XT Sports Mode problem


<font color=green>Willing to share a Mickey Bar?<b
Jun 25, 2004
Ok, just on Day 1 with the new toy, but need to know how to shoot DS's baseball tournie this weekend! I have a Rebel XT, using a Sigma 18-125 lens.

I tried out the sports mode with rapid shots tonight. The pics are awful; blurry. I just took some practice shots of my kids doing jumping jacks, my own foot bobbing up and down. All blurry. Is it because:

1. low light? This is at night, indoors, no flash.
2. my lens isn't fast enough?
3. shaky hands, maybe?
4. I just have no business holding a camera???

Curiously, when I shot my bobbing foot on auto, not sports (hence there was flash), much better.

If it's a night time thing, most of thie tournie will be in daylight.

Should I skip the auto sports mode and go manual? If so, can you dumb it down for me? :joker:

THANK YOU! :worship: :rainbow:
I think it is safe to assume the baseball game will be outdoors. The light will be much better even on an overcast day. I would shoot in Av and choose a low aperture, bump the iso to 400. Check the histogram to determine if you need any exposure compensation. Set the focus to servo mode and bring lots of batteries.

sports mode locks in the ISO at 400 and puts the focus into AI Servo mode - which lets the AF intelligently adjust based on someone moving toward or away from you.

baseball is not a sport that is going to need AI Servo, except when people are running the bases. generally, shots of baseball consist of the batter or the pitcher. i'd recommend using AV mode, choosing a single AF point (off centre is best for properly framing your shots). adjust the iso as necessary to keep your shutter speed up.
In my opinion you really will need a longer lens, unless kids are really young(smaller fields).

I always shoot full manual but you dont have to. Try to achieve at least 1/800th shutter, faster if possible for high school level and it can be a bit slower for younger kids. It is possible to get ISO 100 if it is a bright sunny day. Shoot burst mode.



Thanks, you guys are great (but I don't recommend you teach kindergarten)! I'll print out your responses, check my handy XT gospel ("field guide on how to use your rebel xt" or something like that) and study hard between now and Saturday!

I agree re: the lens; I already can tell the 18-125 is not strong enough zoom for my tastes/needs. But that's another thread for another day.

anewman, LOVE those pitcher shots. Is that a postproduction maneuver, or does your camera have some sort of a setting for continuous motion? :smooth:

Thanks for the feedback, y'all!
PoohJen said:
anewman, LOVE those pitcher shots. Is that a postproduction maneuver, or does your camera have some sort of a setting for continuous motion? :smooth:
Thanks, It is the merging of shots done with photoshop.


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