W's go West, TR Day 2, San Francisco


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
Day 2, San Francisco

We were all awake and moving by 7am, and by moving I mean managed to drag our bums to the living area and put the coffee machine on ;) We sat round watching morning TV eating the bagels we bought the night before and decided what to do this morning.

We are Disney nuts, you can imagine where we wanted to go first... Walt Disney Family Museum of course! It didn't open until 10am and currently it was about 8am so we had a bit of time to kill before so we decided to do part of the 49 mile drive, starting the drive part way through at Golden Gate Park. We got dressed and ready to go and were soon on the road. What we didn't know at this time was that we were starting the drive at the most difficult part which was the most badly sign-posted. Damn. So we kinda just drove around for a bit till we got bored and then went off in search of the Museum. I dunno where my head was at this morning, but I left my ipad in the condo which had the Navmii app on for us to get around, i'm gonna blame it on the jetlag ;) so we were trying to navigate round using the useless map Alamo gave us. I knew the general area where the museum was so we headed in that direction, we stumbled across an amazing place to get some pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge so not to pass up a photo op we got out and took a bazillion pictures! I won't bore you with them all, just a couple of highlights.


We then pulled round the corner and found an even better place to get pictures without the crowds so we took even more pictures...


Back in the car we made our way to the museum and found it without too much trouble considering I only knew the rough area lol

Like any Disney nut, we loved the museum. We spent about 2 & ½ hours in there, though it got to the point where my brain was full and I couldn't take anymore in. Jane was a little bored at first but once it got onto the films she was more interested. I would definitely go back to look and take in more than I did this time. If we find ourselves in SF again (which is highly likely as we are thinking of stopping over there on the way to Hawaii) we will definitely make another visit.


Prepare for picture overload, if you aren't Disney mad then feel free to skim past, I won't blame you ;) but for like minded people I'm sure you will enjoy!
















Whoa, that was a lot of pics! And that's not even half of them hehehe
Once finished we went for a drive to find some lunch :D Those bagels felt like a lifetime ago. Sy had a vague idea of a sandwich shop he wanted to go to, we drove past and it was packed which of course meant it had to be good but we were hungry and didn't want to wait so we went in search of somewhere else, and found Mel's Diner :)

A couple of pics of the hills we drove past, they have to be seen to be believed! Here's one of them.


We were seated right away in Mel's and ordered some drinks.



I got a chicken sandwich


Sy got a french dip

Jane went for a hot dog

Jane and Sy loved theirs but I wasn't keen on mine, I didn't realise it would be chicken mush with loads of other stuff in it including raw onion. Ah well.

Jane and I went to use the restroom leaving Sy to pay the check ;) and we then made our way back out to the car. There was free wifi in Mel's so I was able to bring up the 49 mile drive on my phone and screen grabs of where we were going. First stop was the Palace of Fine Arts. It was very pretty! If we had time, I would have loved to go inside but we settled for a selfie from across the lake.


We then drove along to Coit Tower. The view was pretty amazing from up there!


We drove through Chinatown and Japan Town before finding ourselves on Lombard Street right by the famous zig-zag street. There were loads of people gathered there taking pictures. We actually found it by driving up rather than down the wiggly bit so we parked the car and got out with some difficulty. For anyone who hasn't been or doesn't know the road, its steep, its like really steep, scarily steep! The pictures don't do it justice at all. It felt like the car could roll over and roll down the hill! Took some pictures.






We then drove along to the seafront, past Pier 39 and Fisherman's wharf and right beside the Bay Bridge. We turned around and parked up in Fisherman's Wharf and hopped out in search of somewhere to grab a drink. We ended up in a bar called Jake's.


We felt much better with a drink inside us so we then went for a wander to Ghiardelli Square. The doorman on the Argonaut stopped us to chat and comment on Sy's sore looking leg (from where he fell up the stairs) asked us if we would like him to get a first aid kit for it - how sweet?! Sy assured him he was a big tough man and would be fine ;) He did point us in the right direction of the square though so we got there quickly.

We stopped on the way to get a picture of a cable car (which we never got round to riding :( boo! We just ran out of time)

There was some work going on in the square so it looked a bit meh. I certainly didn't see the appeal however we went into the chocolate shop to mooch around.

Not gonna lie, I wanted to stick my head under there...


We got some ice creams and headed across the street to watch the water (and the crazy swimmers) while we ate them.

The view



It was soooo much ice cream! We only had 1 scoop each!! I ended up feeding some of my cone to the pigeons and then we watched for ages while they fought over who got which bit LOL small things eh?! It was really funny at the time, must've been the jet lag and sugar combination LOL

When we had finished bird watching we made our way back to the car, I then gave Jane another giggle. I had rubbish that I wanted to put in the bin, only the bin had a lid on it and it was dirty... Jane said she could see the inner turmoil in my face, I didn't want to carry the rubbish but I didn't want to touch the bin, I stood there a few minutes debating what I was going to do before deciding to use the bin but then dive into my handbag for the hand sanitiser after hehehehe.

Walking back to the car a drunk man (homeless I think) came out of a liquor store and started yelling at me and Jane (Sy was walking slightly ahead of us) we just kept our heads down and picked up the pace but it did upset me and make me all nerves.

We drove round some more but we were all flagging a bit so before long we headed back to the condo. We stopped at the seafront and took some pictures of the sun setting across the sea, it was beautiful.



The ruins of the old baths

We decided to skip dinner as we were all still full from ice cream but Sy got hungry a bit later and went to grab something from the supermarket. We managed to make it to 10:30pm before finally admitting defeat and heading to bed.
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A lovely day! Thanks for sharing all the pics from the museum! It looks amazing. As do those roads! I don't think I'd have the courage to drive up and down hills like that, so pat on the back to Sy! :goodvibes

Claire :)


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