Wilma-Bride's Trip Report - Sep 04 (Day 5)


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Jul 13, 2005
Fred and Wilma’s Honeymoon – 7-21 Sep 04


Me – Joh (31) – Slightly neurotic (DH would say very), VERY impatient and extremely over-exciteable
DH – Gary (37) – Pretty laid back, a bit of a ‘Peter Pan’, mad about Tigger!

Day 5 – Sat 11th Sep

Woke up really late this morning – 7am!!! I think maybe I am getting used to the time difference. Either that or I wore myself out yesterday.

As we are going to Wet ‘n’ Wild today, we decide to have a leisurely breakfast and wander down to Denny’s (surprise, surprise). DH has some sort of breakfast combo thing (are you gonna eat that or climb it?!) with 3 of the biggest pancakes I’ve ever seen. I settle for an omelette. Unfortunately, when it arrives I can’t eat it – the egg is practically raw. The server offers to get me another but, by now, I’ve lost my appetite.

After the short walk back to the hotel, we collect our stuff and cross the road to catch the I-Ride trolley up to Wet ‘n’ Wild.

We had wondered if visiting a water park on a Saturday might be a mistake as, apparently, the locals tend to hit the water parks at the weekends but the crowds weren’t too bad. We did most of the rides but I drew the line at Der Stuka and Bomb Bay (although DH did the former, even he balked at Bomb Bay). A thoroughly enjoyable few hours were spent. Highlights were the wave pool, the surge, black hole, fuji flyers and the storm.

By 3ish, we were hot, turning an attractive shade fo scarlet and ready for a lie down so it was back to the hotel for a nice cool shower, lashings of after-sun and a siesta.

We woke around 6 (OK, so how come I can’t sleep a wink at night but show me a bed in the afternoon and I’m snoozing like a baby?) After another quick shower, more after-sun and a nice cold drink, we decide to visit Wonderworks. We figure we can kill an hour or so there, then have a leisurely dinner and a couple of drinks before returning for an early night. So, it was a bit of a shock to the system when we finally left at almost 10 pm. There was so much to do and see, you could easily spend half a day there. Some more highlights – the inversion tunnel, bed of nails, the floor piano, bubbles, create and ride your own rollercoaster and loads more. Apparently, there is also a very good magic show (The Outta Control Magic Show) and pizza dinner but DH doesn’t like pizza so we decide against it.

Having left later than we intended, we decide to have dinner At IHOP knowing it’s open late and only just across the road from our hotel. I don’t remember what we ate but it was nice (I don’t think we actually had a bad meal at all during our stay) but it was very chilly, due to the air conditioning, and I wished I’d brought a jumper. After that, we strolled up I-Drive for a little while, had a look in some of the shops and then headed back to the hotel for an early-ish night.
Enjoyed reading your report ~ Thanx for posting.


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