Wilma-Bride's Trip Report - Sep 04 (Day 3)


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Jul 13, 2005
Fred and Wilma’s Honeymoon – 7-21 Sep 04


Me – Joh (31) – Slightly neurotic (DH would say very), VERY impatient and extremely over-exciteable
DH – Gary (37) – Pretty laid back, a bit of a ‘Peter Pan’, mad about Tigger!

Day 3 – Thur 9th Sep

I wake early again (still dark) and pop out onto the balcony for my routine puff! This time I manage to find my watch in the dark and realise it’s only 5 am. Bugger! So I decide to get dressed and go down to the lobby to phone home. I get through to MIL, who informs me that DS (2) is at nursery. I explain that we’ve moved and give her the hotel details and phone number. Then I walk back to the room to wake DH (accidentally on purpose – sorry darling, did I wake you?!) Once I’m convinced he’s not going to go back to sleep, I take a shower and dress. Instructing DH to ‘Get up’, I go back down to the lobby to see what time the restaurant opens. I pick up a schedule for the courtesy bus from reception and go back to the room to shout at DH again (btw, I feel at this point I should add that I would normally let him sleep in but I was TOO EXCITED!!!)

We eat breakfast in the hotel – very nice, plenty of it and FREE – yes, we are entitled to 2 free breakfasts and one dinner during our stay. Bargain. After breakfast, we join the small group of people who are presumably waiting for the shuttle bus too. Listening to the conversations around us, we smile as strains of ‘Are you waiting for the bus’, ‘Yes, are you’, ‘Excuse me, is this where the bus goes from’ hit our ears. DH s******s and I subtlely (but firmly) kick him on the shin. The bus pulls up right on time and we pile on, determined not to be the millionth people to ask the poor driver if she’s going to US. A short drive and we’re there. The driver tells us where to catch the bus for the return journey (I think she thought that would stop everyone from asking her as they get off the bus, but No!) and everyone piles off. Up the escalator and along the moving walkways and we’re into City Walk. We are quite early (only 8:30) so we stop for a drink and a yummy pastry at one of the cafes (couldn’t resist). DH wanders off to get a stirrer for his tea and a passing bird takes a fancy to his chocolate croissant. Hmm, decisions, decisions – protect his Danish or take a picture!!!


At about 10 to 9, we wander down to the entrance to IofA and join a dozen or so people, waiting for the gates to open. OK, so where are all the crowds? We were expecting hundreds of people, all pushing and shoving to be first in. But, no, the gates open just before 9 and everyone files through in an orderly fashion. I have my bag checked while DH stands grinning at me (now I know why I’m carrying the bag). From here, there’s no messing about – we know what we want so it’s off to The Hulk, stopping only long enough to dump loose items and bag in the free lockers. The Hulk waiting time is zero – it’s a walk-on (I believe that’s the term). Whoosh, we’re off. Fantastic!!! Words cannot express how great this is. When the ride is over, we look at each other – again? And off we go again. And again. Spiderman is next – another walk-on – and again we ride it 3 times. I am totally speechless by the sheer brilliance of Spidey and tell DH we have to come back for another go later on. ‘Dr Doom’ asks DH. ‘No way’. Even I draw the line somewhere – but, nonetheless, I find myself standing in line for it. I really, really don’t want to ride but I did promise DH I would try everything. So, a couple of minutes later, I’m strapped in and sweating and shaking profusely. DH is finding it quite amusing. Suddenly, we’re shooting up and I can hear screaming – oops, it’s me! And then it’s over. I have to ride again to decide whether or not I liked it – and, actually, I did.

We miss out Storm Force and head off to Toon Lagoon, where we spot Popeye, Bluto and Olive Oyl so, obviously, I have to have my picture taken. As Betty Boop is there, I try to persuade DH to join in but he’s reluctant. Oh well. Off we go to Dudley Do-Right’s Ripsaw Falls. Again, we put our stuff in the lockers and we are about to enter when I see people taking their socks off. Hmmm, there must be a reason for this so I decide to follow suit and stuff my socks in the locker too. We have a 20 minute wait for the ‘Falls’ but it is well worth it. How wet are we?!?! In for a penny, in for a pound, we do the Bilge Rat Barges. I didn’t think we could actually get any wetter but we do. DH comments that he should have taken his pants off and I feel very grateful for my nice, dry socks. We decide we’ve had enough water for now and off we go to Jurassic Park.

We are just drying nicely when we reach the River Adventure so DH decides it’s time for another soaking! OH MY GOD, that drop. I don’t fancy that again – plus, my socks are now wet – great! I want to go on the Pteranadon Flyers but we don’t have kids so they won’t let us on. Boo, hiss! (Although, apparently, if you get there early they will let you go without kids!) We bypass the discovery centre, figuring we’ll dry quicker if we stay outside.

We reach the Lost Continent just as Sinbad is about to start so we get a drink and go to watch it. It’s great with some cool stunts and a few surprises. But we need thrills again now so it’s off to Duelling Dragons. Obviously, we have to ride both (twice!). I definitely prefer ‘Fire’.

In Seuss Landing, we ride Cat in the Hat and buy a ‘Thing 1’ t-shirt for DS. I want to go on ‘One Fish, Two Fish’ but DH insists it’s a kids ride. So I go on my own. OK, so I am going up and down in the right places so why am I getting wet? DH is happily taking pictures of me on the ‘baby ride’ to show DS when we get home. Great fun though.

So, now it’s getting late – about 3 – and I’m feeling peckish so we decide to try the Green Eggs and Ham, only to discover it’s closed. We settle for sharing a chicken strips meal in Captain America’s and then do another quick tour of Marvel Super Hero Island (Hulk and Spidey again) and head back to get the bus back to the hotel.

We discuss where to eat tonight and decide to take a walk down I-Drive a bit later and see what takes our fancy. After a lie down, a shower and change of clothes, we catch the trolley down to the Pointe. I want to go into FAO Schwarz but it’s closed. We marvel over the huge teddy bear and doll outside and wander round the Pointe for a while, then we stroll back up I-Drive. Neither of us will make a decision about where to eat so, yes, it’s Denny’s again – we really ought to broaden our horizons.

After that, it’s back to the hotel to watch telly and stuff our faces with Oreo Cookies.

Tomorrow – Epcot (the first taste of Disney).
Really enjoying your reports so far. Spidey blew my mind as well and don't even talk to me about how wet we got on those barges! Yes, spare clothing is always a good idea,

Claire xx
We got so wet on our IoA day, I thought I would never get dry ;) !!!!!!
enjoying your report

yes I am always up at five the first few mornings too
DH and DS(11) got so wet at IOA it was lucky we didn't want to use our "park free on return same day" voucher as it was just pulp! :rotfl2:
Enjoyed reading your report ~ Thanx for posting.
Lovely report. The first time we went to IoA in 2000, I made the mistake of wearing denim shorts, never again, they didn't dry out all day (it was in February). I love the Popeye ride.


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