Wilma-Bride's Trip Report - Sep 04 (Day 6)


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Jul 13, 2005
Fred and Wilma’s Honeymoon – 7-21 Sep 04


Me – Joh (31) – Slightly neurotic (DH would say very), VERY impatient and extremely over-exciteable
DH – Gary (37) – Pretty laid back, a bit of a ‘Peter Pan’, mad about Tigger!

Day 6 – Sun 12th Sep

OK, so after a park free day I am ready to get back into it. And, in usual fashion, I am up at 5 again.

I manage to drag poor DH out of bed and we are showered, dressed and waiting for Mears by 8. DH has his (now obligatory) cup of tea while we wait. Mears arrives on time and we are off to Animal Kingdom. We head through the main gate and join the small crowd gathered at the entrance plaza. The characters arrive on the bus to announce the opening of the park, but we can barely see them over people’s heads. As the crowd surges forward, we hang back for a bit to wait for the throng to pass, then we make for Dinoland USA. We ride Dinosaur, which is excellent, and Primeval Whirl, which is a bit jerky but good fun. Then we walk over to Discovery Island, where we marvel at (and take hundreds of photos of) the Tree of Life. We both really enjoy It’s Tough to be a Bug (although the spiders freaked me out a bit!) In ‘Africa’, we ride Kilimanjaro Safaris – although I am not convinced that all the animals are real. The lion sat on top of the rock looks as though it hasn’t moved in months and I can’t quite figure out how they could have all these herbivores and carnivores in close proximity (although I have since heard that there are cleverly hidden partitions so they can’t get to each other). We take a stroll down the Exploration Trail and spend ages watching the gorillas. In Asia, DH decides it’s time for our customary soaking on Kali River Rapids, although we don’t actually get that wet.

The Festival of the Lion King is the only other thing we want to see here but it’s only just 12 and the next show doesn’t start till 2 so we decide to leave and spend the afternoon at MGM (I have waited long enough to ride Tower of Terror!) Unfortunately, we didn’t get to go back to AK, which is a real shame as I have since heard so many good things about FOTLK. Oh well, as good an excuse as any for ANOTHER trip!!!

We make it to MGM shortly after 1 and decide to eat first. I have a chicken tenders meal and DH has a foot-long hot dog, then it’s straight to Tower of Terror (with me thinking it might not be such a good idea on a full stomach). The wait time is showing 10 minutes but we probably wait less than 5. We have been looking forward to this ride for months and we are not disappointed. We ride again twice more – a different drop sequence each time – and then head next door to Rock n Roller Coaster. This ride is great too so we ride again. From there, we go to Star Tours. DH enjoys this but I’m not a great fan of simulators (even though I loved Mission:Space). We watch Muppet Vision (ace!) and then decide to go and see the Indiana Jones stunt show. This is a fantastic show with some pretty amazing special effects. By this time, it’s getting late so we have a go on The Great Movie Ride (gangsters version), back on TofT and RnRC, then watch Beauty and the Beast, which makes me cry.

Then it’s back to the hotel for a quick shower, change and (you guessed it) Dinner at Denny’s. We both have the Meat Lovers Skillet again. DH has pumpkin pie for dessert (which he pronounces a bit sweet) and I have my old faithful, Oreo Cookie Sundae. On the way back to the hotel, we pop into WalGreens and decide to get some pictures printed off the camera. The girl behind the counter is very helpful, downloads them onto a CD and tells us to come back and collect them tomorrow. We leave, having purchased some diet Cokes and Oreo cookies (mint flavour – yum) and spend the rest of the evening watching telly.
Enjoyed reading your report ~ Thanx for posting.
What a great day....:)

mint oreos....yummmy
Lovely report. We enjoyed watching the gorillas too. First time in the am we saw them they were inactive but we saw them on an afternoon another day and the 3 big males were having a whale of a time with a bin in the water. It was lovely seeing them moving around and interacting with each other. Saw them beat their chests which was amazing.


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