Wilma-Bride's Trip Report - Sep 04 (Day 1)


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Jul 13, 2005
Fred and Wilma’s Honeymoon – 7-21 Sep 04


Me – Joh (31) – Slightly neurotic (DH would say very), VERY impatient and extremely over-exciteable
DH – Gary (37) – Pretty laid back, a bit of a ‘Peter Pan’, mad about Tigger!

Day 1 – Tues 7th Sep

Up early this morning even though we don’t have to be at the airport until 10:15 for our 11:15 flight (you gotta love Twilight Check-in). Me and DH enjoy a leisurely breakfast at our hotel ( I can highly recommend Gatwick Manor for a reasonable stay and park rate). We pop back to our room to pick up our hand baggage, check out of the hotel and catch the bus to the airport, arriving dead on 10 am. We go straight through to departures and decide to wander round the shops. For some reason, I happen to glance at the information screen and notice…our flight is boarding! OK, so maybe we got a bit too complacent – we take a slow jog (well, a sprint) to the gate and straight onto the plane. I am really excited and jumping up and down in my seat, saying to DH “I’m so excited”. DH looks slightly bemused – and just a tad embarrassed. The flight was pretty uneventful (can’t remember what films we watched) but I must admit to wishing that we had spent the extra to upgrade, purely for a bit more legroom.

We arrived at MCO on time and spent an enjoyable (?) couple of hours playing the ‘collect your luggage, leave your luggage, collect your luggage’ game. Then, finally, we’re on the bus and ready to go. Well, almost – we wait about 3 hours (OK, so it was about 15 minutes) for the other families on our bus to arrive and then we’re really going. We get chatting to another couple, also on their honeymoon, who live about 10 miles from us at home – small world! At this point I’m so excited I could burst. Even DH has started to look a little bit interested. As we travel up I-Drive, I point things out to DH that I’ve read about in the fantastic (that word doesn’t really sum up how invaluable this book was/is to us) Brits Guide. Finally, we pull up outside our hotel. We’re here!!!

We head to reception to check in and are allocated a room on the 1st floor. We arrive at the room, open the door and can’t believe the sight before us. Unmade beds, utter filth, rubbish everywhere. “Stay here” I tell DH and off I go back to reception. I explain the problem and we are allocated another room, this time on the ground floor. I collect DH and we set off down the corridor. This is the point where I could write a whole report purely on the state of the hotel, the filth, the smell and the general deserted and unwelcoming atmosphere but, suffice to say, we did not like this place one little bit. Plenty of tears were cried, a particularly uncomfortable first night was had and we moved to a different hotel the next day.

The only other thing to add to today’s report was our dinner at Denny’s – our first experience of US portions. I only had chicken tenders and chips (sorry, fries) but I almost couldn’t manage pudding – well, it would have been rude not to! All in all, we had some mixed feelings at the end of Day 1. We were happy to be in Orlando but extremely disappointed at the standard of the accommodation. Never mind, things always look better in the morning :sunny:
I have been known to seriusly embarress DH as well when at the airport!!! I always insist on wearing my mickey ears at check in which causes him HUGE embaressment!!!
Enjoyed reading your report ~ Thanx for posting.
How terrible - glad you were able to move.

I must agree you wonder if you will ever leave the airport with all that luggage palaver! :rolleyes1
Sounds a nightmare of a hotel, glad you were able to be moved.
What was your hotel called? So I can avoid it.

I enjoyed reading your report. I love that excitement you feel when you are jetting off to Orlando.
wicket2005 said:
What was your hotel called? So I can avoid it.

I enjoyed reading your report. I love that excitement you feel when you are jetting off to Orlando.

It was the Howard Johnson Plaza on I-Drive (avoid it like the plague).
I think we were on the same flight. My daughter also got married on 4th Sept and the 4 of us went together. I spent all weekend on the internet watching foe hurrican news.


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