"YARC" Post of the Week, Fit for Living


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
Yesterday Erica and I got a call from another internet friend from Robert's RunningDisney Forum. Her and her hubby were going to Mammouth cave for a day trip. Since we live only 30 min from there we drove up and spent the day with them.

The cave tour we took was a easy two hour walk but with lots of ducking your head, real low bending and some places you had to turn sidways to get through. A lot of the people on the tour had a very hard time, some to the point of panic. Erica had to stay with one gentleman and keep him calm since he was freaking badly.

This made me think about something I wanted to share. Our training puts us in much better shape to handle whatever life throws at us. There is a lot on the news about unexpected and deadly situations. Like that bridge breaking apart, the killing storms, floods ect.....

A person with a strong body and good endurance will have a much better chance to not only survive, but to help others in a dangerous emergency. Your hard won fitness may be the difference between surviving an emergency or becoming a victim.

We may not realize it at the time but those times in training or raceing when we have to dig deep just to take another step is building our toughness and our courage. So that should you get in a life threatening situation you will already know how to not give up.

Feel free to comment or share an experience.

My friend, Katwalks (Kathy) had just such an experience! Her car slid on the pavement when she was attempting to pass another car on a very dangerous road in Colorado. He car went down the embankment flipping and finally landed upright in the Arkansas River which was swollen with rain. THis is the part of the river system that is very famous for rough rapid river rides! Anyway, she was able to get over the seat into the backseat to get out of her totaled car. She managed to not even get her feet wet!

I asked her what would have happened if she had still weighed 75 lbs more. Kathy felt certain that if she had survived the wreck, she could not have possibly freed herself and would have been seriously injured! I am so grateful to still have my friend to share things with. :grouphug:
Connie, thank you for sharing Kathy's story. I to am glad she is ok. When we meet her at Disney in Oct we will give here an extra hug for her courage.

Yesterday Erica and I got a call from another internet friend from Robert's RunningDisney Forum. Her and her hubby were going to Mammouth cave for a day trip. Since we live only 30 min from there we drove up and spent the day with them.

More than just internet friend I hope!!! We had a wonderful time with you and Erica. It's always good to see you guys.....only 5 months and we can have some more fun. Unforgetable tour....yummy turkey wrap....and good friends. What more can you ask for-----oh yeah, and fitness to boot!

More than just internet friend I hope!!! We had a wonderful time with you and Erica. It's always good to see you guys.....only 5 months and we can have some more fun. Unforgetable tour....yummy turkey wrap....and good friends. What more can you ask for-----oh yeah, and fitness to boot!


Hey Jen glad to see you over here.

Guys this is Jen, she will be doing the Donald in January and I'm gonna put a WISH shirt on her. Very warm, witty and all around great lady, I'm trying to get her to stop over and see us more often.:hug:

OK, this is not nearly as dramatic, but same basic idea...

We were walking on the beach this weekend. We go about 2 miles from home when the light mist we've been experiencing turns into a more significant drizzle. Finally, as we turn around, it's just flat out raining. I'm pushing our 17 month old in the jogging stroller. After a mile, we decide the bambino is getting pretty wet even with his visor thing (he's loving getting wet, but still).

DH turns to me a mile from home and says "we need to get him back to the house... maybe you should run." And I look at him as I am soaking wet, in my regular cotton shorts and shirt and flip-flop Crocs, and after a second I say "huh, ok." The rest of the family is just going to drag in, because we are with relatives who were worn out just from the beach walk! :rolleyes1

I take off squishing in my wet Crocs. I have a death grip on the stroller to compensate for the shoes- but I make it home with no problem. I wasn't even out of breath (ok, I wasn't fast because I was terrified I'd trip, but I ran the whole way).
Seeing Dave's post made me laugh, because I was thinking that there are some practical benefits to this training nonsense! :rotfl: Oh, and the baby thought the wet running topped off the perfect day...

Jen in GA
Jen in Ga, this time it was not a life threatening emergency but if it had been you could have kicked off those crocks and took care of business if you had to.

Never underestimate the most awesome power on the planet, the power of a mom protecting her family.

Well, this isn't life threatening or anything but after running my 1/2 marathon on Sunday, I not only felt great but was able to spend the day walking, going to the beach and then walking to the after-event concert 2 miles away! (((and walk back!)))) When I was 231 pounds, I couldn't have done one of those things without a large amount of effort!

I find that I enjoy myself alot more being active, and I don't drag myself around anymore. My kids have a 'fun' mom instead of the couch potato I used to be!!!! They are grateful to have a mom who is playing with them in the ocean instead of watching from the beach!!!

Well, this isn't life threatening or anything but after running my 1/2 marathon on Sunday, I not only felt great but was able to spend the day walking, going to the beach and then walking to the after-event concert 2 miles away! (((and walk back!)))) When I was 231 pounds, I couldn't have done one of those things without a large amount of effort!

I find that I enjoy myself alot more being active, and I don't drag myself around anymore. My kids have a 'fun' mom instead of the couch potato I used to be!!!! They are grateful to have a mom who is playing with them in the ocean instead of watching from the beach!!!


Yea Baby!! You are setting a positive example for them also.

Were your kids suitably impressed, creativebeth? Because that much walking after a half seriously impresses me!

Jen in GA
Not really. I don't think they remember 'fat-lazy' mom anymore. They sort of expect it. It was also my 6th 1/2 marathon, so they don't think much of that anymore either! Live by example, I say all the time. But, sometimes I do point it out to them that they should be impressed! Especially since my oldest was complaining about being 'tired' of walking so much. I pointed out that I walked with them all day AFTER completing 13.1 miles! Again, they were not impressed!

Not really. I don't think they remember 'fat-lazy' mom anymore. They sort of expect it. It was also my 6th 1/2 marathon, so they don't think much of that anymore either! Live by example, I say all the time. But, sometimes I do point it out to them that they should be impressed! Especially since my oldest was complaining about being 'tired' of walking so much. I pointed out that I walked with them all day AFTER completing 13.1 miles! Again, they were not impressed!


That's ok Beth, we are impressed.

Kim: Kudos to you.....I am petrified of my car plunging into water ever since I saw "Carnival of Souls" (who remembers that one?) You really kept your wits about you.

Jen: way to go, girl!

Beth: I met you......I can't believe you were ever 231 pounds! And now you're doing marathons left and right! As Borat would say,"Great success!"


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