WISH Check-In Week of 2-24


<font color=blue>The TF is busy trying to tag peop
Sep 4, 2000
GOod Monday Morning WISHers!! How was your weekend!! Mine was ok. A really hard weekend to stick to things but it was ok. Well on the weight loss front I was kind of discouraged this week. After going to the gym 4 times and taking a nice long walk one day last week and sticking to my points I gained 1 1/2. I am hoping it is because of some muscle being added or because it was "THAT TIME" So lets hope this week is better!!

Well on the excercise front I went to Curves 4 times last week and am on my way out the door again!! WOOHOO!!!

Well it is almost the end of February already!! Can you believe it! I know that Spring Break is starting for many colleges and even some high schools!! Hard to believe we are already into Spring enough for spring break to be here.

So those of you with Kids who may be home soon for awhile or for those of you who will be on break soon how are you going to set yourself up to be successful with the change in schedule!!?? I know that for all of us it is hard when our schedule changes to make the adjustment to keep excercising and eating healthy!!

SO this weeeks question is how to be successful during temporary schedule changes!!

AS for me all I can do is hope that I have a little advance notice and plan for it! Try to make reasonable choices and try try try not to give into temptaion!! It is really hard though!!

Welcome to all the new WISHers!!

Good Luck everyone and Happy WISHing
I started WW last week. My beginning weight 150.

This morning...145.5! Woo! Hoo!

I know I won't lose this much every week. I always lose a lot the first week.

My plan is to stay on this until my trip to WDW 3/8-3/16. I always eat whatever I want at WDW. But, with all the walking I do I usually only gain 1 or 2 pounds.

Down 1.8 lbs at this week's weigh in. So I managed to lose the weight from last week and then some. Sometimes being a female stinks!:D

I had some good motivation this weekend. Went to the flower show and saw all the beautiful gardens and got myself fired up for some yard work this spring. That should help shed some more lbs...digging, planting, raking, etc.

I don't have much to say on the temporary schedule changes since mine is pretty stable right now. But I do keep some stuff in the freezer for those "ARRGHH! I forgot to plan dinner" nights. I love Trader Joe's and keep some of their pre-made entrees and meal helpers on hand. Things like chicken enchiladas, gyoza (for soups), egg rolls, stuff like that. They are quick, easy, and tasty without a lot of processing.
I had such a pleasent suprise this weekend.
I weigh in on Sunday mornings and since we were in Vegas last weekend I didn't weigh in, but I ate my fair share as we wandered through the resorts and casinos. So, when we came home tuesday I stepped on the scale "just to see" and wow, I had gained a 3.5 lbs. Ugh.
So, I just got back on track and on Sunday I was down 3 lbs from my Vegas high. Yahooo!
So, I am all set to get rid of that .5 lbs and then some that I gained in Vegas (was it the Diana Troi sundae at the Star Trek experience or the french pastries at the Paris casino?) ;)

I am ready for a great week!
Hi, everyone! I gained a pound this week also, but I am not going to let it get to me.

Have a great week.
I had a fairly good week and lost another pound! I am not losing by leaps and bounds, but I figure it took me 20 years to get here (I was thin when I graduated from college) so it will take me a while to get back to. Let's just hope it does not take 20 years.

Everyone have a good week.
Hi all! Weighed in today, a day early, since tomorrow's weather is supposed to be horrible. Good news is I lost 2.8 pounds. Bad news is how I did it: had my annual mammogram last Tues., my gyne called me Thurs. to say they found a lump, a "microcalcification". So I've been a nervous wreck, eating all kinds of junk (something about cheese curls has a soothing effect). Saw the gyne today so he could check it out, have a consultation scheduled with the surgeon this Thurs. and then I'll schedule the biopsy. So while I'm happy about the weight loss, I don't recommend this method of losing weight. On the plus side: I'm only 42, no history of breast cancer in my family, and we caught it early. Minus: the lump wasn't there in Dec. (my annual exam), I didn't feel it in Jan. when I checked myself, but now you can feel it, so it's grown fast. Keep me in your prayers, guys; I need all the help I can get!!
I have been thru this several times. All of mine have turned out to be cysts. My MD told me one time that if they grow that fast a lot of the time they are cysts. Hopefully yours will just be something like that. As a matter of fact I have to go tomorrow for the follow-up ultra sound on my breast since they saw something on my mammo. I am 99.9% sure it is the exact same thing they saw last year. (I have this feeling that they will be looking at it for the next 40 years!)
Thanks Carol---that's the kind of stuff I need to hear. I'm lucky there's no family history, but that also means there's nobody I can talk to who's been thru this before! None of my friends have either. I've done some research on the internet (the Susan G. Komen web site is awesome), but I forced myself to stop after the biopsy phase; I was getting too freaked out to read ahead about the stages of cancer and treatment. I'll deal with that IF I have to, and I hope and pray I don't have to.
The people in Tennessee are total snow wimps. School and WW are closed today. I was really hoping to get my 25 pound magnet. I'll be going out of town for the weekend and the food choices will be tricky.

Hopefully I'll pop in here tomorrow and be waving my magnet. :bounce:
Hi guys.

*Was doing Leslie Sansone 3 Miles yesterday for the first time. I mute her and turn on my own music. What she does is so easy that I can follow along even without hearing her. She has a little meter that tells you how far along you are. Listen to this: When the meter got to 2.5 yesterday, my first thought was, "Oh, no, I'm not ready to quit yet." Can you believe it??? The time spent exercising makes my stress disappear for a little while.

*I weighed in today but didn't stay for a meeting because the Thursday lady is terrible. I'm on Week 13 and I should just realize that my body loses tiny amounts one week and larger amounts the next. Today's weigh in said
down 5.4 for a total of 29 pounds lost since 12/3/01. I ran right past that 25 pound mark!!! It was so totally exciting and motivating.

Keep fighting!
That's Awesome Mom-to-3!! Congrats!! Hand in there everyone the weekend is here and this always seems to be our most challenging time!!!!


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