Wonder Land/Sea May 8-15 -- Days 6 & 7: Hats are Helpful

Ima Princess

Former CM: Thank you for calling Disney Resort Re
Feb 16, 2003
I woke early and found the secluded deck on 7 aft. What a great view of Castaway Cay! The next time we cruise, I'll request a room on 7aft because it was so wonderful! I wandered up to BBB to get some pastries, fruit, juice and coffee and bring it back to the room. Many of my elevator companions are jealous of DH and DD getting breakfast in bed.

After eating, we slather ourselves with SafeSea, a sunscreen that also protects from sea lice and jellyfish, don our bathing suits and prepare to leave. But where is DD's KTTW card? We frantically search and after multiple searches finally find the card. Now DH and I are both Grumpy as we prepare to disembark. Not a great start. One whiff of that sea air and view of that beautiful island and we're Happy once again! We mail postcards and meet Donald before posing for photos and boarding the tram. We borrow sand toys from Scuttle's Cove (great tip!) and quickly find chairs with an umbrella. DH runs off to get floats and snorkle gear. He jokes about this being a "private island for you and 2600 of your friends" but I do not feel at all cramped like I did our first day onboard. We go for a quick swim, but DD wants to collect shells and DH wants to snorkle. We split up for a while and meet before lunch. DH returns without the underwater camera (Hello?!) and I realize I've lost DD's Jasmine sunglasses (yes, THE sunglasses from MGM's parade!) so I cannot reprimand him despite my urge to do so. Ugh. He retraces his steps and miraculously recovers the camera! Well, we'll find out for sure if it's ours when the photos come back… The Jasmine sunglasses, though, remain missing. :(

Lunch is plentiful, tasty and free, and we enjoy it. DH had the lobster burger and I had a regular burger -- perfect beach food! DD desires to pick all the flowers on the island after she finishes her hot dog and fruit, but we persuade her to go snorkeling instead. I shop while DH & DD snorkel. I find a great frame that will be a perfect CC memory and new sunglasses (sans Jasmine) for DD. I decide to snorkel also, but by now the water is murky and I'm a little nervous snorkling by myself. (Tip: snorkle early before the sand gets stirred up) So I putz around in the water until a gentleman says, "Hey, do you want to see a stingray? It’s right underneath me!" to which I reply, "Uhhhh, I don't think so!" and paddle to shore. Score -- Stingray: 1 Me: 0

I stash the snorkeling gear, grab the float and meet up with DD and DH. We play on and around the float for a while taking lots of photos and enjoying our time on the island. Around 2pm we gather our things and start back to the ship. Once onboard, DD takes a bath and a nap. DH takes a shower and discovers he didn't wear his hat as often as he should have. I look at his scalp and wince as it is the color of the flowers DD wanted to pick. DH leaves for his massage and I take a shower and nap. Ahhhhh.

We're awake in time to drop DD off at the kids club to have dinner with her friends. DH and I enjoy some time relaxing on deck 7 aft and then pick up DD for Hercules. She is a HUGE fan of Megara, so this is the perfect show for her. We get great seats and she is delighted. The moment the show ends, she asks for the kids club, so off we go.

DH and I ready ourselves for Tritan's and enjoy a meal without conversations centered around animated characters. After dinner, we watch the dueling pianos show and then attempt to pick up DD from the club, but she hides from us and does not want to leave. We promise to bring her back tomorrow and she relents. We browse the navigator and get some sleep.

Day 7: Burned but Beautiful

Well, we discover in the morning that we got more sun than we thought, so instead of getting into bathing suits, we wear clothes instead. Imagine! We have breakfast at BBB where DD is thrilled to have a Mickey waffle. I am sad to see no cheese danish, so I rely on the cherry danish to soothe me. DD is off to the kids club once again and DH and I try Disney Trivia. It turns into a team effort and we are paired with a childless couple and a woman whose grown kids are still sleeping. There are 25 questions -- our team got 20 right plus 1 bonus point for the winning score of 21! The top 3 teams are awarded prizes and are given the distinction of being "Disney Freaks Who Have No Life." :p The childless couple refutes this branding as they knew very few answers, but succumb when they see the prizes. We receive gold medals, pins, key chains and travel mugs. Hooray!

DD is back from the kids club while the club eats lunch. We ate a late breakfast, so there was no point in an early lunch for her. I attend the debarkation talk and shop while DH & DD watch a movie. We lunch at Triton's together and then back to the kids club for fun with Aladdin. DH & I sadly pack for our impending departure and ready ourselves for our early dinner at Palo. What a fabulous meal! All the desserts I skipped are more than made up for with the fantastic food and amazing souffle! We leave the restaurant with full bellies and happy thoughts. What a perfect last dinner! A quick change and we pick up DD and go to the family dueling piano show where she boogies on stage with other kids. Then off to see Disney Dreams show where we again get great seats. (I highly recommend sitting on the aisle on the left side!) DD is thrilled to see so many princesses and favorite characters. (She will proclaim for the next few nights that she had Disney Dreams while she slept.) :) DD is shocked to hear she will not be going to the kids club as we head to our room to finish packing and go to bed.
Thank you for sharing your trip. You are a fabulous writer!


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