"YARC" Post of the Week, Game of Life


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
You all know people who were just disgustingly happy all the time? They are not the best looking or the richest. You wonder what they are smoking before they come to work.

What is really going on, what is the secret to real happiness. (I'm one of those people who are disgustingly happy, but not pretty or rich, so I feel qualified to speak on this subject).

We are delt a hand of cards in this game of life and we have to play what we have. It's not like we can fold and start over, we have one shot. So we can choose to play our best game with the cards we have or we can morn the fact that our hand wasn't better.

No matter how much or how little we have there are plenty of people who have more or less than us. There are always people better looking and people who are not as good looking. There are people who are heavier than us and people who are leaner than we are.

In order to find happiness in your own skin, you have to accept who you are and you have to accept others for who they are. You have to accept them and yourself unconditionally. You don't have to like who they are or what they do but you have to accept that everyone has worth and is worth respect unless they forfit that respect with their actions.

You have a lot of options you can play with your cards. You may not have movie star looks but you can have a caring heart and an attitude that eveyday is special and worth living it to the fullest. You can let the people you are around all day know, by your actions and attitude toward them that you respect them. Respect is earned and you must earn your own respect before you can expect others to respect you.

When you wake up in the morning, have a plan for the day, but and this is an important but, have a flexiable plan. Things don't always go as planned so be prepared to adjust your plans if you need to, then you won't be so stressed if your plans are interupted.

Don't be devastated by the hurdles life throws at you. Do the best you can and accept that you did. A lot of things are just not in our hands to change. If you can say to yourself "I did the best I could", then accept that.

Our races we do are a good way for us to focus a part of our lifes. They give us a goal to work toward and a reward for doing good.

Have a wonderfull week WISH friends and remember that you are very special and to someone you mean everything.:cloud9:

"YARC" Panda:hippie:
Awesome words Happy Panda, but never forget the power to choose! :love:

We can wake up every single day and CHOOSE to be happy! It's very often that easy. When we choose to hold a pity party, the only folks that ever show up are just looking for the free beer.

My hubby marvels at my ability to be happy. The other day my trusty marathon Mickey watch was chiming on the hour. He asked me what the noise was. I said that it was my watch, it chimes every hour on the hour. He then asked me if it bothered me. I told him that the first couple of times it did, but now it was actually quite handy and I liked it, and besides I didn't have a clue how to turn it off! :rotfl:

Make a happy day, Y'all -- Connie
You hit the nail right on the head. I have tried to think for the last 24 hours of someway to add to what you said but I can't. It was perfect.

I know for myself, people always ask me why am I smiling all the time or be willing to volunteer my time to help out complete strangers. Well, each of us as individuals have our on calling and I have always felt like my calling was one of servitude. I also believe that God will never put more on you than what you can handle. He will test you but not make you crumble. We all have our own way that we can be of service but what is really exciting is that when you put all of our specialties together, we can make a difference in this game of life.

I hope I didn't ramble too much and for that matter, did I keep this relative to the topic??:confused3 :confused:
Thank you Bryan and Connie for your input.

To expand on something you said Bryan. I never sell anything, except when we are buying a new car or house. When we don't need or want something we have anymore we give it away. I have one friend who has all kinds of high tech running gadgets I bought and didn't care for. Including a treadmill and a heart rate monitor.

I have a co worker who thinks I'm stupid for giving stuff away instead of selling it on E Bay. She just doesn't get it. I'm thinking you do.

YARC Panda:hippie:
You can sell stuff on Ebay???? :upsidedow I always thought you just gave it to someone who could use it or donated it to the Salvation Army! :confused3
Hi Panda!

Just sitting here with my half-full glass...you are absolutely right, we do determine if we are happy or miserable. We can't control some things that happen to us, but we can control how we react. In the immortal words of Monty Python, "Always look on the bright side of life"....

Outstanding oh wise Panda.

I can relate for sure, works for me, and that's alright.

Yes Always Look on the Bright Side of life. got that one on the Ipod for running, just smile and kick it a little higher gear.

Can't wait till tomorrow cause it has yet to be lived in.


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