH yet that I want to come back that soon!!!) I feel quite sad to leave but happier knowing that I will be back one day.

We catch the monorail back to the TTC, then join a queue to wait for the MGM bus. While we are waiting, the heavens open. I have never seen so much rain – and this is the first time it’s rained since we’ve been here. It is absolutely bucketing it down. DH and I get soaked.

The bus finally arrives and everyone jumps on gratefully. It’s freezing. A few minutes later, we arrive at MGM and it’s like we’ve gone through a weather-warp. The sun is shining brightly and it’s boiling – oh well, at least we’ll dry quite quickly.

Once through the gates, we head straight for ToT, with a wait of about 10 minutes. We ride and then walk round to RnRC. Unfortunately, for some reason, it’s closed. Looking at the Show Times, we see that Playhouse Disney Live on Stage is about to start. Deciding that DS would love it if we could get some pictures of Bear, we leg it round to see the show. This was a BIG MISTAKE. Don’t get me wrong, we really loved the show but there were 2 major problems. Firstly, we were the ONLY adults there without kids – we felt like paedophiles. Secondly, as soon as Bear and Lunar started singing the Goodbye Song, I was in floods of tears. I said to DH that Daniel would have loved it so much and we both realised we were really missing him – funny how it suddenly hits you. DH decides we should leave, so we do.


Only a ride on RnRC could cheer me up now – luckily it is open again although the wait time is posted at 40 minutes. Never mind – we don’t mind waiting. It’s our last day, after all, and we’ve hardly had to queue the whole fortnight so what the heck. We really enjoy the ride and this time we buy the picture as a momento. Back to ToT, we ride twice more and then decide to make our way back to the hotel to start packing.

With the packing done (I’m sure we didn’t buy THAT much stuff – lol), we head out for dinner, deciding to push the boat out and go back to Tony Roma’s. Again, the food is lovely.

Earlier in the week, we had booked a farewell package, through Virgin, which includes transport to the Grand Floridian for a character breakfast, then over to Downtown Disney for check-in. So, we decide to have an early night as we’re checking out of the hotel quite early in the morning – being picked up at 6.30.
KayleeUK said:
The fairwell package sounds good :)

It was really good - we were thinking of doing it again this year. For non-drivers, like us, it's a really good deal and also meant we didn't have to spend half of our last day at the airport :)

Great reports Joh, loved your piccie of eeyore, :goodvibes
What a wonderful time you had at MK and MGM. That farewell package sounds like such a good idea. We found the check in at Downtown Disney brilliant and at least it means you don't have to get to the airport so early. We said the same thing when we first went to Florida together in March 2003 - trip of a lifetime. Yeah right, we were bitten by the Disney World bug and I can't see us going anywhere else for awhile :)
Lovely report Joh and lovely to see you both in photos. :)
Enjoyed reading your report ~ Thanx for posting.

Lovely piccies :)


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