Wonder Land/Sea May 8-15 -- Day 2: FPs Rule

Ima Princess

Former CM: Thank you for calling Disney Resort Re
Feb 16, 2003
We woke with the sun and munched on our breakfasts in our room as we got ready. We were out the door before 9am. (Yes, I know that's not terribly early, but it worked for us) We headed to the Magic Kingdom for a day of fun! We parked farther away than I expected, so I was worried the park would be packed. We popped out the stroller, hopped on the tram and made our way to the ferry boat. I was so thankful to have the DIS stroller -- I had forgotten how much walking there is just from the car to Main Street! We made a beeline for Fantasyland and were there by 9:30 am. Our friends were delayed, so we waited 2 minutes to get on Snow White and then got right on the carousel. So far, so good! We then waited in line for Dumbo while waiting for our friends. They arrived just before DH and DD got to the front of the line, so they hopped in and joined them. As it turned out, that was our longest wait of the day! My worries of a crowded park weren't necessary. As they rode Dumbo, I got FastPasses for Peter Pan. After Dumbo, we took another quick carousel ride and then over to Small World. By then, Peter was ready for us -- what timing! On our way to ToonTown, we rode the Tea Cups and got FPs for Buzz. Man, I love FPs!

We hung around ToonTown for a while, toured Mickey & Minnie's houses and then waited in line to see Chip, Dale and Minnie. Dale was in rare form and teased DD until she was cracking up! Minnie gave us all big hugs and we left feeling refreshed. It's amazing what a little character and A/C can do for you! Off to rustle up some food. For some reason, I always wind up at Cosmic Ray's, which is one of my least favorite restaurants. Can anyone explain this to me? Anyway, we did find seats outside and had a marvelous view of the castle. Our Buzz FPs expired, so I got new ones that would be valid with only a short wait. We used the time to meet Ariel, who is so loved by all the kids. (Why did they turn off the water fountains in the grotto? What a relief those could've been on that steamy day!) DD could barely speak to Ariel and grinned from ear to ear when it was her turn. Then off the Buzz! DD protested this ride quite a bit and hid her eyes through most of it. I had a paltry score of 24,000 while DH racked up 145,000. The boy in the car in front of us had 215,000! Wow!

Our friends departed to get naps for their kids and we went to Frontierland. Much to our surprise, there were no FPs for Splash Mountain that day. We got FPs for Big Thunder Mountain RR before we got in SM's line. After a cooling splash, it was perfect timing for BTMR. I was little nervous about DDs reaction to this ride, but I didn't need to worry. Apparently, I'd forgotten that this is the same child who says, "Good speed, Mom! You passed another car!" as we drive through town. She loved it!

We proceeded to Adventureland to ride the Magic Carpets, go on the Jungle Cruise, meet Genie and Jasmine (after the MGM parade, she catapulted to the top of the required autograph list), have some Dole Whip and ride Pirates. DD protested the idea of the Haunted Mansion, so we let her choose the last ride. BTMR again! The line was short so we walked right on and she hooped and hollared with joy as we rode the 2nd time. The final stop was shopping and meeting lots of characters on Main Street. After the ferry, tram and drive to the hotel, it was already 7:45pm. We all craved the pool, so we ordered pizza delivered to the quiet pool and went for a swim. We devoured the pizza and climbed into bed after dropping the DIS stroller off at the Front Desk. We only had the stroller for 24 hours, but what a blessing it was. BTW, the DIS stroller is becoming well-known. When DH dropped it off, the FD person asked, "Is this that stroller that's been going around??" :D
I've read all your reports and enjoyed them! But what is the "DIS" stroller? My stroller days are long past so I've obviously missed something!:p
On the Disney Budget board, a couple of DIS'ers have organized a "stroller swap." One family donated a high-quality stroller that is being shared among our DIS members during visits to WDW. It's only been going on for a couple months, but the stroller already has a reputation! :)
Thank you so much for your cruise reports. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your family's adventures. I cannot wait to take our cruise next year. HOpe your next cruise comes quickly!


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